Chapter 6: Holidays

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Good morning if you are in the part of the world with me, or night if you are in somewhere or lunch. It really just depending on where in this magical world you are. Sorry it has been a few days I have been a bit busy now back with classes full time.
Thanks Megan.

Percy Pov.
I missed having Med around, everyone did. Life at camp was different now, Chiron and Mr D were tense constantly. Med helped us keep the Titans and monsters from entering camp, they never did anything to us as long as Med was hear. And now she was gone, my older sister, one of the people I looked up to. Other campers kept saying that she would be back, that she just needed to cool down but it had been more than half a year, there was no way she was coming back. I had never seen her this mad before and giving up her powers was preety extreme. After word came that Med had given up her powers everyone was suprised. If she had gone to the Titans she would keep her powers, me and Annabeth were the only ones who thought she hadn't gone to the Titans. She hated the Titans as much as the gods, the Titans had ruined her childhood. We wanted to go and find her but Chiron had forbidden anyone to leave camp. Classes at camp had gone on like before and Mr D and Chiron taught Med's classes. Annabeth wasn't dealing with it we either. Med was the one person she was able to turn to after Luke left. First Luke leaves, then Thalia joins the Hunters and now Med had left her. We just had to trust that she had a plan.

Maddy Pov
Was was getting ready for the end of the school year. As it was the holiday better fifth year and sixth year we weren't allowed to stay at Hogwarts so me a dad were going back to Spinner's End. I was happy to go back, dad had got more and more busy at school. I was looking forward to asking him about his memory and why I was in it.

Harry Pov

Classes had ended yesterday and we had the feast, and now everyone was getting ready to leave. I was not looking forward to going back to the Dursleys.

------------------------------After the train ride, at Kings Cross-------------------

Me, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were walking back through the barrier to Kings Cross. After a bunch of gratuitous hello's Mad eye and Mr Weasley headed over to the Dursleys. "Good Afternoon." Mr Weasley said with a wide smile. "We thought we'd just have a few words with you about Harry," said Mr Weasley, still smiling. "Yeah," growled Moody. "About how he's treated when he's at your place." Uncle Vernon's moustache seemed to bristle with indignation. "I am not aware that it is any of your business what goes on in my house -"
"I expect what you're not aware of would fill several books, Dursley," growled Moody. "Anyway, that's not the point," interupted Tonks, whose pink hair seemed to offend Aunt Petunia more than all the rest put together, for she closed her eyes rather than look at her. "The point is, if we find out you've been horrible to Harry -" She started "And make no mistake, we'll hear about it," added Lupin pleasantly.
"Yes," said Mr. Weasley, "even if you won't let Harry use the fellytone -"
"Telephone," whispered Hermione. "- Yeah, if we get any hint that Potter's been mistreated in any way, you'll have us to answer to," said Moody. "Are you threatening me, sir?" he said, so loudly that passers-by actually turned to stare. "Yes, I am," said Mad-Eye, who seemed rather pleased that Uncle Vernon had grasped this fact so quickly.
"And do I look like the kind of man who can be intimidated?" barked Uncle Vernon. "Yes, I'd have to say you do, Dursley" He turned away from Uncle Vernon and looked at me."So, Potter... give us a shout if you need us. If we don't hear from you for three days in a row, we'll send someone along... "Bye, then, Potter," said Moody, grasping my shoulders "Take care, Harry," said Lupin quietly. "Keep in touch."He walked off with Tonks. "Harry, we'll have you away from there as soon as we can,"Mrs. Weasley whispered, hugging me again.
"We'll see you soon, mate," said Ron anxiously, shaking my hand.
"Really soon, Harry" said Hermione earnestly. "We promise." She walked to join her parents. "Thanks, all of you." I said looking at the group of them. Maybe it wasn't going to be such a bad summer.

Maddy Pov
Both Draco and Pansy's parents were waiting outside the Hogwarts express when we arrived. I grabbed my things and exited the train with my friends, Pansy went off to her parents so me and Blaise went with Draco to his. "Draco, Maddy, Blaise." Aunt Narcissa nodded as we approached them. "Hi aunt Narcissa, uncle Lucius." I said as they helped Draco with his things. "Bye Maddy, bye Blaise." Draco said as they all walked off. "Where are you meeting your mum?" I asked Blaise as we placed our bangs down for a bit. "Through the barrier. What your dad?" He asked me looking around. "I am making my own way home, he is coming home tonight. Helping Dumbledore with something." I said collecting up my stuff. We throught the barrier and Blaise found his mum. "Have a good summer Maddy? You write, won't you?" Blaise asked me. "Yeah, everyday." I said, we shared a laugh then his mum hurried him off.

I started walking through the station when I tripped on something and fell. I dropped my bags but luckily someone caught me. "Thanks." I muttered as I stood to see who it was. Just great it was one of those Weasley twins. "Yeah, it's fine." He said looking away from me. I picked up me bags looking around at the crowd. All the Weasley's, Potter, Granger and some order members. My dark mark burned on my arm causing my to drop the bag in that hand. "Where's daddy now, princesses?" Ron walked over to me. "You filthy blood traitor." I whispered under my breathe. "Med, Maddy whatever you name is I don't think you are wanted here." Harry came over too. "I'd stay out of this if I were you Potter." I said reaching for my pocket. "Well then it's good you aren't me isn't it?" I pulled out my dagger and held it to his throat. "I said stay out of this." With that I grabbed my bags and walked to the front of the station.

Tonks Pov
No of us knew what was going on, we had seen the girl before. She was the one that helped the kids the night at the ministry but why had she held a dagger at Harry confused me. "What was that about." Moody asked his magical eye following the girl. "She is to much to explain." Ron said glaring at her. "Come on boy." Harry's uncle started walking off. "Bye guys. I'll see you soon." Harry called back after us. "But Ron, who is she? I know her from some where." Remus asked. "Her names now Maddy Snape." Hermione said moving back to her parents. "Snape, as in Severus? Since when did he have a daughter?" I was more confused now. "He doesn't she used to be someone else but Snape adopted her. Now she is a horrible Slytherin, hanging out with Malfoy." Ron balled his fists.

Maddy Pov
I was in the alley way by the station as dad had directed. I held out my wand and a rush of wind nearly pushed me over. "Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening." Stan was standing on the steps holding out his hand. "Hi Stan." I said passing him my bags. "Ah Miss Snape, your father told us to expect you. But later that he said though." He said disapprovingly. "I got abit caught up." I said climbing on. "Hey Ern, meet Miss Snape." Stan called out to the driver. "Hi Miss Snape." Ernie said. "Hi Ernie, head." I said with a smile. I had met them both before, I had used the Knight Bus more than my fair share of times. "Where to miss?" Stan said holding up the Prophet. "Spinner's End." I said and immediately we were spreading off. I quickly took a seat. Soon enough I was standing outside my house with my bags. "Thanks Stan." I said waving them off. I took the key from my neck and unlocked the door. "Who's there?" I heard a squeaky voice say. "It just me, Wormtail." I said walking in dumping my bags next to me. I took off my coat and hung it up on the hook near the door. "How are you, miss?" Wormtail came into the room. Wormtail had been staying at Spinners End since Easter break. I enjoyed having him here because whenever dad was busy he was always around. "Good. Dad is going to be a bit late tonight so I came on my own." I said picking my bags back up. All I seemed to be doing was putting down and picking up my bags. "I am going to go and unpack my things, please let me know when he arrives." I said walking past him to the door that lead through to the kitchen.

I chucked my stuff down on my bed. I had let Calypso, my owl, out on the train so she could fly home and that way I could put her cage in my bag.

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