Part 7.2: "It's a Kinky Place, Baby"

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The delivery guy drops off some clothes again. This time they're not fancy, but what looks like club-ware. There's torn jeans cut off at the knee, a loose tank top that dips down both front and back, revealing more of my chest and back, and chucks that make me look like a teenage skater boy.

I laugh at the image in the mirror. Definitely different from last time.

And I definitely feel more comfortable now.

Jaxson appears in the limo and as soon as I get inside, he pulls me on his lap and starts kissing my neck and kneading my ass. It's like this every time, so it relaxes me. I melt in his strong arms.

"Fuck, baby, you're making Daddy so hard right now."

I feel hot, is it hot in here?

"And that fucking skin of yours is making me crazy. I want you to only blush for Daddy, okay baby?"

"It's not like I'm controlling it," I mutter.

"You're going to do your best, though, right baby? For Daddy?"

I laugh. "Fine, I'll try."

Satisfied with my answer, he goes back to kissing my neck, my clavicle, rubbing his hands under my tank top, making me crazy.


"Only Daddy can make you feel this good, right baby?"

"Yes, Daddy," I whisper as he continues to kiss and knead and rub, but then suddenly, he stops.

"Ngh! Why did you stop?"

He laughs. "Because we're here."

"We should have just gone to your place and then to the club after."

"I'm thinking you're right, but we're here already. Let's stay for a bit and then Daddy's going to have you all to himself later."

I sigh. "Fine."

He whispers in my ear, "You can't wait to get Daddy inside you, can you?"

I flush. Fuck.

He chuckles darkly and we exit the car. There's a tall three-floor brick building with a single red sign that says ENTER. Weird.

We go closer and there's a gate with a small sliding window. As soon as Jaxson presses a small button, the window slides, revealing a grumpy man in his forties. He looks at Jaxson and me, and the door opens. Inside there's dimmed red light and club music. I let Jaxson lead me into the belly of the beast.

And it's... amazing.

Most people are half naked. There are sexy half-naked dancers on podiums, in cages, and overall everywhere. It's a club, but it's sexier.


"What is this place, Daddy?" I ask.

He licks his lips and leans over to answer, "It's a kinky place, baby."

I smile and I look everywhere.

"Do you like it?"

Speechless, I nod. I've never been in a place like this. Normally, I would be nervous, but since I'm here with my Daddy, I'm just curious.

He grabs my hand and takes me to a closed off section, where the word VIP is engraved everywhere. The man who guards it gives a nod to Jaxson and lets us pass, and soon we're sitting at one of the few VIP tables overlooking the entire dance floor. I look at the half-naked men and women, but mostly men, gyrating under the music and against one another.

"Baby," Jaxson whispers, so I look at him, looking at me curiously. As usual, he pulls me in his lap, even though there's plenty of space to sit.

I bite my lip and straddle him.

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