Chapter 18: Oh, you

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Maddy Pov
He had sent me and Iris Message, why? "What's up?" I asked, I don't know, what are you supposed to say to your half brother who you haven't seen or spoken to since you stormed out of camp. "Um, I'm good. Look we got one of your friends here at camp." He said. I looked behind him through the Iris message. Draco was tied up to a pole with a gag over his mouth. "Who did that to him?" I yelled. "We didn't know who he was, he just appeared here." Percy said putting his hands up. "Well there's a few problems with it." I said. "Med, now's not to time to be teaching us how to properly hold someone captive." Annabeth said from beside Percy. "Not that. Draco's my friend. I refuse to have, you holding him ransom. Wait I'll come and get him." I said waving my hand through the message. "Quick, hold my hand." I told Blaise and Pansy. They were too shocked to argue, they just held on.

I apparated to the common room. "I thought we couldn't apparate in the castle?" Pansy was surprised. "The perks of being me." I smiled. "I'll be back. Please cover for me and Draco. I will try to get him back as soon as possible." I said hoping away using the cruches. I slowly apparated away, set for Camp. I had to help Draco, knowing his big mouth we could both be in trouble.

Pansy Pov
"What was that all about?" Blaise asked as we stood there shocked at what had happened. "I don't know." I said slowly. "Med seems pretty worried about Draco." Blaise said sitting down on the couch. "Oh, boys are so clueless. Isn't it obvious, Draco likes Med, Med likes Draco." I flushed sitting beside him. He just looked at me in suprise.

I arrived outside camps borders injured still. I was fifteen when I was hurt, so it would hurt to change but I had to try it. I sat down under a tree. Then I decided to have some fun, because that's what I was really about. Fun. I changed form to my animagus form, an icy blue tiger. (The pic at the top.) I bound up the hill and through the border. Percy had been in the arena when he IM'ed me so I guessed he was still there.

I ran threw the camp grounds surprised by the fact that there was no kids out. If I wasn't so worried about Draco I might have cared. I was reading straight to the arena, still in my tiger form. It was so much quicker getting there when you are a tiger. There was a muffled noise coming from inside. I bounded in not noticing the net stretched out in front of me. Before I could stop I was tangled in it. "Yeah, we got her." I hear the Stoll brother call out. Oh great this can't be good. After a sharp piercing pain threw my side, I was out.

My eye lids opened slowly, and as the did I wished that they hadn't. White, white, and white, that's all it ever was. Clear, neat, tidy, you would think that the residents were always arguing about something. And not was nothing different.

I did mind living on Olympus when I did, and of course I loved it when I was asked up there. But it was always a disappointment, the Gods only ever asked me up there to be on their side of an argument. I was sick of there little games.

"She hasn't done anything wrong." A female voice came from beside me. I tried to turn my head to see who it was but I was in to much pain. Even the thick tiger skin didn't protect me. "She deserves more than this." A male voice came from behind me. "She's a child." Female. "Leave her." Male. "This is obscure, she has comitted an offence." Male. "What offence would that be, Posiedon. This is my Med we are talking about." Aww, Ares. He still saw me as his. I often daydreamed during class thinking, about what happend to Ares after I left. "Shut up, Ares." And that was, of course, my dear bubby, Zeus. "No, please continue. What is this serious crime I have comitted against you, or have you forgotten that you no longer own me." I spat raising on all four paws. I got an extreme head rush but that quickly disappeared and I found my self in front of 11 gods. All sitting on their mighty thrones. Zeus was missing, but judging by the pain in my back, he was probably standing behind me. "Oh goody, she's awake." Sarcasim, these gods need to learn. "Yes. And I can hear you too, Demeter."

"Look, all I want is Draco. Let him go, and nothing bad will happen." I said, and it was true. As long as I was still tiger, which i am, I could do anything to them. "I hope that's not a threat." Oh my dear father. "I refuse to speak to that washed up sea rag." I said pointing my attention away from Poseidon. "Oh that's a good one." A voice came beside me, allong with several theatrical slow claps. "Hades." I regarded him. "Med." He copied. He did call me Med, but I would give him an exception. "Move aside, Hades. As long as she refuses to cooperate, we will continue giving her a reason too." Zeus said from behind me. I was way to weak to turn around, but I tried anyway. Just as I tried a whip came down on my back. It sent sparks all around my body. Zeus'so Lightning whip, that's why I was already in so much pain. "now will you cooperate." He's voice mocked me. "Try and make me." I said through gritted teeth. Then the whip was down again on my back.

After a while I could hardly keep my balance. "I'm ashamed to see that nothing has changed here." I paused, trying to buy myself some time. "I mean I expected some of you to care for me a little amount and would stop him, from whipping me." I paused again, letting the message sink in. "But no, he still leads over all of you. No say do you have, no input, no out take, it doesn't benifit you. I expected, a rebellion-" my last word was cut short once the whip cracked my back again. "Want another?" He laughed in my face. "Go ahead." I smirked. I had had enough, I changed back to a girl. 13 years old, but I was tiny compared to them. "Go pick on someone your own size." I called up to them. "Well then come up and join us." Dionysus groaned, waving his hand in my direction. Instantly i shot up to their size. "Well then, this doesn't look to good for me." I stood uncomfortably. "No, no it doesn't." Athena cooed from her seat and I sent her a look. The problem was more than half the gods didn't like me but never agreed on anything but disliking me. Just like Poseidon and Athena.

YAY over 1k views. You know the way. You guys give three comments, three votes and I give a whole new chapter. Let me know if you like the way the story is going, the next chapter will be action packed.
Megan xx

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