1 the peaky blinders are coming home

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"Aurora,aurora! There coming home, there coming home" Finn shouts bursting into her room!
"Finn! go away I'm trying to sleep".
"It's 2 in the afternoon, there coming home the boys".
"I'm trying to sleep" aurora says turning over.
"I'm no kidding,John sent us mail.it's over there coming home." Finn exclaims turning her over.

Her eyes widen and jumps up. "Are you kidding me on?"
"Why would I joke about this" Finn said rolling his eyes.

She jumps out of bed and heads down the stairs followed by her younger brother,
"Is it true is he not kidding me on?"
"Your looking very lady like" she says sarcastically rolling her eyes.
"Aunt pol is it true?"
"Aurora questions walking next to her aunt,
"Yes 1 day john said.
"Polly smiles seeing her nieces face light up,

"Now there's some things you need to understand"
Polly says dampening the mood.
"They wont be the same as they left"
"Whats all this racket, Ada says interrupting polly.

"What Does this mean aunt pol? Finn asks.
"It means they might look the same as they left but war changes people and they will try to hide that.Polly tells them.
"So they ain't gonna play with me anymore" Finn says.
"Maybe but you need to give them time.
"Oh and in the meantime put something more appropriate on"
Polly gestures looking at me.
"Oh right", aurora runs up the stairs into her room.

She puts a more appropriate outfit on and brushed her hair and rushed back down the stairs she moved past the chairs and sat next to Ada.

"You gonna have anything to eat" Ada asks
"No I'm not hungry I'm just going to have some water".

"Well you better eat something later you need your strength" polly insists,

She took a sip out of her water and looked over to see Finn standing in front of us with a three piece suit on trying to be like his brothers.

"What do you think?"
"I like it". Ada says with a grin on her face
"Yes you look very smart"polly says placing the news paper on the table, "but you will not turn out like your brothers.polly says pointing her finger at him.

"Yes you look very smart" i say with a smirk on my face

"Aurora i need you to tell harry that your brothers are coming home so he can get there drinks ready".
" do i have to pol?"
"Yes you have to" she says looking at her.

I grab my coat and leave the house,i walk into the garrison with my head held high and walk over to the bar

I tap on the table with my hands playfully and a smile on my face

"What's got you so cheerful?" Harry asks while polishing a glass.

"Guess who's coming home tomorrow?"
"My brothers" i say cheerfully

"That's great ain't it, everybody the peaky blinders are coming back the morn" Harry says shouting across the pub and lifting up a glass. As the pub erupts with cheer.

"I got told to come and tell you to have there drinks ready'.
"Don't you worry aurora already got them".

A smile Crosses her face as she walks out the garrison and walks back home

As she walks into the door heading up to her room she opens the door and pauses staring.

"Diego what the hell are you doing in here?"
"I had to see you" he dark haired boy said sitting down. "Aren't you gonna sit?'
I go and sit on y bed next to him while are eyes locking.
"You cant come in my room when my brothers are home they will kill you quite literally".
He scoffs and pouts,"they wouldn't kill this gorgeous face".
I let out a laugh and push his shoulder

"Where's Alec?" I ask.
"He's on his way up here", he says staring into her eyes.
"Oh come on don't look at me like that"
A crash threw the window with Alec a heap on the floor.
"Omg Alec", she jumps off her bed helping her friend off the floor.
Alec wipes his coat, " you know i come in style", he says smirking
"Oh yes so in style threw a window' i say laughing.
"You guys do know you wont be able to come in my room anymore when my brothers are back".
"Ye and we will make the most of it" Diego says smiling.
"Aurora! A call from downstairs echoed threw the whole house.
"Aurora" aunt polly called.
I ran and slammed my door shut.
A knock came from the other side off the door.
"Aurora what aren you doing" aunt polly asked.
"I'm uh changing hold on"
She gestured to the boys to go under her bed. " go under there' i whispered
"Hold on" i grabbed a robe and covered myself and flew the door open.
"Whats up aunt pol?"
"What were you doing" she asks looking at me in the eye.
"I was changing"
She lifted on of her eyes brows and pulled back a bit of my robe.
" i thought you were changing"?
"I was just about to what were you wanting anyway"?
'I was just wondering if you wanted something to eat"?

"No I'm not hungry but thanks tho"
" fine by you but eat something later" she walked out and shut the door and walked back down the stairs.
"Get out from under there"
The boys slid out with Diego holding my bra in his hands.
While Alec laughed.
"Give me that back"
I snatched it out his hand throwing it in my closet.
"You guys aren't really funny"
"Me and Alec need to head out anyway"
"Where you going?"
"You know some people to kill" he says sarcastically, jumping out the window.
I shouted down, "that's not very funny"
As they ran off I sat down at my desk writing i my journal about all the things that happened today and hoping for even better things to happen tomorrow.

By order of the peaky blindersWhere stories live. Discover now