Chapter 22: Dungeon, dad and detention

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Maddy Pov
The argument,mph sorry, meeting continued on without me having to say much more. The gods started fighting between each other, so I just sat there waiting for them to notice that I was still there. "Oh how I love watching relatives fight." A chilled voice whispered into my ear. It sent chills down my spine, I was locked, I couldnt move. I knew perfectly well who it was though. "I'm surprised you still haven't done anything, disappointed in fact." I mocked, not looking at him. "Your, disappointed in me. For what my dear?" He laughed and chills hit me again. "You've wanted an uprising against Zeus since, forever. I left, leaving a perfect opportunity for you to attack Olympus, but you failed too." I sighed. "Hey just remember who is the full god here." He growled . "Yes, just remember who is the one banished to the underworld here. I'm very jealous of you, Hades." I smiled and looked round at his no longer threatening face. "But not worry, I'm sure the underworld is a lovely place." I snickered gently hitting his check. Me and Hades played these little games a lot before I left. I would always jump at the opportunity to visit the underworld, mainly hades but it is a lovely place. "But I can still blow you off the face of this earth." He said as if he just remembered he could do that. "Nope, your on my turf now, buddy." I smiled. "Oh and I love the whole name change by the way, Maddy, nice. Has a lot moe character to it that Med, a lot moe evil. I mean Med just boring, who knows you could be good or bad, but once you get Maddy, it's clearly evil." He was adding to the fire. "Yes, I'm sure you would much prefer an evil name, I mean Hades, please what's the deal with that." I was having fun. I began swinging my legs as if I was a small child. Something was rattling around hitting my foot. Oh my gods, I am the stupidest person in the world. I had my wand in my boot all along. I should have remember that, I always carry it in my boots if I don't need it.

"Hey, Hades. Want to help me with something? You know friend to friend." I asked sweetly realising I couldn't reach my wand. "Who said we were friends?" He snickered. Me, I did. I said we were friends, my answer had to be really good. "Well I just expected both being exiled by the gods and stuff, but if you don't want in....fine. I just I'll just take over from the gods on my own and completely claim victory for myself." Now I've got him. "Ohh, your bad and very good at it. My service is all yours." He whispered and we both shared an evil grin.

"Alright here's the plan." I whispered to him. I couldn't believe no one had noticed us talk, except Dumbles. He was sitting on a chair at the top of the room looking very amused at the scene unfolding in front of him. "In my left shoe is some rope. Think you could get it?" I asked and he tried grabbing the 'rope' from my shoe. He had hold of my wand, things were going to plan. "There's no rope here just a...stick." He was holding the wand inches from me. I reached out and grabbed it. "Thanks for doing my dirty work." I called not caring if the others could hear me, actually wanting the other to hear me.

"Immobulus." I shouted and they all froze.. "How is it still possibly for a 16 year old girl to out smart 13 gods. Oh I know, best to pay attention to your captive next time. Ha. Better watch out, I might come for you next time, purely for fun. No wonder your kids are always running around picking up after you." I burnt the rope off my legs and body. Free. I jumped down and walked towards the frozen gods. Over to Apollo first, I grabbed four daggers from him and slipped them into my belt. "Aww, thanks. I needed some more of these. Ran out of the other ones last time ya'll tried to kill me." I smiled while walking to the door. Not looking back, I knew what their faces would look like, I'd seen them before like this. That got me thinking again about the last time we had met. Now the table has turned.

I close the office door and melted/freezed it. So it was basically locked on them. There were many ways to get out but they would have to, 1 stop bickering and 2, use all there powers together. There was no way they were getting out.

The halls were dead silent, but not because everyone was still in bed, no. The fine layer of dust found a home on the castle floors over night had been swept up and was slowly settling. Breakfast must have started, but without Dumbledore? I was still technically in my pjs, so I decided to skip breakfast. Probably wouldn't have been able to eat anything any way. The game we had been anticipating for days was in just three hours.

I was literally seconds from the door when a hand fell on my shoulder. It was easy it identify that it wasn't a student. The hand felt old and frail through my cloak. My eyes dropped to the hand and confirmed my suspicions. "Maddy," his tone ringed in my eye. It was dissapointment mixed with worry with a hint of joy. "Sir, I'm sorry but please don't send me back in there." I begged. Begging was my first option, my second, well, I'll just say that Aunt Bella and the other death eaters won't really like. "Words Maddy. You know these are empty words, of which mean nothing to you. Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting pain and healing it." He was weaving thoughts in my head. Forcing on my next thoughts. Hundreds of people dead, that's what this all lead too. "Sir, punish me in whatever way you want but I'm not going back to them, I'm no longer one of them." I basically spat. "I agree, it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow up to be." His voice was at the same tone but it hit really deep. More images, war, death, the end. "Sir please." I was pretty much on the floor begging him. "Give me detention or I'll write a essay about whatever you want. Just please stop." I pleaded. He knew he was in my head now. "Maddy I'm not going to punish you." He began and I let a sigh escape from my lips. "I'm going to leave that you to the head of your house." He was smiling, not on the outside but on the inside. He was enjoying playing games with my mind. Head of house? The prefects? No, no, no. I couldn't form a sentence. "Shall we?" He made his way towards the dungeons and I had to follow. What's the worst he could do.

I hate school, I hate Dumbledore and I hate dad. I was letting down my team, my house, all my friends. Oh sure, what's the worst he could do. What about ground me, so I can't leave me room in his quarters the whole weekend. The whole weekend. I had to stay in my room I used when we would come to school early. I loved the room, I had decorated it to feel like it wasn't a dungeon, but all I could think about was the game. The games that started in ten minutes. The game I was captain of. The game I wouldn't be playing.


I wasn't told anything about the game. I had no idea if anyone knew where I was. I was going insane, insanity the definition of my feels. But insanity was good, for me anyway. It gave me the passion or the dive to do things. Plus insanity was the only thing that kept me from going over the edge, if you know what I mean.

It was now Sunday late morning and I still was unsuccessful in escaping. What would escaping achieve anyway. I'd probably be stuck in more detention.

I was bought lunch by the house elves who were instructed not to talk to me. I ate in silence thinking about my larger problems. Dumbledore. Draco couldn't do it on his own, he was just a boy, but I really didn't want to do it. I finished lunch and carried the tray to my side table. As I placed it down something fell to the ground. I bent down to pick it up, a letter. It was addressed to me, me in my Slytherin dormitory. The house elves must have slipped it onto my tray. I sat down on my bed and slowly slit it open with one of the dagger I had in my belt. I couldn't quite work out whose handwriting it was.

Dear Maddy,

You are invited to a special Christmas party tonight. 2200 in professor slughorns office. Please wear something special Maddy, as I know you aren't quite the dressing up type.

Horace Slughon

My eyes scanned up and down the page, I read the words about 5 times before I actually took in the information. I had just received my ticket out of here. "Oh dad." I called out. I hear footsteps coming down to my room. "What?" He asked clearly not amused by the grin spread across my face. "I have to leave." I said waving the parchment infront of him. "How did you get that?" His usual monotone voice honing in on my. "Magic." I whispered and spin my hand creating a few fireworks, for effect. "Fine." I grumbled. "Thank." I cooed collecting my coat as i ran though the door. Who else would be going?

Hey. I'm no longer doing the votes and comments thing, I feel like it was just annoying you lovely people. But this means when should I update? Tell me, tell me what you want. I also want to know how long you want the chapters to be. I'm doing roughly 1500+ at the moment. Is that good or bad?
Megan xx

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