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Asleep Among Endives by Ichiko Aoba

"Hmm mm..." I hum to myself, combing through the tangled of my hair in the water as my voice echoes through the void.

Ayato and I have agreed to wash up since the muddy water from when we woke up in this cave and last night's stickiness felt dirty. The fire cackling near our tent and the sound of Ayato drying the dusty blanket he's washed (we'll use it as a towel) can be heard from the hidden lake I'm bathing in the back. The water is cold but... It's refreshing. My fingertips touch the crevice of the glowing rocks, brushing across the rough stubbles of nature's creation as I sing softly to myself. I've gotten a habit of singing to myself whilst showering from my mother whom used to sing in the shower all the time. It's one of my father's favourite things about her.

"Mind if I join?" Ayato asks softly from a distance, not even looking at me even though we've both seen our bare bodies.

"Didn't you say there's nothing to hide now? What's with the looking away when you totally lost control of yourself last night, hmm?" I teased him, the water level at my chest rising as Ayato removes his clothes, sinking himself into the lake which practically feels like a tiny bowl now.

"So are you saying you would prefer me to just ravish you whenever I feel like it?" He moves towards me to whisper into my ear. My back is turned towards him and I can feel the warmth of his chest getting closer as his lips brushes past the edges of my left ear, his fingers moving my wet hair over to my right shoulder. My breath staggers as I try to calm my heartbeats, eyes fluttering in nervousness.

"Are you seriously asking me this or do you always display such libidinous behaviour?" I turn to him, hands putting a distance between us on the center of his firm chest as I make eye contact.

"I don't know... Are you seriously asking me this or do you always have a habit of making me feel like this?" He pushes himself closer to me.

I gasp softly as my back hits the rocks gently, the warm glowing rocks are making me feel hotter in contrast to the cold water, and Ayato is not helping. He hums as he breathes into my neck, his strong arms wrapping themselves around my waist, and before I know it, he's embracing me. His warmth is comforting and I can't restrain myself from putting my hands around the nape of his neck as my fingers comb through his pale blue hair that constantly reminds me of clear skies.

"Sing again," He mumbles, thumb caressing my skin.

"Huh?" I pull away and he smiles mischievously like a child, eyes forming crescents.

"I wanna hear you sing, pretty," The nickname catches me off-guard but I'm more embarrassed at the fact that he's heard my singing.

"I'm not a great sin-" He interrupts me with a soft kiss on my lips and as he pulls away, he leans his forehead on mine.

"I wanna hear you sing... Won't you?" His voice almost begging.

I give in.

My voice echoing into the void again, but this time, I'm singing for someone; for him. He closes his eyes and it's as if my voice is relieving him from a migraine he's had since forever. The furrows of his eyebrows that I always thought were natural suddenly relaxed and he sighs in relief, the caressing of his fingers stopping as he moves his hand over to the flat of my stomach.

What's he doing?

I can't possibly be pregnant, can I? For a moment, I panic before realising he never finished in me last night. I'm not sure if I would be ready for a child to be born out of us not being able to keep our desires to ourselves. My voice soothes across the water's surface, and I keep looking at Ayato but it's like he's in his own world with only my voice to keep him physically here.

His fingers begin to caress the skin near my belly button, and his palms are warmer than I thought. The glow from the rocks light the small cavern of a lake dimly and I notice a sad smile forming on his face. Without knowing, I unconsciously shift my hands over to his cheeks, caressing his soft skin as he leans into my hand comfortably.

I stop singing after the song ends and Ayato slowly flutters his eyes open as if he just woke up from a nap. His hands move to cup my jaw and cheeks before pulling me in for another kiss. I reciprocate, his body leaning in as our chests touch. I feel his other hand leave my cheeks as he leans his hand onto the rocky walls, his other hand moving my face into a different angle so we could deepen the kiss. I bring my arms around his neck once again and we catch our breaths, breathing into each other like wildfire.

"You look the prettiest when you're like that," He smiles and presses a kiss on my forehead.

"What does... that even mean?" I look away, flustered.

He only chuckles before turning me around to squeeze the water out of my hair. It's like he has a whole routine for me that I've never even seen someone do for me before, not even my mother. And it's like he's used to this routine. Has he done this for other girls? No. That's not what matters. I'm here, that's all.

He walks out to get the dried blanket and I see him dry himself quickly before wearing his pants again. He walks over to me quickly and helps me up before putting the slightly damp blanket over me, drying my hair and body for me like I can't do it myself.

"I can dry myself, you know," I mutter.

"Do you want to?" He asks me.

I keep quiet and he smiles knowingly, pressing the towel against my hair gently, massaging my head and keeping my wrapped with it so I don't get cold. And while he's putting in such effort to take care of me in this dangerous cavern, I can only be distracted by his abs that are right in front of me. I try to look up but he pushes my head down so he can dry my hair properly.

"Haven't gotten enough of the view even from last night?" I feel him smirk. I silently scream in embarrassment and shut my eyes for my own good.

He wraps the blanket around me and leads me over to the tent as I open my eyes again. I change in it and whilst putting on my kimono in preparation of moving ahead, I hear a familiar echo of voices in the far distance and just when I'm about to shift the fabric of the tent away to let Ayato know, he does the same thing and we both smile in relief.

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