Chapter 10: Vanishing cabinet

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Thanks so much weekendsRule for commenting an idea for a character. I will be using it later on. I still need more thought. PLEASE
Thanks Megan

Maddy Pov

There was two days till we went back to Hogwarts and tomorrow I was going with Draco and Aunt Cissy to get our books and do some other jobs. The holidays here had been pretty boring, me and Draco didn't play around anymore. He had become way more serious, some would say i have too. We both know about the dark lords task for him but neither of us spoke about it. I was really scared, I can't believe what I have got my self into, I don't think I could do it. I was staying in one of the Malfoy's guest rooms in the west wing. Me and Draco didn't play quidditch outside or exploding snap or do work together. I hardly saw him, all he did was sit in his room. "Maddy, dinner!" My aunts voice ran up the stairs. "Coming Auntie." I chimmed throwing my parchment and quill on my desk. I ran threw the halls, down stairs till I found her waiting for me. "Maddy, could you please get Draco. He is in his room." She said starting to walk down to the dining hall. "Sure thing." I smile as I turn and sprinted up the opposing stairs. Of course Draco's room had to be right at the other end of the house. I reached there within seconds though, I could still run pretty fast sometimes even levitating for slight amount of times. I knocked on the door. "Draco?" I asked in a soft but comfident voice. I opened the door and I stepped back a bit. "Your mother asked me to get you for dinner." I said turning and running down the halls...again.

Dinner was as boring, quite and awkward as ever. No one spoke a word and it was over just as it started. Me and Draco went our seperate ways to our rooms just as usual not even acknowledge each other's presence. Sixth year was going to be a really boring year if this was how it was starting. I went back to my room and continued drawing random things on my parchment.

"Maddy get up." I heard Draco banging on my door. "Maddy come on, we gotta go." His fist beated on the other side of my door. "Alright, alright I'm coming." I yelled jumping out of bed. My wand was on the dresser next to me, I grabbed it and tapped the top of my head. I felt my doing something and my clothes change. I walked over to the dresser to look in the mirror. My hair was braided down my back, it was about 7 inches longer than normal. I was wearing a black dress with leggings and a long black coat. I pulled out my Slytherin scarf and tied it around my neck. That spell was really quite useful.

I slid along the railing of the stairs down to the main entrance where Aunt Cissy was. "Ah, Maddy. You look beautiful. If only Draco would hurry up. Are you hungry? Have you had breakfast?" She asked as she paced infront of the door. "Yes, well no I didn't have breakfast but I am fine." I said. There where echoing footsteps coming from the staircase behind me. "Ok, let's go." Cissy said opening the door and me and Draco stepped outside. We walked down the drive way in complete silence. Don't get me wrong I love silence, I am one of those dark kids who likes the quite, the dark and stuff like that, but my and Draco used to have so much fun. 'No Med, things have changed. You both have a job to do. It's not fun and games anymore.' I mentally told me self off. The large gates opened and we strutted out a bit. After a few more steps we stopped and apparated right next to knockturn alley sign. I took a quick glance down the street. Most shops were boarded up, a lot were completely empty. The street was dark and quiet, the only shop that looked to be open was one at the end of the alley. It was brightly coloured and had one of the least favourite gingers on the front. Only then did I realise I was standing on my own. I turned and ran down knockturn alley after Draco and Cissy. I took one glance back at Olivanders wand shop and could have swore I saw someone watching me. I didn't have time to worry about that though. I knew all the paths in knockturn alley easily, me and dad had spend quite some time down here. I fell in just behind Draco as they were entering Borgan and Burkes.

I am getting a bit bored of writing all the in between bits so the parts I leave out are the same a the books just with Maddy in them. Thanks Megan.

Harry Pov
Me, Ron and Hermione were sharing a compartment on the train. It was the first time since Diagon alley that we got to talk privately. "Don't you see, it was a ceremony. An initiation." I was convinced that they had become one.
"Stop, Harry, I know where you're going with this --" Hermione started.
"It's happened. They are both one of them." I was trying to convince them "One of what?" Ron asked obviously missing the topic. "Harry is under the impression that Maddy Snape and Draco Malfoy are now Death Eaters." Hermione said as if it was a stupid idea. "You're barking. What would You-Know-Who want with a sod like Malfoy and a princessess like Maddy."
"So why were they in Borgin and Burke's? Browsing for furniture? And I think you will find that Maddy isn't exactly the princessess type." I had seen what Maddy could do, she was exactly what Voldermort needed.
"It's a creepy shop. Their a creepy pair." Ron tried to make a compensation "Look. Their father's are Death Eaters It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it. With her own eyes." I pointed out. "I told you. I don't know what I saw." She was annoying me. "I need some air." I grabbed my invisibility cloak and left.

Third Person View Pov
The whole Slytherin carriage went black. "What just happened?" Malfoy's voice shot threw the darkness. "Instant Darkness Powder." Snape's daughter said as the mist started to fade. "Relax guys, we will be at Hogwarts soon." Parkinson sat down next to Blaise and everyone could see now. "Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to continue on for another two years." Malfoy sat down opposite the others and Maddy continued to pace. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked stopping for a second. "Let's just say I don't think you'll be seeing me wasting my time in Charms Class next year." Draco said still quite tense. Maddy nodded and sat down next to him. Blaise chuckled to himself. "Amused, Blaise." Draco asked Blaise as Maddy gave him a death stare. There was a noice from the luggage rack above Maddy and Draco. They both looked up then back at each other knodding.

When the train arrived all the Slytherins except Maddy and Draco left. Draco shut the doors and Maddy waved her wand so the blinds all went down. "Didn't mummy ever tell you it's bad manners to eavesdrop, Potter?." Maddy said pointing her wand to the rack. There was a muttered sound and Harry's wand appeared. Maddy fell to the ground with a small scream, her hand went up to her face. "Petrificus Totalus!" Draco shouted pointing his wand at the rack. Something fell onto the floor. The invisibility cloak came off and harry was lying frozen on the floor. "Oh, right, she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin." Maddy joked standing and kicking Harry's face. "Enjoy the ride back to London." Maddy said as Draco placed the cloak back over him. Draco grabbed his case and Maddy slid her sack over there shoulder. The left side of Maddy's robes had gathered up quite a bit of blood. Her face had many cuts over the left side too. It was pouring down her face. They left the train and walked up to the gates. "Names?" Flitwick asked from the other side of the gate. "Professor you have known me for a really long time." Maddy asked with a slight rudeness to her tone. "No excuse, Snape." He said opening the gate. "Auroras." Maddy whispered to Draco. They both held their breathes. There bags were searched thought by the auroras. "It's a not a cane, you cretin.
It's a walking stick." Draco snatched the stick from Filchs grip. Maddy turned to the gates waiting. Harry and Luna were walking up, a look of massive anger washed over her. "And what exactly would you be wanting with a walking stick?" Filch asked. "It was his father's." Snape appeared. Maddy stiffened and turned. Her expression changed to relief. "Dad." She sighed happily. He ignoring turning leading the two away up to the castle. "Nice face, Potter." Draco yelled back and Maddy snickered evilly.

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