Chapter 5: Results

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Draco Pov
When I got up there was an envelope on my bed and a note. I looked at the note first.

Dray don't open the envelope yet. Come down stairs so we can all open them together. Maddy

Blaise's bed was empty so i guest he was down with the girls. I picked up the envelope and went down. "It took you long enough." Pansy said from the couch with Blaise. Maddy was on the other one reading a book. "Ok well I am here now let's open them." I said sitting next to Maddy. She put down the book and everyone ripped into their envelopes. I looked down at my results from my OWLs

O- Outstanding
E- Exceeds Expectations
A- Acceptable
P- Poor
D- Dreadful
T- Troll
Draco Malfoy
Astronomy: A
Ancient Ruins: A
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Divination: D
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E

"How'd you go?" Maddy asked us. "Alright." I said showing her my card. "Pretty good." Pansy said passing me hers. She got O in potions, E in Charms and Astrology and a few A's. "Cool." I passed it back to her as Blaise passed me his and I passed mine to him. Blaise got E for Potions, defence and history of magic. "Lets see yours Maddy." I said grabbing hers from her. "No it isn't very good." She tried to get it back. "This is a bit better then no good. You got O's in Potions, Astrology and Defence. E's in Care of Magical creatures, Herbology, transfigurations and Charms. A's in everything else." I read out. "No I got Dreadful in Divinations." She said pointing it to me. "So does that mean we have classes after the meetings with the teachers?" She asked. "Na, we don't have to start classes till the Start of next year." Blaise said putting his card in his pocket. "I got to go send a letter to my parents. They wanted to know what I got." Pansy said getting up. "Me too." Blaise got up aswell. "I am going to go tell my dad. You should write a letter home too." Maddy said get up and exiting the room.

Maddy Pov
I was happy with my results, I was quite surprised actually. There were a few kids walking around the halls but I ran start down to the dungeon. I knocked on the office down. "Yes." I heard my father voice. I burst in. "Dad you'll never believe what I got for my OWL's." I said placing the paper infront of him on his desk. He read throught it with his usual stern expression. "Very good. I'll see you for your meeting tomorrow." He said as he passed me the paper back. Oh he was in one of those moods, I senced that he didn't want me her so I let myself out and went back to the common room. I didn't mind that he was busy, it's still more than I ever got. Everyone must have been writing to their parents so I decided to go for a walk out in the grounds.

I went and sat down by the lake, it was so peaceful. Not many students were outside today, it wasn't a very nice day. Clouds, cold and windy, but it didn't bother me. I must of lost track of time because I looked up and Draco was sprinting towards me. "Maddy, you dad is looking for you. Your late for you lesson with him." He said as he reached me. "What? Oh no, Occulomency." I said running back up to the castle. "Thanks Draco." I yelled behind me. Me and Potter were still having lesson with dad. I had got better but I still couldn't block it all out. I ran straight into the office, straight into an argument. "Feeling sentimental?" My dad mocked Potter. "That's private!" Potter yelled. "Not to me. And not to the Dark Lord if you don't improve. Every .memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you, and you won't last two seconds if he invades your mind. You're just like your father. Lazy, arrogant -" My dad began again. "Don't say a word against my father." Harry staggered. "Weak." My dad finished. "He's not weak." I shouted from the door. "Stand there, prepared yourself." He said to me pointed next to Potter. "Legi..." My dad started pointing his wand at me. "Protego!" Potter had his own wand out at my father. I put out my hand to stop the spell hitting him but me and Potter were pulled into my dads memory.
I was standing next to Potter by the lake at Hogwarts. I looked around and saw my father sitting with a younger girl, and on the other side I saw Harry's father, his mother, Sirius, Remus and Peter. "Watch this Moony, Padfoot. Snivellus," James approached my dad drawing his wand, my dad stood drawing his own. "Severus be careful." The younger girl called out. "Expeliarmus." James shouted and dads wand flew out of his hand. "Levicorpus." James yelled again my dad was hanging upside down. "Stop it. Why do you have to be so mean to him?" The younger girl looked like she was a first year, she was in Slythern' and she was standing up to a fifth year like James Potter. This kid had guts. "Shut it, or should we tell everyone who you really are? Yeah that's right we know." Sirius said approaching the girl. "Carpe Retractum." She muttered a rope shooting out of her wand tying around Sirius. "Let him down." She ordered pointing her wand at James. "Levicorpus." James yelled and the girl was pulled up by her ankles too. "Why don't you pick on someone you own size, Potter." Lily, Harry's mum, walked up trying to reason with him. "Look what she did to Sirius." He pointed to Sirius. This distracted him and the girl pointed her wand back at James. "Expelliarmus." She said and James wand flew away. Dropping both her and my dad onto the ground. "Severus..." Lily started. "Stay away from me you filthy mud-blood." He said grabbing his wand and going back to the castle. "Enough." I heard my dads voice and saw him grabbing hold of Harry's shoulder. Harry disappeared, but nothing happened to me. "Are you alright sweety." Lily crouched down by the little girl. She nodded her head. "Thanks." The girl said standing up and putting her wand back in her robes and pulling out something else. "Don't move and it won't hurt." She muttered to Sirius crunching next to him. She had a dagger, I could have sworn I had seen it before. She cut the ropes and quickly ran away. "Enough." A hand closed around my shoulder. I was sucked back into reality. I was back in my fathers office, Potter must have already left and dad was leaning against the bench. I fell back into the chair behind me. "That was me, wasn't it?" I asked dad. He nodded. "But how, how was I at school with you?" I asked. "It is to much to tell you Maddy. You left your memories of the past behind they should stay there. Go up to your common room now. You have missed lunch." He said and I staggered out of the room. I was more confused than ever now.

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