Part 15: "F*ck Buddy?"

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That Saturday Jaxson surprises me by showing up in the morning with coffee and delicious pastries. He looks relaxed, he's smiling, and he sneaks kisses whenever he can, so I just decide to stop thinking and ride the wave while I can. Being doted on feels so good and I let myself have it for the moment. So what if this doesn't last? Not everything has to last to be good. I think this is what Sam has been trying to tell me all these years, and I'm finally beginning to understand it.

So I focus on being in the moment with Jaxson.

His surprise is a private jet waiting for us, which shouldn't surprise me seeing as Jaxson is richer than Elon Musk, but still. Sometimes I forget that fact.

The jet takes us to an island in the Caribbean where we check into a hotel on the beach and spend the weekend basking in the sun and drinking inventive cocktails and making out, then fucking in the bedroom. On the second day Jaxson has planned activities, so he shows me how to surf and fails spectacularly, laughing his ass off, but when we go scuba-diving, I'm the one who's amazed. We even end the afternoon on a para-planner, flying over the waves like a couple of birds, circling each other, always circling each other.

The romantic atmosphere of the place results in too little sleep and too much fucking. Jaxson loves to manhandle me and take me from different angles, and I'm definitely not complaining.

When we come back to the city, I am very well fucked and we both have wicked tans.

I'm almost sad to come back to reality, but it has to be done. In more ways than one, we escaped our problems for a couple of days and remained surprisingly civil to each other. Apart from inconsequential bantering, there were no fights, which is what we both needed I guess.

Too bad we couldn't stay on that island forever.


It's at the beginning of our second month together that Jaxson hands me my second check, again for 10,000 dollars and says, "Let me know if you want me to deposit the money directly into your bank account in the future."

"Oh, sure," I mutter, putting the check away.

Out of sight, out of mind.

We have a perfectly polite breakfast and we part with a brief kiss, then he heads to work and I head back home to study. I work significantly less at the bookstore, so I can catch up with my modules. I enjoy the course and it keeps my mind busy when I really don't want to be alone with my thoughts.

Later that afternoon, Sam calls me, asking if I want to go to The Sailor, our favorite bar, where I haven't been in such a long time, so it's a no brainer. I tell him hell yes. What with Sam's Sugar Daddies and mine, it's been a while since we've spent time with each other, since we've really talked.

Jaxson calls when I'm about to go out.

"Hey," I say. "Sorry, I'm going out, I'm meeting Sam."

"Oh. I see."

It's kind of awkward, but I don't want him to crash my date with my best friend. I've had too much of Jaxson lately. Maybe a little break would do us both good.

"Have fun," he says coolly.

"Thanks," I say. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He hangs up. Jesus, what a drama queen, what's the big deal? I'm just going out with a friend. It didn't say anything in the contract that I had to spend every night with him. I think it was three nights a week, so he really has no right to complain.

At the bar, I find that Sam is not alone, but with a couple of other guys our age. I haven't met them before, so Sam makes the introductions, and it turns out one of them, Steve, is a Sugar Baby, like Sam, and the other one, James, is a former co-worked of Sam's. Sam used to work at a hardware store before he started racking up Daddies and making more than enough money to quit the day job. I imagine the only reason he slums it with me at the apartment is because he likes my company. I'm not complaining.

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