Chapter 23: (Not sure what to call it.)

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Maddy Pov

The party started in 6 hours and I wasn't one of those girls who needed hours to get ready. Give me ten minutes and I'll be good. I just wanted to get out of there. Everyone would be in the great hall for lunch still so I could sneak out of the front doors.

I ran, ran and I was never going to stop. I would keep running, no one could hurt me if they couldn't catch me. The wind collided with my body and for the first time in a while we worked together. Leading me into the forest.

I did stop running though. As I reached an opening in the foresty roof above me. Four tree stood between me. I had never been this far into the woods before. It felt good to be free. To be able to breathe, not to be locked up, for as long as it lasted anyway. I dug out the four daggers and approached the trees. I drew crosses on each one and backed away. Daggers were my favourite weapons. It always had been. That's when I blacked out.


Images flashed costs my mind till it found one it liked. I was a small girl with two boys. I knew who they were, we were good friends, good rivals. Both of them like bothers to me. We were in a courtyard when the one person we looked up to approached us. Chiron. We were his first three students at Camp Half Blood. " Hercules, Perseus and Medusa-" he began. "Med." I quickly corrected him. I hated being called Medusa. "Med, I am happy to welcome you to your new home. Camp Half Blood is when young Demi-Gods will be trained just as I will train the three of you." He beamed at his three 10 year old students. "You all will do great things, we just have to help you discover them."


It skipped five years and we were standing in the arena this time. The twelve Olympian gods were there, we all wanted to please our parents. Today we would be proving our selves. A series of monsters would be sent out with us together and we would have to win. Pretty basic rules, just another game of cat and mouse, appart from the fact that the gods were placing bets on who would win. And surprise surprise no one bet on the skinny pale little girl. Only the tall tanned muscular boys. I would show them.
The show began and we each first had to pick a weapons. One sword, a bunch of daggers and a bow and quiver full of arrows was what we could chose from. Of course the boys both picked the swords, naturally I went for the daggers. I had been throwing daggers for five years I was better off killing from a distance.


The end of the show and of course we won. None of us had massive injuries, just a few scratches but that was all. The gods began to come down to congratulate us. The boys got all the attention so I decided to walk around the arena to collect the daggers. Some were just on the ground from disintegrated monsters, others were wedged in monsters which hadn't gone yet. I yanked them out when a hand rested on my shoulder. "Good job out there Med, you did much better than the boys. Of course no one would say that but me." It was Artemis. "Lady Artemis." I said roughly as I curtsied slightly. Chiron had taught us how to be polite to the gods but I wasn't interested in talking to anyone at the moment. "How are you with a bow?" She asked. "Yeah, alright I guess." I grunted. "How would you like to leave camp half blood. To come and hunt with me. I've been looking for a girl who' strong and can shoot to join me." She whispered. I perked up. She had my attention now. "When do I begin?" I smiled and tuned to her.


I woke up panting and sweaty. I pulled my left sleeve over my hand and wiped my forehead. That was the day I joined the hunters, the day I became the first of Artemis's hunters. It was a good day. It was a good while. Until I left, I was an immortal god, I didn't need the hunters. Then Artemis placed a curse on me to never be able to shoot with a bow the same way again. I could still shoot but never with the same precision, the same length, the same steadiness a bow gave me as I first pulled back the arrow.

I brought my hand down and it was drenched. I scrambled into the light, something wasn't right. Red. A thick red mop weighing down my sleeve. The daggers were still down by the tree I fell on. They were covered in blood too. I must have split open my hand while I was out. I pulled my sleeve up to reveal my hand. A giant gash spread across the inside of my hand. The lighting was terrible, I couldn't see how deep it was. I would have to get back to the castle, quickly. I stood up and carefully slipped the daggers back into my belt. I stood up and the blood ran to my hand. It wasn't going to be pretty walking into school with a bloody hand. I'd have to stop it. I was going histerical. I could easily just bleed to death. It would be painful but easier than having to go back to the castle like this.

Without thinking I ripped off a clean part of my shirt. I wrapped it around really tightly to slow down the bleeding. I got up slowly and bolted to the castle. The pain was excruciating I couldn't stop myself. Tears swelled in my eyes, I tried to blink them back but they escape. I got closer and closer but could stop crying.

I slipped through the door stumbling over my own feed. There was no one around so I began hiking the stairs. I was about half way to the hospital wing when I heard voices. I continued climbing but then gasps filled the air. "Maddy?" I knew the voice, but who did it belong too. "I think it is her. We have to help her." A boy, who? "What! I ain't helping her." And another. Who are these people. I began hurtling myself up. I didn't know who they were and I didn't care, I just needed to get to the hospital wing. I heard footsteps come up behind me and I felt two arms wrap around me. I had blood, durt, tears and hair in my eyes but I could still make out my rescuers, Harry and Hermione.

They didn't ask question. They didn't talk to me at all actually, which I'm very glad about. The pain in my hand picked up again. I stumbled a bit but eventually they got me to the hospital wing and took me over to a bed. Madame Pomfrey rushed over. "Dearies what's happened?" She asked Harry and Hemione. I was still capable of speaking but I was happy to remain quiet, I didn't want to talk ever again. And this pain, the pain is connected with fear. "We aren't really sure. We saw her stumbling the steps to get up here and then we decided to help her." Hermione explained. She actually seemed concerned, no she wouldn't be.

Harry and Hermione left leaving me with Madame Pomfrey. I couldn't tell he that I was in the forest, alone. "I'm not sure how it happened but it's my hand, it's really sore." I said as I unwrapped the faux bandage made of my shirt. I looked own at it, and my mind threatened to pass out again. It was really deep, and that was an understatement. "You've cut through your bone, sweetie. Bandages aren't going to help. I'll bring over a few things. Just wait here." She rushed off. I wasn't really going to go anywhere.

She came back with a bottle and a cast looking thing. She poured out a glass of liquid. "Here, drink this." She past it to me. I chugged it down quickly, it was disgusting but my hand was in so much pain I'd do anything to stop it. The pain died down really quickly. Pomfrey put the cast on. It was a material on, with velcro straps.

"She's sleeping Blaise, just tell slughorn that she's injured." I hear a girls voice. I was about to open my eyes when I heard footsteps running in. "Where's Maddy?" It was Draco, I could tell that he was at the base of my bed. "She's sleeping." Said Blaise. "Yeah." Pansy mumbled. "No, I just enjoy staring at the back of my eyelids." I chuckled opening my eyes. "Oh Maddy." Pansy sighed.

"What happened?" Draco asked coming and sitting on the bed next to me. "Not here." I whispered to them. "No party tonight?" Blaise sighed slumping down on the chair next to the bed. "How long till it starts?" I asked not being able to see the clock. "Just under an hour." Pansy stayed at the end of my bed. "I won't to go. But it'll take me a while to get Pomfey to let me out and then I haven't organised anything to wear and I'm still a gross mess." I said. I had been able to clean up. I had dirt and blood thought my hair and all over. "You and Draco stay here and get Pomfrey to let you out, and me and Blaise will organise the rest. Meet us in the common as quickly as you can." She smiled grabbing Blaise's hand leading him out. "Alright." I called out after them.

I finally convinced Madame Pomfrey to let me out but I had to wear a seriously complicated sling. We hurried down to the common room. Blaise was on one of couches in a tux. "Up." He pointed to the girls common room. "Thanks." I called and ran up.

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