Chapter 8: Horace Slughorn part 1

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Hey people. I decided that I would put this chapter into two parts because it was getting a bit long.
Thanks Megan

Maddy Pov
It was made very clear to me that I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about the Vow and with the ministry stopping more and more owls I couldnt write anything relating the matter. The summer had been pretty boring other wise, Draco hadn't responded to any of my owls neither had Blaise. Pansy and I communicated a bit but not very often. Me and Dad stayed at home most of the time. Sometimes I got leave the house for small walks but it was aparant to me that dad didn't like me leaving the house. I was so bored in the first week that I did all my homework assignments twice. I was busting to practice flying on my broom, I was one of Slytherin's chasers, but there was no where for me to practice. Days dragged on with no human life coming in or out of the house. Calypso, my owl, had been out for a while now. I didn't worry about her, she had done long trips a few times.

It was a cold Friday night, I had the most boring day. All I did was read Potions books, if I failed Potion it would be a rather large suprise. "Maddy, get down here. There is someone to see you." My father obviously was standing below the ladder outside my door. "Coming dad." I placed my book down on my bed, marking the page. I slid off my bed and climbed the ladder. I heard voices coming from the lounge room. I proceeded to the door, placing my ear on it to hear who it was. I didn't hear much so I pushed open the door and walked in. To my shock Dumbledore was standing in the room with my dad. "Aha, Maddy. Had a good break, have you?" He asked, I stood frozen.i forgot everything for a moment. My dad loudly cleared his throat. "Yes, yes. Thank you, sir." I said avoiding eye contact. "Maddy I wish for you to come with me." Dumbledore said abruptly. I looked at dad, he nodded approvingly. "Come." He lead me outside into the rain. "There is just one more stop we have to make before going." He said holding out his arm. "Sir, where are we going." I asked him hesitating. He just looked down at his arm. "Sir, what's wrong with your hand?" I asked as I grabbed onto his arm. Before he had time to answer we were sucking up, apparating.

I still hated apparating. We were in a muggle train station, I didn't recognise it. We were greeted by a hushing train. I jumped back slightly. I looked at a poster board behind us trying to work out why and where we were. "You've been reckless this summer, Harry." Dumbledore was standing behind me. Harry? Who was Harry? I turned around and saw the one person I really wanted to stay clear of standing next to Dumbles. Harry Potter. "I like riding round on the trains. It takes my mind off... things." Harry said, hesitating at the end as he saw me. "Hey." I said with a fake enthused smile. I stood on the other side of Dumbledore. Harry looked down at Dumbledores hand, my eyes followed. "Rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it? The tale is thrilling if I do say so myself, but I'm afraid now is not the time to tell it. Take my arm. Do as I say." He said noticing our looks. We both grabbed on...

"I just Apparated, didn't I?" Harry asked as we landed. "You have to be kidding?" I muttered. "You have never apparated before?" I spat rolling my eyes. "No, I bet you haven't many either." He said making a face at me. "On the contrary Harry. Maddy has apparated more times than she cares to admit." Dumbledore said slowly walking down the street. "Now you both must be wondering why I brought you here?" Dumbledore stopped letting us catch up. "After all these years, I have learnt to just roll with it sir." Harry said, I let out a sigh. "Well I do, this place is creepy." I said pulling out my wand. "Good idea, Maddy. Wands out." Dumbledore lead us into the garden of a muggle house. We entered and Dumbledore went in search of something. "Horace." He whispered. We looked around for a while, though I had no idea what we were looking for. Dumbledore moved to an arm chair and jabbed it with his wand. "Merlin's beard." The arm chair sprouted a head, and arms and legs. It was turning into a person. "There's no need to disfigure me, Albus!" The man yelled, obviously not noticing me and Harry. They had a conversation about whatever, I didn't want to be here. "And who are these two." The man, Horace Slughorn, walked over to us. "Ah yes. Introductions. Harry, Maddy this is an old friend and colleague of mine, Horace Slughorn. Horace, this is, Maddy Snape. One of Hogwarts best students. And well, you know who this is." Dumbledore point to us as he introduced us. "My, my. I didn't know Severus had a daughter." He said observing me. "He, doesn't. She is the one I told you about." Dumbledore said. I knew what he meant, he had told Slughorn about me being a god. Dumbledore waved his wand and the house was clean again. "That was fun. May I use the loo?" Dumbledore asked moving to the door. "Don't think I don't know why you're here, Albus! The answer is still no! Absolutely, unequivocally no!" Slughorn yelled after him. "Well then, sir. Do you mind telling us, because we don't know." I asked getting quite annoyed. "Miss Snape, may I just point out that that is a completly sneaky, unanswerable question." He gave me a slight grin. "Yes, well. I am a Slytherin." I said with pride and a slight chuckle. "I thought it might have something to do with that." He said giving a small laugh. "You both look quite like your fathers. Except Maddy, you eyes are quite..." He started. "Old." I suggested. "It's fine, I don't remember why, but it must be a reason. I believe it is because I have seen a lot of life." I said, he seemed quite impressed. "And you Harry your.." He began. "My mother eyes, yeah." Harry seemed quite uncomfortable. "Lily. Lovely Lily. She was exceedingly bright -- your mother. Even more impressive when one considers she was Muggle-born." Slughorn had my tick of approval. "One of my best friends is Muggle-born. She's the best in our year." Harry fought back. "Oh, but you mustn't think I'm prejudiced! No, no, no! Your mother was one of my absolute favorites! Look, there she is. Right up front." He moved to a cabnet. Erase the tick. Me and Harry followed him to the photos.

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