Chapter 10- Internships

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Y/n Pov:

I walk into the bus and take a seat next to my boyfriend. "Hey Kat." I greeted him. "Hey." He says. "You excited?" I ask him. "Pff why tf would I be excited for this." He denies. "Mm ok. Anyone else there on the internship with you?" I ask. "I don't know. Why?" He asks. "Oh, nothing. Just that Tokoyami is interning with Hawks too. I was just wondering if there was someone interning with Best Jeanist with you." I reply. "Oh... Who tf is Tokoyami?" He asks. "Katsu..." I say as I point to Tokoyami. "Oh, the bird guy." He replies.

I sigh, before intertwining our hands. "Sometimes, I just can't with you." I say as I lay my head on his shoulder. "You know you love me." He says. "Yes, I do. That's the sad part." I giggle. He gave me a 'wtf' look before slightly laughing with me. I stared at him in shock. "Tch. What?" He asks. "You should laugh more. It's cute." I tell him. "Tf!? I'm not cute!!" He whisper-shouts, not wanting anyone to hear. We talk for a little while until I reach my destination.

"Well, this is me. I'll see you in a week?" I say. "Mhm. And you better call me." He replies. "Of course. Byee." I tell him before walking to Tokoyami with my bag. "So you ready?" I ask him. "Kind of. I am quite nervous though." He says. "Pff why? Whatcha nervous about?" I ask. "Well, I am just nervous about meeting hawks that's all." He replies. "Trust me, there's nothing to be nervous about. You'll be great!" I encourage him. "Thank you, Takami." He replies. "You can call me y/n, it's no worries." I tell him. "Ok y/n." He replies.

We walk inside the big building as I stare at it in amaze. Why have I never seen his agency before?? Oh right, he didn't want his workers to know about me to keep me safe. The same reason why he can't meet Katsuki yet. Sometimes, I just can't help but wonder... maybe he's a little overprotective?? We walk to the front desk as the nice lady greets us. "Hello! What can I do for you?" She asks. "Hello. We're here for our internships." I smile at the lady's polite speaking. "Oh of course! I will inform hawks that you have arrived." She says as she picks up the phone next to her. "Yes they have arrived. Ok."

She keeps the phone down and looks at us. "Take the elevator over there. Penthouse, room to the right." She says "Thank you." We both say as we make our way to the elevator. We enter the elevator and press the button to the penthouse. "So you still nervous?" I ask him. "I suppose a little." He says. The elevator doors fly open as we walk to the said. It a had a sign that said "HAWKS", so I suppose this is the right room. I gently knock on the door, which I wouldn't have done if Tokoyami wasn't here. I hear a "Come in." from inside and open the door to enter.

Seriously? He has such a big room and still manages to make it messy. "Ah hello! Welcome! Please do ignore my messy room." He says. "Sure, I'll try." I say. He gives me an annoyed look and goes back to his enthusiastic face. "Hello sir. My name is Fumikage Tokoyami." He says, as he bows. Why is he bowing? "Yea I know. I have to say kid, I am quite impressed with your work at the Sports Festival." He says.

That got me thinking. Do I deserve to be here? Was he actually impressed by my fighting, or did he just request me because I'm his sister? If it is the second part, then I shouldn't be here. "Um, Earth to y/n?" I hear. "Huh? What?" I say quickly. "You were deep in thought, did you hear anything I said right now?" He asks. "Umm I don't think so?" I say with an awkward smile. He sighs before repeating his words again. "So today I will just let you guys' train against each other and settle into the place. Understood?" He says.

"Oh ok." I reply. "Great now come on, I'll show you where you're staying." He says as he leads us out of the room. We follow him into the elevator. He presses the button for 3. Once the door opens, we walk out and follow him to 2 rooms. "Ok, y/n, the room on the right is yours and the other one is Tokoyami's. Got it? Here are the keys and there is an extra one in your room drawers in case you lose the first one, ok?" He says as he gives us our keys. "I am offended you would even assume that we'd lose our keys in the first place." I reply.

"Hey, you can never be too careful." He says, as walks back to the elevator. "Ok. Check out your rooms, settle in, change into your fighting gear and meet me in my office." He says as the elevator door closes. Me and Tokoyami look at each other before walking into our own rooms. It's a nice room. I take out most of my stuff and set it at the dresser.

After, I unpack my hero costume and put it on. I quickly tie my hair into tight bun (Or whatever style you want <3) and wash my face. My hero costume is a very smart one, I'm not trying brag just saying hehe. It was a plain black bodysuit. It gives off a villain vibe but trust me, I have a very good reason. It also includes a mask to maintain my identity. Very villainous huh? I figured if I'm gonna fight villains, I might as well blend in. It has a compartment for knives and other weapons just in case I get into another quirk- cancelling situation.

I decided not to include the mask for training because why not. I grab my keys and walk out of the room. I see Tokoyami standing outside waiting for me. "Did I take too long?" I ask. "No, I just came outside." He said. "Ok then let's go." We make our way to my brother's office, and I knock on the door. Knocking is overrated honestly, hmph. He opens the door and greets us... again.

He leads us to an elevator inside his room. "Why do you have an elevator inside your room?" I ask. "You'll see." he says as he enters. We follow him into the elevator, and I realize there were only two buttons... weird. I soon found out the reason as the elevator headed underground and stopped at what looked like a training ground.

"Ok first person to pin the other person wins. GO!" He says, catching us off guard. But something he didn't think about, was how easy this would be for me. I quickly sent out 2 of my feathers and pinned him to the wall by the shoulders of his costume. "Ok.. that was fast. Um different challenge! I will fight you." He says, smirking. "WHAT." We both say in unison.

"So... who wants to go first?"


Andd i'm back to writing chapters over 1000 words :)) THIS TOOK SO LONGG AND I WAS LAZY AHHH

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