The Harbinger and The Strange Bard

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Another One Bites The Dust by Queen


The sun has set, sky covered in blankets of stars, the moon smiling upon Teyvat. Lanterns and lampposts light up the harbour, children going back into the safety of their homes to eat dinner with their families. I make my way back to Liyue Harbour, passing by a lot of hilichurl camps and just taking them out for the convenience of non-vision wielders. If a normal person comes across one, their lives could be in a lot of danger. Although an average hilichurl is like a fly to someone like me, I can't say the same for a kid who isn't like Sayu...

"You've got some skills, huh?" A boyish voice calls out to me and in my quick reflex, I turn to look at who's talking to me.

I'm met with a handsome ginger, red satin wrapped loosely around his neck and chest, a fatui mask at the side of his head. Two hydro daggers disappear at my turning to him, and he looks impressed at my reaction speed. However, none of that concerns me when the young man seems like he has strong ties with the Tsaritsa.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask, continuing my journey back to the harbour.

"No, and I don't know you either. But hey, what's the problem with making some strong friends?" He walks alongside me.

"Quit the flirting and tell me what a fatui harbinger like you is doing here," I reply.

"Is it really that obvious?" He sighs.

"When you're not hiding that mask and the Snezhnayan accent, it's pretty obvious..." I shrug my shoulders, content that my suspicions were right.

"Quick-witted, smart, strong, and pretty. What else do you not have?" The harbinger boy flirts.


"Humour. That's for sure..." He sighs.

"Look, I'm not looking for trouble. I just wanna know to get to the Jade Chamber, alright? If I'm being honest, you don't look like you're from Liyue at all," The nameless ginger confesses.

I pause in my steps. The words of Ayato mentioning about a harbinger joining us crosses my mind but I had no idea that a harbinger this young would be one to join us. I stop to stare at the man in front of me, and look up and down, scanning his eyes down to his knees. Is he really a harbinger? What am I saying, I already predicted that he truly was one. But still, is it really just coincidence that he just found me in the middle of Liyue to ask for directions to the Jade Chamber without knowing that I'd be there, as well???

"Enjoying the view, huh?"

I sigh and continue to walk, ignoring his flirtatious statements.

"If you want to know how to get to the Jade Chamber, follow me. I'm heading there, as well," I say and he returns my reply with a smile.

"So, what's your name?" He gives me a cheeky smile.

"Y/N," I sigh. I don't want to associate myself with a fatui harbinger as mean as that sounds but, I wouldn't want to make enemies with them either. I'm aware of the horrible things they've done, but I'm in no position to say such things when I'm also aware of the things many of my other friends have done. For example, Ayato. He may look like a kind man, but being the Head of the Kamisato Clan means that he's just as manipulative and cunning, as well. I'm sure he's had a fair amount of body count. Well... not that body count. But, you know, the body count that he hides behind a mask to not let anyone know so he can continue to do business. The body count that continues to increase each and everyday with the Shumatsuban under his control...

"And here I was thinking you wouldn't tell me your name... I'm Tartaglia, but you can call me, Childe," He gives me the same cheeky smile again.

"So, you're joining us on the trip to the Chasm?" I try to make conversation, fearing any awkwardness. It's not like I'm an introvert, no, I'm not. Being friends with Itto requires some sort of social skill, and if you're too quiet, he wouldn't like it. Not to mention, shrine maidens have a wide social network with the coming in and out of people everyday so it's no surprise that awkwardness is the last thing I would want in a situation such as this. More so, with a fatui harbinger.

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