Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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This book is the second book in the series following No never:The Beginning. It takes place a week after the epilogue ends. I understand that the last book was a bit confusing so I promise this one will stay closer to the books.

Maddy's Pov
"Dad it still hurts." I groaned as I sat upside down on one of the couches of my new living room at Spinner's End. My life so far has been pretty messed up, I used to be a god that trained Demi's-gods at a camp called Camp Half Blood and my parents were Poseidon and Medusa. Also my name used to be Medusa Jackson, but when I moved in with my new father I changed my name to Maddy Snape. I have now given up my god powers and am a regular 15 year old. Almost I am a witch and I attend Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. "Well sitting upside down is not going to help it my dad said from the other couch where he was absorbed in a potions book. "But Auntie Bella said it would stop by now." I complained as I sat properly. "Don't listern to Belatrix, darling. She is quite easily misjudged." He said and I decided that I would take on his advice. "I am going to write a letter to Draco. Can I borrow your owl?" I asked him. I used to have a Pegasus but when I gave up my powers she left too. "Yes. You know what I will take you to Diagonal Alley the day before you go back to school." He said still not looking at me from his book. "Thanks dad." I yelled as I ran upstairs to my room. My room was a bit small but I liked it. I had a desk, a bed and a cupboard. I sat down at my desk, grabbing a piece of parchment and dipping my quill in my small ink pot. I had to be secretive in the letters I sent now...

Dear DM
How are you doing. I am still really tierd and my arm is quite sore from that fall. Can't wait to see you soon. P.s. I am quite bored here, I have already all the books on my shelf twice.

There that gave nothing away and I didn't even write our names on it. I folded it and slid it in to an envelope. I left my room and walked down the corridor to my fathers study. I opened the door and walked to the corner. Sapphire was the name I had given the owl, my father hadn't given her a name. "Hey Sapphire. I need this delivered to Draco." I said as I attached it to her leg. I opened the window and let her fly out. School started in 4 days and I couldn't wait to see all my friends again. Pansy Parkinson a girl in Slytherin house with me had become good friends with me and she was spending the break in Europe. Then there was Blaise another one of my friends he had gone down to Australia. I was jealous at first but I got to spend the holidays with my father well some of the holidays anyway. It wouldn't take Sapphire long to get to Malfoy Manor so hopefully I would have a letter from Draco soon.

I was right an hour after I had sent the letter Sapphire was back carrying three letters. I let her in and gave her a piece of my sandwich and untied the letters. She rested on my shoulder as I opened the first one.
Hey MS
Mine hurts too. I can't wait to see everyone too. Can't believe we have to go back in four days. I still haven't finished my homework. P.s. The extra letters are from the other, they sent them to me to give to you. See you soon.

I couldn't believe him we had both done all of our homework together when I stayed with him except Potions. I had to do an essay for Hagrid and he had to do one for ancient runes. Because that was the one subject we didn't have together. I opened the next letter.

Hey MS
I can't believe it DM told me everything. Teachers suck up. I hope it's all good there. Europe is awesome, so cool. I still haven't done my Potions work though, it would be good to get your help on it. Don't let stuff get you down.
See ya soon

Pansy's letter made me laugh. I just hoped people didn't start asking me to get them out of potions because I was Snape's daughter. I got to the last letter and tore it open.

Sup MS
Draco told me, you are in so much trouble when I see you next. I hope life is getting better. Australia is awesome, I know what you mean about the Kangaroos. I will be in Diagon the day before, hope to see you.
Later BZ

At least Blaise didn't want my help with homework. I was about to put the envelopes in the bin when something fell out of Blaise's. It was a photo of Him and me with Pansy and Draco one that day I was sorted into Slytherin. I placed the picture on my desk with the letters and took Sapphire back to her cage. Back in my room I decided to do my homework. First Hagrid's a report on one of our favourite creatures we learnt about. I was definitely going to do it on thestrals because there was only three of us who could see them.

45 minutes later I rolled up. The parchment and sealed it using my wand. I leaned back on my chair looking up at the ceiling. "Maddy, what are you doing?" My father asked standing in the door frame to my room, I am most fell of my chair. "I just finished my homework for Care of Magical Creatures." I said to him. "So you have finished now?" He asked looking at all the rolls of parchment on my desk. "Nearly, I just have one more. I'll check my list to see what it was." I said grabbing a small list from beside me. "Oh yeah that's it. It is assigned by a reallly strick teacher I will have to do it, it's a roll and a half of parchment on the properties of Moonstone and its uses in Potion making." I looked up at him with a smug little grin. "Yes that sounds like a tough professor, you better start now." He said with his usual cold expression. "But dad. It's just an essay for you. Could I just say it to you? I know all about Moonstone and it use." I asked. "As long as it is a proper oral presentation. I will grade you for that." He said taking a seat on my bed. "Oh now, ok." I started going on about Moonstones, how to find them, where to find them and how helpful they could be to a potion maker. He just nodded all the way through. "Good. Now what do you want for dinner?" He said after I had finished. "Eggs." I shot straight away. I liked the way dad made eggs for me. "That's it?" He asked. "Yeah." I said and he left my room to go cook dinner. Just after he left I looked out side to see a bird flying towards me. I opened my window and it flew in. It was Hegwid, Harry's owl. I quickly untide the package and then she flew away. I think she could tell that if she was caught here I would be in trouble. I opened the fourth bit of mail for the day.

Dear Med
I just wanted to thank you again for helping us. I hear about what happened, Moony told me. I hope you are all right. We all can't wait to see you again.
See ya
Harry, Ron and Hermione.

I felt sorry for Harry. Sirius had died at the ministry and he has no idea that I just betrayed him. I would just have to stay away from him. But he was still the one thing holding the dark lord from rising again, we had to get rid of him.

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