Mysterious Man

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I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys

Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift

The blue haired man raises an eyebrow in amusement at my name calling for him and, a hint of pink flushes over his face. He's quite cute...

"My Lord, huh... You can call me whatever you want, darling. Just don't go around trying to find out who I am," He gives me a sly smile.

"Hmm, I would've thought that you were the Yashiro Commissioner but surely, Sir Kamisato would never flirt in such a way..." My voice trails away.

"The Yashiro Commissioner? That is a wild guess, indeed. I'm inclined to think that he has his ways around women, but he keeps his personal life quite private," He joins the topic.

"I heard that he's extremely handsome and goal-oriented. Not only that, but charming with exquisite tastes. The top of the cream amongst the bachelors of Inazuma," I stare into his eyes.

"Is this a challenge for me to be better than him to suit your preferences, young maiden?" A competitive glint in his eyes.

"Would you like to take a walk around the festival with me for tonight?" The mysterious man offers.

"A man like you need not concern yourself with the likes of me. After all, I am just a lowly shrine maiden," I continue, "It was nice meeting you, Mr...? No. My Lord still suits you more. I hope we meet again... My Lord."

"I am absolutely sure that we will see each other again, Y/N," He smiles.

It takes me a moment to register that I have never told him my name in our sudden meeting but I forget that the shrine maidens of the Great Narukami Shrine are quite popular. He must've known my name because of my popularity amongst Inazumans... I bow before turning away with a humble smile, my face turning to the shades of sakura blooms.

Ayato POV.

My right hand covering my mouth, for I was afraid that the servants would see how red my face is right now. I storm into my chambers hurriedly, slamming the door behind me, leaning against the door.

I remember...

The way her eyes lit up when she smiled, the soft touch of her hand, her gentle voice... And how she gets smaller, the further she walks away from me.

She danced like a goddess tonight. And, it was just like the past was yesterday when I took her hands in mine as we danced on our wedding day under the moonlight in the rain. How could she be so beautiful? And what was that just now? My Lord? How could she flirt with a stranger she met in the night? Does she not know the dang-

No. She's strong enough to handle herself, that I can say with confidence. Had she not been a shrine maiden, I would've had her hired and be working in Shumatsuban. Still...

My heart aches at the short meeting we just had.

As I expected, I will only want more the moment I meet her. The gods made me come back so that I could have a second chance; so that the world could have a second chance. Whatever happened with the Raiden Shogun, I must stop it from happening again.

I need to talk to the traveller.

The only person in Teyvat who can wield different elements without visions, the one who's saved nations, and the only person other than Lady Yae who is on good terms with the Shogun... I cannot do this without them. I walk towards my table, writing on a small roll of parchment in black ink. I tie it onto a dove and kiss it, before sending it out.

"Get this to the traveller, my love. The world depends on this," And it flies off.

I can only pray that my message will be conveyed to the traveller, for if the traveller refuses to help... I don't know what kind of doom would befall onto Teyvat again.

Knock knock.

"Who's there?" I question, looking back at the door.

"It's me, brother," Ayaka's gentle voice reaches my ears.

I open the door, greeted with concerned eyes. I raise an eyebrow in question to this unexpected visit from her this late in the night.

"Have you taken a liking to Y/N, brother?" And I hold my breath.

Ayaka cannot know about what happened to me. It will only put her in danger.

"No, of course not. I haven't even met her, Ayaka. I wonder what made you say that?" I speak in a calm manner, my heart palpitating. She enters my chambers and closes the door behind her before speaking in a soft whisper, "I saw what happened at the festival..."


"Brother, the way you looked at her. It was as if you had known her your entire life, as if you had been lovers in your past lives. I'm not sure if it's love at first sight, but you seem to have known her before I even told you about her existence, and honestly, it's fine with me if you really do fancy her. However, do know that if you ever hurt her, I will not hesitate to hurt you back. She is my best friend and has always been there for me when no one was," Ayaka lets out in a single breath and I listen to her, stunned.

"I understand," I return her concerns with a reassuring smile.

"And, I'm sure I'm not just the only person who would say this to you. Y/N is a-"

"Kind person. Yes, I'm aware," I nod.

"Well then, now that I've got it off my chest. I would like you to know that I'm willing to help," Ayaka smiles cheekily.

"Ayaka..." I sigh, almost laughing.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, brother. Have a good night's sleep," She turns away before leaving to her chambers. I sigh in relief, closing the doors before laying down on my bed.

The only thing on my mind is the still image of Y/N dancing.

It never fails to impress me.

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