Chapter 20- Arguments and Apologies

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A bit of angst coming your way.

Y/n's POV:

"Katsuki! At least open the door!" I sigh, knocking on his door for the 100th time. "Just leave me the fuck alone!" He yells out. "Come on! Why are you shutting me out? I just wanna help you!" I reply. Katsuki was being really difficult right now. He was bitter because he didn't pass the hero license exam, due to his immense anger issues. "Katsuki?" I call once again. This time, the door swings open. "I DON'T NEED YOUR DAMN HELP. NOW GO THE FUCK AWAY." He yells at me before slamming the door in my face.

I sigh, knocking on the door again. There's no way I could just leave him like this. "Katsuki, please.." I plead. The door swings open and a hand pulls me into the room, closing the door once I was inside. I see Katsuki glaring at me with folded arms. "What do you want?" He asks, with a firm voice. "I already told you, babe, I wanna help you." I reply, with a soft voice. "And I already told you that I don't need your help!" He grits his teeth. "Kats-" I start to say. "What? Now that I failed the stupid exam, you think I need help? You wanna look down on me? You think I'm weak?" He cuts me off.

"Katsuki, I never said that." I say, furrowing my eyebrows. "THAT'S WHAT YOU MEANT, ISN'T IT?" He yells, clenching his fist. "Katsuki!! How could you think that? I would never look down on you!" I say, getting a bit frustrated myself. "DON'T SAY SHIT WHEN YOU KNOW YOU DON'T MEAN IT, Y/N." He yells, again. "I DO MEAN IT. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DON'T EVEN TRUST ME THAT MUCH?" I yell back, annoyed. His eyes widened. "You're yelling at me now?" He asks, his eyes remaining wide. "You yelled at me first.." I mumble, folding my arms.

"You think you're so special, don't you? Your brother being a top hero and all that. But you're not, you're nothing! You're still as weak as all of the other damn extras. Don't ever fucking think that you're better than me, got it? I'm stronger. I'm the strongest! You're just another useless extra I need to surpass. So don't think you're anything special to me, either!" He yells. I feel my heart sting at the harshness of his words. I stand there in shock, not able to move.

I see a look of realization flash on his face as he moves a step towards me. "Y/n I-" He starts. "Is that really what you think of me, Katsuki?" I ask, moving a step back. He stays quiet, a look of regret on his face. "Oh.." I feel a tear fall down my face and quickly wipe it away. "I guess that's where we stand then, right Bakugou?" I ask. Again, no answer. "It's sad, I didn't think we'd end just like this." I say, turning to walk out. Before I could reach the door, I feel a hand grab my wrist. "We didn't end." He says. "There's nothing else that can come out of this, Bakugou." I say, yanking my hand from his. "Fuck.. don't call me that, y/n." He says as I open the door. Just as I was about to walk out, I pause. "I'm sorry for wanting to help you." I say before slamming the door shut.

I quickly walk over to my dorm, getting inside and closing the door. I take a deep, shaky breath as the weight of all his words finally get to me.

Time Skip: Later that night

I wake up in my bed with a tear stained face. I must've fallen asleep after dinner. I look out the window and see that it was really dark. I should really sleep. I lay in my bed, tossing and turning to try and find a comfortable position to sleep in. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, I decide to just take a walk to get some fresh air. After all, my room was starting to feel suffocating. I check the time on my phone, and realize it's past curfew. Ignoring it, I make my way out of my dorm. I pause, seeing Katsuki's door, contemplating whether or not I should knock. It's what I'd always do when I'm not able to sleep. 

No, I can't. All that is in the past. I try clear my head, making my way outside of the building. I start to walk around, trying to get today's incidents out of my head. Suddenly, I hear a loud explosion come from Ground Beta, startling me. Without a second thought, I started to run towards Ground Beta. When I finally got there, I see Katsuki on top of Izuku, pinning him down. Did they fight? I send a few feathers out to Katsuki, pinning him by his shirt to a building nearby. 

I run over to Izuku, crouching down next to him. "Izuku! Are you okay?" I ask, scanning him for any injuries. "N/n? I'm fine. Why are you here?" He replies. "I was just.. taking a walk." I mumble. I feel Katsuki try to remove my feathers from his shirt. I bring my feathers back to me, letting him go. I get up and turn to him with a frustrated expression. "Damn it Ka- Bakugou! Why do you have to take your anger out on Izuku?" I ask him. he simply dusts off his shirt, walking up to us. "Y/n? Why'd you call kacchan by his last name?" Izuku asks. "She's going to stop that." Katsuki says, glaring at me. "No, I'm not." I reply. 

