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Where'd All The Time Go by Dr. Dog


Anguish that I've never felt before wash over me, and scenarios that I've never seen before fly through my mind like a movie. I can hear Ayato calling out for my name and I know he's standing before me but I can't move. What is this? Why are Inazumans running? Where am I going? This is all seems so familiar but I can't grasp anything from it at all.

The purple skies form dark clouds as lightning strikes to the land below and I can feel someone pulling me but I can't see them. Where have I seen this before? The servants from the Kamisato Estate are fleeing away from the collapsing structure but why am I here? I can see myself frantically looking around but my body and soul is here, in the Chasm. Yet despite this, why does it feel like I've been through this before?

"Y/N??" Ayato shakes me and I realise I've been frozen the entire time, eyes wide open from shock. His hands are on my arms, gripping me tightly, shaking my body awake and it takes time for me to regain my composure before I can talk again.

"What is it?" His eyes are full of concern.

"It's... nothing," I choose to hide what happened from him. He doesn't need to know these things. I'm pretty sure it's nothing but a child's play. I glance over at Ayato to see his concerned expression but he doesn't push me further and instead, sighs with a sombre smile.

"It's okay to lean on someone from time to time, you know? But if you're really not comfortable with telling me, then it's fine. I just hope you don't bottle your emotions to yourself. I've learnt it the hard way," He chuckles before walking back down to a more secure ground. I follow closely behind and before we could even step foot onto the cave's ground from before Zhongli made this structure, a Geo lawachurl appears from an entrance in one of the inner caves along with a bunch of other hilichurls.

"WOAH-" I exclaim, taking position along with Ayato as they charge toward us. But we soon realise how bad of a choice it was to not step onto safe ground because the lawachurl immediately hits onto the edge of the structure, it's strength rumbling through the rock beneath our feet, the fine stone cracking as we stand in disbelief. Ayato and I look at each other before the abyss engulfs us.



There must be something I can do. I can't just fall to my death like this, right???

But even after displaying all sorts of moves with my vision that I can possibly think of, the never ending fall just continues. The pressure blocks my ears and the oxygen levels become lesser; I can feel it. In the distance, I can hear Ayato calling for my name faintly. I'm sure he's aware of what's happening to the atmosphere around us since he too, has a vision. But his voice starts to fade and I realise my vision is blurring.


"UGH!" I shake myself awake in a jerk, water splashing everywhere. I turn to my side and almost immediately, I cough out water aggressively.

I'm not dead.

This not-so-friendly reminder makes me realise that I just survived a fall so deep no man can possibly measure. I desperately scan my eyes around the area to look for Ayato and in the brief distance, I see him sprawled on the rocky shore of this underground cave; knocked unconscious. A gasp leaves my lips as I trudge through the water towards him, my clothes heavily weighing me down. I'm soaked in water from head to toe and I'm shivering from the cold, as I look down on my hands to check myself for any wounds, I realise that the tips of my fingers are already wrinkly.

How long have we been here???

"Ayato! Hey!" I kneel beside him, trying to shake him awake. But to no avail, he doesn't wake up. I sigh in helplessness, looking around again for any sort of proper escape to find myself looking towards the only entrance and exit of this underground lake. Through the dim cave, I sling Ayato's arms onto my shoulder, limping forward bit by bit towards there. I don't even take time to observe where we are, my mind is still cloudy and I can't think straight. But I start to notice the wet moss under our feet, water still running as I walk into the tunnel. The air is musty and the sound of my breath echoes through the dark. This won't do... I need to make proper shelter until Ayato wakes up. I use my free hand that was feeling the walls to summon a bit of lightning to light the place up and to my amusement, ancient runes are carved into the stone walls.

Deja Vu || Kamisato Ayato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now