Chapter 19: Love can kill

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It may have taken a bit but I got seven votes and three comments! :) here's a new chapter.

Maddy Pov
*Crack, crack, crack.* that's all that I was hearing. The whip hitting down on my back. There was no way I would surrender and I couldn't take all 13 of them, plus anyone else who was around. I had my wand but I did know any spells that would knock them out at the same time. "Where's Draco?" I demanded. Though I was sore and weak there was no way I would give up till me and Dray were back at Hogwarts. "Oh don't worry about your little, friend. We took care of him." Poseidon's said smugly. "Don't test me." I had to mentally restrain myself. I whipped out my wand. Remember the part about mentally restraining myself, well I never listen to anyone else, so why listen to myself.

They knew I that my wand was a weapon, they didn't know what or how I would use it, but they knew it could work on them. "Immobulus." That was the first thing that came to mind. Really Maddy, really? Frezzing them, is that going to do anything? I needed something else. Something to keep them her, but with a little 'love' from me. "Petrificus Totalus." That would keep them, what else? A permanent sticking charm, they will then think twice before messing with me.

No where in heck would they have left Draco? They wouldn't have brought him up to Olympus, no they wouldn't. Would they? No, never. Where, where, where!? Camp! But he wasn't there? Wait, how do I know that? Um you were there before! Yeah, but the gods got me before I saw him. Don't you think you would have heared him? He might have just not been talking at the time. When does Draco not talk. I had a point. I hate arguing with myself, I was so stubborn.

It would be a long walk back to camp. Might as well run. Who am I kidding, I'm a witch. *finger click.* nothing? Really. Fine it might not be like the movies, but I could still apparated. I took two steps and I was sucked in. I hate apparating. Mind you I was so glad to have it.

I arrived right outside the arena, I was not having a good day and anyone who was anyone knew not to mess with me when I was having a bad day. I stormed into the arena wand in hand ready to fight, because nothing in life was ever simple no that would be asking to much. And of course, no one was there but Draco. He was tied up of course, but it would be this simple. There was a gag over his mouth and he was yelling and screaming. "It's alright Dray, I've come to take back to Hogwarts." I said running towards him. "You'll have to go threw us first." A voice came from next to me. Of course, see, nothing is ever simple. "Gladly." I smiled. Turning to face my opponent. Percy and Annabeth and Clarisse and Kati and Josh and Nico and Brooke. "Really? Why do you have to do this to me?" I complained, knowing straight away I wouldn't get any sympathy. "You what you parents did too." I said referring to my back. "The guilt game stopped-" Percy started "-working a long time ago." I finished. "Don't steal my lines, Percy." I said in all serious with a childish smile.

They all started circling me. Oh these kids need to learn a thing or two about attacking a single person. "Well congrats you've out numbered me. No what, are you really going to attack your, teacher, friend, mentor, sister?" I made sure to hold the sister out. Percy was very wrong, the guilt game worked with all of them, very well in fact. And if they attacked, if they were to pluck up enough courage to, I would be in their heads. I had be all of their teachers, I knew their weak points. I also started on the upper hand, yes it sounds crazy with there being so many of them and one of me and the fact that most of them were some what older, in physically ways. But I had a weapon none of them had used or seen before. None of them would dare hurt me, but I couldn't care less if they all ended up dead after this.

Percy's Pov. (Just a little, sorry.)
Med was right, none of us would do anything to her. I was rather suprised she had even come down here, I mean the gods said they were going to 'take care of her', whatever that meant. We were just told to keep her away from the boy. If we tried hard enough we might be able to defeat her, but no one had told us what to do regarding her state. We just kept circling her, I knew eventually someone would have to do something.

Med didn't even seem worried, she was supposed to be nervous. Instead she was just laughing, an psysho laugh. If she wasn't crazy before, she had now reached lunatic level. I could tell she was scaring Brooke and Kati, even Annabeth seemed taken back.

Maddy's Pov
"Who's first?" I mocked, cutting out the laughter. They all looked around at each other nodding, oh gods if I ever become good again I need to come back here and give them a proper lesson on well everything. They're so horrible, which was so good for me or is bad me. Either way I was going to win and it was clearly obvious to, everyone. I turned around to Percy and Annabeth if anyone was going to come at me first it would probably be one of them.

"Going for the unexpected option." I smiled quickly doing a cartwheel kicking Josh in the face. "Never try to sneak up on a girl who has been battle training her whole life, especially when her life is as long as mine." I giggled turning to face Josh. He got up trying to fight. I had to remember his weakness's, Josh, Josh. He was better at fist fights, that's good for me, I much preferred fist fights. Knowing these kids all of them, but Percy would use that rather than an any other weapon.

Josh came at me again. Fist, fist, kick, fist. I deflected them all, predictable. I grabbed his fist as it came at me again and flipped him. He flew over to the side. One down, six to go. Percy was next, I could see them all beat up abit because I had gotten better. He came at me and I was right he had ripetide with him. Gods I hated that pen, wand in hand I was ready for him. "Expelliarmus." I incantated (is that a word, no idea?). He's sword flew to the side and he was sent backwards. Annabeth was clearly not happy. She ran at me, again another fist fighter. Fist, fist, fist, fist, kick. I deflected easily, I threw her a punch which she dodged. "Heard you were good at defending two at a time." Kati came up too. "Oh, Katri, welcome to the party. I have a present for you." I said sweetly kicking her square on in the stomach. "Happy." I chuckled deflecting Annabeths kicks and punches with ease. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Clarisse helping Kati up. "Well what about three." She called threw gritted teeth. "In my sleep." I whispered. Throwing Annabeth a punch under her jaw, she was out for a bit. Clarisse and Kati should be easy, they were exactly the same. Their routine was the same, left punch, right kick, left kick, right fist. "Immobulus." I called, and they slowed down. I did a quick round kick and they were both out for a bit.

Time caught up to us all and only two were left. Nico and Brooke. Nico came up next. "Aww so cute." I cooed. "This will be most fun." I chuckled. One kick and he was flying back, I had no remorse for him. Only one left Brookie, this would be the hardest. I knew Brooke looked up to me, she wasn't a bad kid but she wasn't a little angel. "Med, do you really want to do this?" She asked. "No Brooke, I don't. But you all leave me no choice." I turned back to fighter mode, no time for this mushy stuff. Her fight lasted the longest, she had been training extra. I could tell, she was one of my favourites, reminded me of myself when I was first learning. "Bye Brooke." I whispered as I grabbed both her wrists. I flipped back holding onto her and ended up on top of her. She was knocked out.

I had done it. I ran over to Dray and ripped off the gag. "That was, you were. Wow." He stuttered. "Yeah, well thanks." I smiled untying his hands. His legs were still tied when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. Every bone in my body was aching, my back was going all funny from the Lightning whip. "Congrats, you win." Percy said as though he was going to continue. "Yes, Percy, yes I did. Daddy isn't going to be very happy with you." I smirked. "Why stay with them? They haven't any love for you Med." Annabeth was up and standing next to Percy along with Josh. "Love, is that really what this is about?" I was shocked that this was coming from Annabeth. "They don't respect you." She said, her lip slightly curled. A trick she was getting in my head, two can play that game. "Oh yeah Annabeth. Does this look like no love?" I laughed turning to Dray and kissed him. Surprisingly he wasn't to taken back. I heard gasps from behind me. Now who was in who's head

Ok, alright. You know the way, three votes three comments!

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