City of Contracts

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Labyrinth by Taylor Swift


After the horrendous imagination my mind had concocted, I never had so much troublesome sleeping in my life. It took me a full two hours after flipping around my bed with those uncomfortable thoughts. I would rather have my head on the guillotine than let any soul know what I have imagined. And now because of that, I can't look at Ayato in the eyes anymore. Archons forbid, we've only met awhile ago...

In the far distance, I can see the shape of Liyue taking form. The unlit lanterns hanging above the streets, temple-like architectures being built upon the ground, and many boats at the harbour preparing to leave in time to come. The view from the Crux is magnificent and I don't think I'll ever be able to see such a sight ever again. The ship reaches the dock and a couple of men throw ropes down to the people below to pull us in, tying a strong knot around the wood. I glance at Ayato and once again, he's already commanding his servants. We've only ever exchanged a 'Good morning' today...

"We'll be staying at the Jade Chamber for the night. Lady Ningguang has been extremely generous to let us take shelter there for the time being whilst we are in Liyue. We will gather tonight at Liuli Pavilion to enjoy dinner with our other guests who will be joining us in our journey," Ayato informs after saying his thanks to Captain Beidou.

"Thank you, Captain Beidou. This journey across the sea was very much comfortable. I thank you for your hospitality," Zhongli bows slightly.

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Beidou!!" The Traveller and Paimon smiles.

"Thank you, Captain Beidou. I hope to see you again," I turn to her.

"You must see me again. The Chasm is a dangerou-"

"Yes, yes, yes. This must be the thousandth time. The Traveller will be joining us, so I'm almost too sure I'll be safe. Not to mention, everyone else on the trip has a vision and according to Ayato, is all very much capable in combat. Do not worry, my friend," I hold her hand as she sighs, nodding.

The four of us leave the ship and walk towards the city.

"Never gets old," The Traveller smiles.

"I almost forgot how this place looked like..." My voice trailing away as my attention is directed towards the place.

Zhongli smiles proudly as I look around, setting my eyes on everything I can see. The smell of Liyue food with a slight hint of the salty sea, the chatters of conversations with the occasional Mandarin being spoken, music played by a street performer using the Guzheng fills the atmosphere with a romantic feeling, and the gentle heat radiating from the sun all overwhelms me greatly. It's been too long since I've had such a feeling.

"I'll get going now then," I excuse myself.

"Where are you going?" Paimon asks.

"Mm... It should be somewhere near the mountains, but I'll be back before sunset," I inform her, satiating her worry.

Before Ayato can say anything, I bid goodbye and head north to the place where I visited when I was a child together with my parents. I wonder if the place still looks the same?


The sun shines brightly, peering over a mountain's peak as I trudge up further into the forests. As I look back now, I can see the small view of Liyue behind. The mountain is quite close to Liyue compared to the others such as Mount Hulao, but I'm convinced that I've already walked that much of a distance. I take a seat at the rocky seat that has been carved to look like a chair at the peak, staring at the golden city. My fingers brush past the old stone and I feel an anomaly on the hard surface.

Feels like... words?

I stand up and look down at the place I felt the strange markings. I can recognise this anywhere... I smile fondly as the memories start coming back to me. Young me, running around this place with my little pink kimono, my parents laughing about. The words carved into the stone is something that I never understood, but I just had a small feeling of carving it in when I was young. And although I still don't understand it now, it must be gibberish for all I care because I wasn't young enough to comprehend much words anyways.

I smooth my fingertips over the nonsensical carvings, smiling to myself. I wish my parents were here to see this view again. Ever since I started working at the shrine, we barely ever had time together considering the very busy duties I have and the business in the market that keeps a roof over our heads. My heart sinks a little at the thought about how we might have drifted, and I feel quite alone. In this vast lands of Liyue full of golden leaves that shine like the reflection the water gives, I feel alone. And for the first time in a very long time, I realise that I finally have the time to think about such thoughts. I've kept myself so busy in order to not think about things such as this because I knew the truth that I would have to come to terms with when I did.

Even with my family and friends around me, I've always felt this emptiness inside of me. An emptiness that has never been filled before. I have never been wholly happy, sad, angry, or any other kind of emotion at all except... Except being lonely, because I have never felt full like any other normal human. There is a longing inside of me to feel like that but I just don't know how. And it feels like something, like someone, is missing in my life but I don't know what or who or how or anything at all.

"Novati..." I murmur the last words of the illogical words that are carved into stone. It's the only word I can make out but I laugh to myself because it still doesn't make sense.

I look out into the horizon and watch as a flock of birds fly by and off into the scenery. I wish everything could remain this way forever...

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