Part 7.1: "Just Answer the F***ing Question"

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"Open the fucking door!" someone shouts at 8 am in the morning.

Sam peeks out of his room, wide eyed, half naked, and probably hungover. "Holy shit, are we getting robbed?"

"The robbers wouldn't be knocking and yelling," I mutter as I go to open the front door to a very ticked off Jaxson. "What are you doing here?"

He pushes past me, so he's in my apartment, pacing around, glaring at me. "What the fuck is wrong with your fucking phone?"

Sam watches with wide eyes.

"Uhh, Sam. Can you give us a minute?" I ask, and my friend goes back into his room reluctantly. I turn my attention back to Jaxson. "Nothing's wrong with my phone, it's working just fine."

"Then you're just ignoring my calls and texts?"

I shrug.

His eyes flash dangerously. God, the man has a temper. "Well, I'm here now, so you have to answer – were you at Heat last night?"

I blink. "What? How did – "

"Just answer the fucking question."

I glare at him. "It's none of your business if I was there or not."

"Are you hearing yourself? We've agreed that – "

"We have agreed to be exclusive and spend some time together. Apparently, that doesn't include questions about what the other one is up to in the meantime."

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't ask me what I did last night because I can't ask you who was on the phone yesterday and where you went after that."

He purses his lips. "For the love of – is that what this is all about?"

I shrug.

"Tell me what you did at Heat last night and I'll tell you where I went."

"And you'll tell me who told you I was at Heat."

"Remy, you're walking a fine line here. Be very careful where you step, baby."

"I don't like the way that sounded... Daddy."

He huffs a breath and looks away. "You're insufferable. Tell me, did you sign the contract just so that you can make me crazy for the next six months?"

"No," I say. "I signed the contract so we could have some fun."

"Are you sure you know the meaning of the word?"

Deflating, I lean back on my door. "I don't know, Jaxson. I just... it's hard for me to do this, okay? It's not exactly what I'm used to."

He snorts. "You're telling me."

We calm down for a minute, so I decide to tell him, "I sometimes go to clubs with Sam, but not to do anything with anyone, just to dance."

He nods.

"Okay, now's your turn."

"My lawyer called me yesterday to inform me that my previous boy, Billie, has been nagging him for more money or something, I don't know. I told him I would take care of it, and I went and did that. It turns out he just wanted to be an annoying little bitch, seeking attention."

"So... did you...?"

"Did I what?" he says dryly. "Did I violate our contract?"

I purse my lips.

"Are we doing this, Remy? I mean, really doing this. Because you signed the contract, and yet, I feel like you're still trying to get out of it. Now, I can tell you that never, not once, have I violated a written contract, nor will I in the future, not for anything or anyone. When I signed it, I very seriously limited myself to having sex with one boy – you. Isn't that enough for you?"

"I'm sorry," I say honestly and go to him. "It's just that I know what you're used to, and I keep feeling like I'm not going to be enough."

Yes, I said it. Finally.

He groans. "Baby, are you kidding? You're worth more than all of those boys out there, clamoring for anyone's attention. You're worth more because you're mine, only mine. I want you to stop doubting me and start trusting your Daddy."

"Will you start trusting me?" I ask.

He nods slowly. "All right, we can both trust each other, yes?"

"Yes," I say and let Jaxson pull me closer to him. It takes him no time to pull me in his lap and knead my ass, making me laugh. I bury my face in his neck, where he smells amazing, and I just enjoy the quiet moment.

"Now, can we maybe go some time without yelling?" he says. "I think there are much more pleasurable things we can do with our mouths."

I laugh and kiss his lips quickly. "I'm listening."

"Mmm," he hums as he kisses my neck and sucks on it. "I'm going to take you somewhere. Show you off a little. How about it?"

Pouting, I say, "I thought we were going back to your place."

He touches my bottom lip with his thumb. "We will, baby, but Daddy has to do some work first, and by the way, so do you."

"Oh shit, I forgot," I mutter, making him laugh. "Stop, it's not funny, I should start getting ready."

He holds me back and kisses me on the mouth roughly, pressing insistently and holding me there for a few seconds. When he lets go of me, I gasp. Smirking, he smacks my ass and says, "Go get ready, baby. I'll see you tonight."

"Okay," I whisper, a little dazed.

He laughs, the bastard, and he leaves the apartment.

Sam pokes his head out of his room and smiles. "Okay now, you have to tell me everything. How big is his dick? How hard does he fuck? Does he bareback? Where does he take you? Tell me everything and leave nothing out."

I make myself coffee and tell Sam I don't kiss and tell.

Eek, so what do you think? Will they be able to start trusting each other or will they fail miserably? :D

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Eek, so what do you think? Will they be able to start trusting each other or will they fail miserably? :D

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