Blurred Truths

225 8 2

Enchanted by Taylor Swift


"My lady, you look astonishing today," His deep voice reconciles in the light breeze as I step out of my door.

"In these rags?" I raise an eyebrow questionably at the blue-haired lad, clad in my normal, commoner, clothes instead of my usual shrine maiden uniform of red and white.

It had been a couple of days since Ayato had come down to help my parents out at the stall downstairs our shophouse. He had been coming all the way down here clad in his peasant clothes to help us out from dawn to dusk tirelessly and even Itto had recognised him amongst the crowds of blushing aunties at the ready to pay with their baskets full of fruits and vegetables of the sorts from Ayato's recommendation. He's impressed me in our time of knowing each other in the past few months, but again... He's impressed me again. This domestic side of him smiling sheepishly at my mother, his loud and form answers of agreement with my father in fear of being scrutinised of whisking his only daughter away from his arms, and our stolen glances from one another throughout the day only makes me red at the thought when I lie on my bed for the night.

"With this face of yours I'm sure potato sacks would look like an evening gown on you, princess," Ayato chuckles slightly as he brings a gentle kiss on the back of my palm, his eyes not leaving mine.

"Come now, it's not everyday that we have the whole of the world to us," His teeth gleams as his eyes turn into crescents, holding my hands in his big palms which I've noticed, are a knuckle and a half bigger than mine.

"Where are we going today?" I lean to the front, looking at him brightly.

The morning sun descents its glory on Inazuma, the busy streets basking in its warmth as vendors begin to lift the shutters up from their front doors. The day ahead of us looks promising, like a never-ending fairy-tale.

"It's a secret," Ayato smiles teasingly, "The princess only needs to be escorted, for I, have a plan," He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

"Don't call me that..." I look away, flustered. The nickname lingers at the back of my mind most of the time, and it might just be because I've always worked so hard. Being treated and called a princess seems unfitting for someone of my stature, but for some reason when that very word slips from his lips, it rolls off his tongue so naturally it makes my heart skip a beat all the time.

"Ah... But I recall a certain someone," He pauses on the grassy path behind a tree before leaning in to whisper into my ear, "squeezing me tight when I said that."

I gasp at his hot breath and bold words, eyes blaring wide at him as I'm at a loss for words. In instinct, I flick a bolt towards his arm and he winces in slight pain, but the look on his mischievous face doesn't have a hint of regret.

"You'll regret this," My eyebrows can only furrow as calculations of absolute revenge begin to take form in my mind.

"I look forward to seeing what you have in store for me," He smirks, bending down to take off our shoes and covering my eyes.

Before I can even speak, my fingers that grab hold of his unwavering hands tighten at the feeling of cold water tickling at my feet as it slowly rises up bit by bit. The small waves of the water hit my ankles as it washes in and out, the sound of the calming plains becoming an ambient shore. I can feel Ayato standing closely behind me, his arms holding our shoes wraps across my waist as his gentle breaths brushes against the edge of my ear.

"A-Ayato, wha-" Cracks of light slip through his fingers and my eyes adjust to the change of scenery before me as his hand leaves the curves of my face.

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