Part 17.2: Am I dead?

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Life with Jaxson is always exciting.

For a few weeks after we amend the contract, we fall into a pattern – we wake up, we have sex, we go to work or study, then we get together and go places. Sometimes it's a restaurant, other times it's the aquarium or a gallery, and sometimes he takes me to another state or even country over the weekend. (I just had to update my passport real quick, and after that it was smooth sailing.)

We went to Paris, where we visited the Louvre; Venice, where we jumped into a gondola and went around the canals; Barcelona, where we saw the Gaudi Apartments; Amsterdam, where we visited the sex museum –

That one was hilarious, think giant penises jizzing all over you –

And every time we did something together, it brought us closer. I really felt like I was in a relationship with the man, not his money.

Sometimes we won't go anywhere but stay home and have sex all day long.

Either way, I felt like we were heading in the right direction. Which is why I feel totally blindsided when I open the door to Jaxson's apartment – I've been staying here more and more lately, even during the day – and see his assistant Simon, who's not alone, but with a fifty-something man in a suit who looks stern.

I frown. "Hey Simon, what's up?"

I haven't seen Simon since that day when he came here to grab Jaxson, and Jaxson hasn't brought me to his work yet, but I trust him, and besides, I understand that mixing the personal with the professional is awkward for anyone, so I let him keep his separate compartments.

"This is Mr. Delaney, he's Jaxson's lawyer. He's drafted a proposal for you, based on your latest contract with Jaxson."

"Uhh..." What? "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

Simon walks in haughtily together with the lawyer and explains, "The contract you drafted previously no longer works for Jaxson. He needs a specific date of termination and a specific sum to be paid out at the end."

Don't cry, don't cry, and don't punch the guy.

"Jaxson never said anything about any of that."

Simon looks at me in this condescending way, like he feels sorry for me and like he's done this a hundred times with other guys. "Look, this is standard, all right? Jaxson needs to make sure that you don't overstay your welcome and that you don't ask for more money than he is willing to give."

"He's not giving me any money," I mutter.

Simon scoffs, rolling his eyes. Meanwhile, the lawyer, Mr. Delaney, is waiting on the dining table, having pulled out a document, which I assume is the new contract, with a deadline and everything. But why didn't Jaxson tell me this himself? Why send his assistant? Has all of our progress been in my head? Is it possible that Jaxson's getting tired of me? What's happening?

Don't cry, for the love of all small animals.

"The faster you sign this, the sooner we can all go back to our jobs. Well, we can, I assume you don't have one," Simon says, becoming my new least favorite person. Jesus, that guy really has a problem with me.

"Okay fine," I mutter, "I'll just call Jaxson real quick."

Simon frowns. "Why? What's the point? He sent me here to get this done. He won't like that you're questioning his decision."

"He knows I never do anything I'm told," I say, find my phone, and dial Jaxson real quick. If he thinks I'm going to roll over because he told me to, I'm going to do the opposite and get all up in his face, damn it. He can't dismiss me like this and not even speak to me directly.

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