Chapter 4: USJ

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A/N: Ok now, I hope you understand but I am not good at fighting scenes and shit :D So for now, I wont be writing any of that. But there will be some really shitty one's later on in the chapter.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up in a very.... sketchy place. The last thing I remember was.. well going to sleep. I don't know how long I've been out for or where I am but this is really creepy. I tried to get up to look around but then realized that I was tied to a chair.  Of course, no one is gonna kidnap someone and not trap them. Ok, so I'm currently kidnapped. Yayy. So what do I do next.  I know! I can use my feather to pick the lock. I tried to spread my wings but it didn't work. Fuck. Ok so. I'm kidnapped AND my quirk isn't working. Great. But that's fine. Hawks will save me right. Yup. He will. I just have to wait.

Hawks POV:

When I woke up today, I found out that y/n wasn't here? Of course she had school today but it was only 5:30. I went into the kitchen and found a note attached to the fridge. It read: "Hey! I left for school early today so don't worry about me! <3"

That's weird. This handwriting doesn't look like y/n's? I'll have to be very cautious today. Anyways, I made myself some breakfast and ate. After eating, I washed the plate and set off for UA. Yep. I had a free day so why not help at UA? (That rhymes :D) I figured y/n would be there since she set off early. I arrived at UA and went inside. Now I have to find 1A..  Hmm. It took me some time but I finally found it. I opened the door slightly and saw Eraserhead in.... a sleeping bag. Meh, probably normal. I looked at the class but I didn't spot y/n anywhere. I sent one of my feathers to eraserhead and tapped his shoulder. He woke up and spotted my feather. I brought it back to me and he saw me. I gestured for him to come outside. Once he came outside. "Where is y/n?" We both asked at the same time. 

"What do you mean!? Didn't she come to school??" I asked. "No she didn't! I thought she was coming with you!" (Yes Aizawa knows :D) "No but, look, I found this note." I showed him the not that was supposedly from y/n. "She didn't come.. and that's not even her handwriting." He was right. It isn't her handwriting. I should have looked more into it. "Well- then where is she??" I asked. I seemed very calm on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out more than ever. "I don't know. But I have a feeling she isn't safe. Don't come to USJ today. Try to find her." He told me. "Ok, ok I can do that" I hope. "Alright, I won't tell the class just yet." 

Ok so now I have a mission. I have to find my sister. I can and I will find her and I will not hesitate to badly injure whoever has her.

Y/n's POV:

I've been sitting here for who knows how long. Well I am very bored. And hungry. I can't believe these people didn't leave me any food. Just then, the door slammed open. And a guy with a fake hand on his face stood there. Man, he's crusty. "Well, well, well who do we have here" He said. "Didn't you kidnap me. Shouldn't you know who I am?" I asked him. "Huh. A feisty one eh. Not so scared." He said. "Soo your telling I'm supposed to be scared of a crusty musty man?" I honestly wasn't scared at all. I know how to fight. I've been trained my whole life. "I like her. So you probably wanna know why your here." Is this guy dumb? "Yea, no shit sherlock" 

"Well, I want you to join the league." He said. "Why me?" I asked. "Because, you're powerful. You'd be a great addition to the LOV. Think about it. We'll be unstoppable. But you don't have to decide right away. We have things to do." He said as they all walked out.  Ok, now I'm not gonna actually join the LOV, but I'm gonna use this time to figure out how to get out of here. I looked around the room and spotted a window. Aha! A window. Perfect for sending a help signal. But how. I know! I believe my quirk isn't working because of the bracelet that's on me. Quirk-cancelling bracelets. I know how to get these off. All I need is something to pick the lock of it. I looked around and saw something. It looked like a metal stick? I don't know what it was but I could use it. Even though they tied me to a chair, they didn't think this through. I can still move around. It's just that wherever I go, the chair goes. I dragged the chair to the piece, now to get it to my hands. I pulled the chair back a little and grabbed it before I could fall. Now to get back. I dragged the chair back to its original spot. I picked the lock and ta-da my quirk can work now.

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