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Something About You by Eyedress, Dent You


As the discussion about the abyss starts, I start to become more confused with why a consultant from a funeral parlour is involved but I don't ask because it's most definitely not my place. Ayato has made a suggestion that we travel to the Chasm where the Abyss was last detected according to reports from the Traveller. The plan is to go find clues about the Abyss and to try to get information about their plans. The people going on this trip will not just be us and my jaw drops at the news of a fatui harbinger and a... bard(?) joining us. Despite all these remarkably questionable news, I continue to keep my mouth shut.

"I will not be joining due to my duties at the shrine. However, if you want to, you can go, Y/N," Lady Yae tells me.

I look around the room and my eyes make contact with Ayato's.

He gives me a nod.

That's all I need.

"Then... I'll go," I announce.

"We'll need your combat skills very much. With the Traveller and Zhongli, I doubt there'll be any casualties," Ayato reassures everyone.

"You better take care of my precious shrine maiden. If harm comes her way, I'm sure I won't be the only one who will be unhappy. Considering Lady Ayaka is her best friend and, the fact that Y/N ha-"

"Put aside your worries, Lady Guuji. Both you and I know I am more than capable in leading and taking care of my people," Ayato sips on his tea in arrogance. Lady Yae chuckles and glances my way for a second, a purple glint in her eyes. She knows I saw it, she knows I'm not some dumb and slow-witted girl. So, what was that for? No, I shouldn't ask. She's a kitsune afterall, it's in her nature.

The rest of the day is spent with me packing for the trip to the Chasm and bidding goodbye to my friends who work together with me at the Grand Narukami Shrine. A carriage awaits for me just outside Chinju Forest and I tug my sword to my waist, walking down towards the glowing forest. I make my way towards the huge carriage where I expect to see the traveller and Zhongli as Ayato is surely to be having his own carriage. However, I'm greeted with the familiar face of a certain blue haired gentleman.

"Ayato? Am I sharing a carriage with you?" I pause in my steps up into the wonderfully built carriage.

"Is there a problem?" He arches an eyebrow.

"Well... It would be most improper considering that you are indeed a no- AH!" He pulls me into the carriage mid-sentence and I'm taken aback at the sudden movement.

"The carriage will take us to the port where Captain Beidou awaits us. We set sail at 8pm and should arrive at the borders of Liyue around 11am tomorrow. You don't get seasick, do you?" Ayato asks, a small smirk upon his lips.

"I've only been on a boat once when I was young for fishing but never on such a big ship that's going to last for hours... I can't guarantee I won't be seasick, Ayato," I sigh in defeat.

"It's quite alright. I'm sure Paimon would get seasick, too," He laughs gently and I laugh along.

"Uhm... There's this place in Liyue I would like to visit before we journey to the Chasm. Is it alright?" I ask, fearing his rejection.

"We'll be staying in Liyue for a day before making our way to the Chasm by carriage so please, take your time and enjoy the city. The fatui harbinger and guest from Monstadt will make their way towards Liyue tomorrow. We shall have dinner at LiuLi Pavilion," Ayato informs me.

I nod in reply, relaxing at the fact that I would be able to visit the place I've been longing to visit since I was a child. I can already picture the scenery, just like I've seen in paintings from Liyue. Excitement boils within me as I look out the carriage, the horses galloping us towards the port through the streets of Konda Village. The evening sun is slowing, setting the sky ablaze in fiery shades of orange and crimson. The moon makes it appearance in the far west, the golden rays of the sun lighting up the lands of Teyvat with a smile. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of the carriage moving, the laughter of children playing at the nearby river, the crickets talking to each other and families calling their children in to dig into dinner.

"How long will we be gone for?" I look at Ayato, who's also looking out the window, the golden hour sitting on his face softly, making him look more handsome.

"Two weeks or so," He returns me with a small smile and I notice his long lashes.

He doesn't break eye contact as my eyes shift to the mole on his face, then to his lips. I feel my breath stagger a tiny bit as scenarios flood my mind. I know I shouldn't be thinking of such atrocities, but I can't help myself when it comes to him. I grip my dress and he notices. He notices but he doesn't say a word.

"Cat got your tongue?" His low voice whispers to me.

I inhale sharply, looking up to his eyes.

And, I gulp.

We look at each other's eyes in silence and, I'm reminded of how close we are. Yet, I can't move. I don't want to move. The sun's rays sets it's light onto both our lips and this time, Ayato starts leaning in closer. I can hear his breath and my heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest.

"Ayato... We shouldn't be doing this," The words leave my lips with a gentle sigh.

"But, you're not moving away. Move away, and I'll stop. Move away, and I'll take it as a no," His voice not above a whisper. I look at him and he catches me, the scent of him invading me again. He places his hand on the carriage wall behind me, trapping me in his territory. He's so close...

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