Chapter 24: Blaise Zabini

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Maddy Pov

I burst through the door of the dorm to see Pans on her bed surrounded by clothes. "Quickly. You have fifteen minutes till you have to be there." She ushered me to my bed. "I don't have time Pans. I have to have a shower and get dressed in fifteen minutes with a bad hand." I sulked. "Maddy, Maddy, Maddy. This is where being a witch comes in handy." A grin spread across both our faces.

Within five minutes me and Pans were walking down into the common room. The boys were sitting on a couch talking. "Is there anything you don't look amazing in?" Blaise asked standing to meet me. I blushed bright red, you'd think someone like me would be able to take a compliment, but I really couldn't. "Hey, hey. Just remember whose girlfriend we're talking about." Dray said defensively. "Well it would be nice if I didn't have to wear this cast and sling." I sighed. "Oh come on, you look stunning." Pans said. I guess I did kind of look alright. I didn't like dresses or fancy shoes or make up or special hair do's. I was wearing a flowing green dress which went above my knees with a jewelled strapless top half. I had light green slipper shoes and my hair was wavy and a lot lighter.

"Shall we?" Blaise asked holding his left arm out. "We shall." I chuckled holding onto his left arm with my right. I gave pansy a one armed hug and gave Dray a meaningful look, he knew what it meant. Me and Blaise left the common room and walked down to Slughorns. My hand was a bit sore but tonight would be fun. We were one of the first people down there. "Miss Snape, are you alright?" Slughorn asked as I tried to avoid him. "I fell and split a few bones in my hand. Just in the recovery stages." I smiled as I slipped away to Blaise. "Blaise, who won the game? I asked as we leaned on a table. "Game?" He asked grabbing something from a passing tray. "The game a few days ago. The one I wasn't there for." I prompted. "Oh the one against gryffindor, we won by a landslide." He smiled.

The night had been really fun. Me and Blaise had 'danced' a bit, it wasn't easy though my arm kept getting in the way. The night went on and I had forgotten to say thanks to Hermione and Harry until Filch barged in pulling someone behind him. Oh Draco. Dad came out to see what was going on. I had to hide behind Blaise so dad didn't see my arm, he would would question me and get the truth out.

It ended up in dad pulling Draco out. I noticed Harry slip out too, but I really couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. "Maddy, I think I'm gonna go back to the common room now. Will you be alright on your own?" Blaise asked sweetly. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I smiled and he left. I walked over to Hermione. "Having fun with Cormac?" I snickered. "Oh saw that did you?" She began turning red. "Yeah, I did. Look I want to thank you for helping me today." I felt really uncomfortable apologising to her, but I owed her. "Oh it was nothing. Must be bad, looks rather jacked up." She said looking over the complex contraption around my arm. "Yeah, same through my bones. Can't use my wand for the next week." I said disappointedly. I wrote with my right hand but I was a lot better with a wand in my left hand. Same with daggers and swords, daggers in my right, sword in my left. I'm just weird. "That's a pity." She sighed. "I noticed Harry leave and Blaise couldn't stick around so did you want me to walk back to your common room with you?" I asked trying to be nice. The party was pretty much finishing. "But then you'll have to walk back on your own." She said, again thinking twenty times faster than me. "I have to go to the hospital wing anyway, staying in care tonight. And it's close to the gryffindor dorms." I did have to go to the hospital now. "Ok." She said and we both collected our coats from the racks and left.

"Maddy, what's going on?" She asked. "What?" I asked innocently. I knew exactly what she meant, but if we got to her dorm without talking about it I could get away. "Why are we talking, we've been ignoring each other and now we are caring for each other." She asked, we continued walking but our pace slowed down. "It was always the boys, remember?" I was right, the boys had always had problems with each other. "No, we were always like this." She had forgotten. "Come with me." I said ideas were going well for me today. "Alright." I lead her up to Dumbledores office.

"Wait, Professor Dumbledores office?" She hesitated. "Yeah." I whispered. I grabbed my wand from my sling, I had hidden it in there. I placed the tip in the lock. "You know this one right, Mione." I snickered. "Alohamora." I whispered. "Maddy, Dumbledore might be in there." She warned. "It's the evening, Dumbledore leaves his office every night at 7:00 and heads up to the top tower. He doesn't return for at least three hours." I said pushing the door open. "Don't worry I won't mess anything up. We just have to recall a memory. Trust me." I waved my hand as I entered the room which light up the candles.

We walked in and I immediately went to the cupboard. The glass windows were deserving. I knew the true about them, about the secrets they kept deep down. I pushed open the third glass and out floated the plate. "Maddy what's that?" There was hesitation in her voice. "A pensieve." I said breathily. It was amazing. "Come on." I called her over. I tapped my wand up to my forehead and pulled out the memory. "Ready?" I asked looking up at her. She gave a slight nod and I stirred the memory with my wand. I leaned forward land fell through.

I landed on outside the great hall doors, soon enough Hermione was next to me. A huge roar was coming from down the stairs. We were looking out over us, all the first years of our class. Mini her was standing behind Harry and Ron, mini me was next to Draco. McGonagall walked out infont of the chattering chaos that was her new students. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." She began but then Neville fell out of the line."Trevor." He called grabbing his toad.

McGonagall left and Me and Hermione moved closer to hear the conversation. "Harry Potter." Draco spat. His little voice was so cute. "This is Maddy, that's Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." I was his right hand girl. His back up. We had met on the train, and I agreed to become friends. Ron let out a chuckle. "Think my name's funny, do you?" Draco hissed and turned to me. "No need to ask you yours. Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley." Mini me examined Ron. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Draco said tuning and smiling at mini me. From day one he was trying to impress me. "Yeah." Mini me said and walked away. Mini me and mini Hermione started talking about which house we wanted to be in while the boys continued to bicker.

"What house do you want to be in?" Mini me asked mini Hermione. "Don't know. It's so hard to decided. I want Gyffindor, or Ravenclaw. But I don't know. What about you?" She asked mini me. "Slytherin probably." I answered, it wasn't really my choice. "What? I guess that's alright but, I'm just surprised. You seem so much better than them." She said discreetly pointing to Draco. "You have no idea." I muttered. "Pardon?" She hadn't heard me. "Nothing." I said more upbeat. "I like you. How about we be friends, no matter what house we are in." She said putting out her hand. "Sure." I said shaking it.

To be continued..........

Sorry it took ages.
Megan xx

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