Chapter 17- A New Mystery

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Y/n's POV:

"Touch her and you're dead." I hear a voice that I know all too well. "Katsuki??" I ask. "Hey, Idiot." He replies. "Oh! You two are so cute!" The girl says. "Ew. Gross." A different voice says. "Ok, can someone get this damn blindfold off me?" I ask. "So she does have a voice." Crusty says. "Dabi, get the blindfold off." He continues. A few seconds later, the blindfold is off. I look around the room. Crusty, blonde girl, burnt man, and some other people. I look over at Katsuki, who's in the same situation as me. He was glaring daggers at all of them.

"Soo.." I start. "Why am I here this time, Crusty?" I glare at crusty. "Same reason as last time, my dear.." He says. "Except this time, you'll actually join." He continues. "Wait, you've been here before?" Katsuki asks me, surprised. "Well, it's a long story..-" I say. "and no I will not be joining your cult." I turn to crusty. "We're not a cu-" Burnt man starts. "Yea, well that's what they all say." I cut him off.  Katsuki smirks, never having seen this side of me before. Crusty leaves the room annoyed, followed by everyone except Burnt man.

"Oh you're just like your brother, y/n." Burnt man smirks. "W-what?" I ask. Fuck, why did I stutter? There's no way he could know who my brother is! "You heard me." He says. "Who are you?" I ask, cautiously. "The name's Dabi." He says, turning around to walk out. "Oh, and tell Hawks I said hi." He walks out. "Fuck.." I mumble.

"Wait a minute, y/n, is there something you wanna tell me?" Katsuki asks, with a quiet serious expression on his face. "I-um- Alright fine!" I say, scooting my chair closer to his. "Fine, Hawks is my brother." I say. He was bound to find out eventually. Katsuki looked shocked. Almost betrayed. "'re telling me this now?" He asks. "Well.." I look to the ground. "Seriously y/n?! After all these years? You're telling me this now!?" He sounded pretty mad. "Hey! It's not like I didn't want to tell you!" I reply. "I can't believe you, y/n. After all-" Katsuki was cut off when the door slammed open. 

"Can't leave you two alone for too long." Crusty says, as all the villains come back in. "So have you two finally come to your senses? Join the league." Crusty says. I was about to say something but Katsuki cut me off. "I'll consider it." He says. "WHAT?" I yell out, surprised by Katsuki's words. "Actually, you know what? I'll join." He says, glaring at me. I feel my heart almost shatter completely. "K-katsuki, can't-I-" I whisper out, still in shock. 

"Now get this damn chain off me." He turns his glare to Crusty. Crusty thought for a moment. "What? You don't trust me? How am I supposed to join if you don't trust me." Katsuki says. "Twice, get it off." He turns to the masked man. "What? Why can't Dabi do it!" He says, but walks over to Katsuki as soon as he saw Crusty's glare. I didn't know what to do anymore. 

He walks over to Katsuki and un-chains him. As soon as he does, I see Katsuki blast a huge explosion at the villains.

Katsuki's POV:

As soon as the stupid chains were off, I burst a large explosion at the damn villains. As if I'd ever join their stupid ass league. Before anyone could say anything, we hear someone from outside. "Pizza delivery!" Pizza? There was a moment of silence before All Might burst through the door. "Bakugou! Get y/n and get out of here!" Hawks says. I simply nod and run over to y/n. I slowly burn the chains, careful not to burn her wrist. "Katsu-" She starts. "Shut up and let's go, you idiot." 

**Time skip.**

"Y/N? Y/N!" Fuck. How could I let this happen? "Y/N!" I call again. "Katsuki!" I hear her voice from behind me. I quickly turn around and pull her into a hug. "For fuck's sake, y/n! Didn't I tell you to stay with me?!" I scold. "I know! I know! But I found something, come on!" She says, dragging me along with her. "Y/n, now isn't a time to play scavenger hunt!" I tell her. "Just trust me, will you!?" She says. "Yeah right, I made that mistake years ago." I say, without a second thought. She stops. Oh shit. A sudden realization of what I said hits me. "Y/n I-" I start. "It's alright." She cuts me off, letting go of my hand and walking away. "Y/n- wait!" I call out, following her.

"You don't have to come with me. You're right." She says. I could hear the pain in her voice. God, that hurts. "I'm not letting you go anywhere alone." I reply. She simply walks over to what looked like an old newspaper. "This is what I found. It's a somewhat old newspaper." She says, opening it. She points to the picture of a woman. "Her." She says. "What about her?" I ask.

 "I know her, she used to visit me from time to time but she's never told me her name. She always claimed to be a friend of my mother's." I say. "She always told me never to tell hawks about her though, I always found that kind of weird. I haven't seen her for about a year but the last the time I did, she left with a 'Stay safe, they're looking for you.' It creeped me out but I didn't know what she was talking about." She says.

"Wait why is she in the newspaper?" I ask. "It says here she died in a fire 13 years ago.." She says.

 "What..?" I grab the newspaper from her hand, looking over it. Shit, she's right. "I was supposed to find this, Katsuki. Someone is coming after me." She tells me, I hear fear in her voice. "I know you don't trust me anymore, but I still trust you.. please don't tell anyone about this." I see a tear fall down her face. I pull her into a hug. "Hey, don't cry.. I love you so much y/n, and I trust you even more. We'll figure this out together. I'm not letting anyone take you away from me." I reassure her. 

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