Before he could say anything, we hear All Might's voice. "That's enough, you three! Sorry, but I overheard." He says. I look at him, with a confused expression on my face. "I'm sorry I didn't notice." He says. Notice what? "It started when the sludge villain came, right?" Katsuki asks him. The sludge villain that almost killed Katsuki? What's going on. "Why deku? Why him?"Katsuki asks. "Young Midoriya.. he was powerless, but more heroic than anyone else. You were someone who could already compete." All Might tells him. "I'm sorry for interrupting.. but could someone tell me what's going on?" I ask. "I'm weak, too, you know!? I always wanted to be strong like you! It was my fault you had to retire! I was too weak." He says. He sounds so hurt..I didn't know he felt like this. It breaks my heart to see him like this. "This isn't your fault. I was always going to turn out like this." All might says. He pulls Katsuki into a hug, comforting him.

After All Might talks to the both of them. Katsuki falls onto the ground, burying his face into his legs. "Who knows about you and Deku?" Katsuki asks. "Principal Nezu, Recovery Girl, and well, Young Takami." He says, gesturing over to me. Katsuki turns to me, an unreadable look on his face. "You fucking knew?" He asks. "Well, yea. And what about it?" I ask, looking away. "You don't want this to get out, do you, All Might? Since it sounds like you're trying to hide this, I won't tell anyone. I won't expose your secret like damn Deku here." He says. 

After everything was over, All Might explains everything about One For All. Just as we all were about to leave, Katsuki grabs my wrist. "Can we talk?" He asks. "I'm not sure I want to." I reply. He looks over at Izuku and All Might, glaring at them. "W-we uh.. we'll leave you two alone." Izuku says, as they both walk away. "I said I don't want to talk, Bakugo." I tell him, yanking my hand away. "Y/n, please.." He says, in an almost defeated tone. I sigh, turning around and hugging him tightly. He seemed startled for a few seconds, before hugging me back tighter. 

"Why, y/n? After all the shit I said to you. Why are you hugging me?" He asks. "What you said, it really hurt me, Katsuki. But I know you didn't mean it, you were angry, I made you angry. Hearing you so hurt.. it broke my heart. I'm so sorry, Katsuki. I didn't know you felt that way. I should have noticed but I was too caught up in my own shit to even think about how you felt! I should have done better as your girlfriend." I mumble into his chest. He pulls away from the hug to see my face, still holding me. Seeing I was looking at the floor, he grabbed my jaw, making me look up at him. 

"Dumbass.. you're the best girlfriend I could have ever asked for, don't blame yourself when you had even more shit to deal with. And about earlier, I'm fucking sorry. I was just too angry to think before I spoke. I wasn't angry at you, but at myself. I know that isn't an excuse for saying all that. But y/n, seeing that look on your face, seeing a single damn tear in those beautiful eyes.. it's the worst feeling. And just knowing that I was the reason for that... damn it. You deserve so much better, y/n. And I'm willing to become better for you. I love you, dumbass. I didn't mean anything I said to you. I can't bear the thought of ever losing you. You mean everything to me, got it?" He tells me. "Man, I love you." I say, kissing him. He places his hand on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. After a few minutes, we finally pull away.

Time Skip: At Katsuki's Dorm

Me and Katsuki were all cuddled up in his bed. I figured I deserved this after today. "Katsuki?" I call. "Hmm?" He replies, in a tired voice. "So, four days of house arrest huh?" I ask him, smirking. "Shut up, you idiot. You have one day, too." He says. "Still not as much as you." I smile at him. "What were you  even thinking taking a walk outside that late? Do you know how dangerous that is?" He asks in a stern voice. "Oh please, I can take care of myself. I'm not in the mood for a lecture right now." I yawn. "Wait. Sensei's not gonna tell Hawks, is he?" I ask. "He definitely will." He replies, running his hand through my hair. "Oh no.. I'm definitely gonna get a lecture." I pout. He simply chuckles. "As he should." He says. When he doesn't get a reply, he looks over at me, only to realize that I had already fallen asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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