18 The knife

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I had woken up feeling different today almost happy but slightly confused and scared, I was happy about the fact me and Isiah got back together but I was also pissed on how he just brushed me off like that, but I was also scared we might not last.
What if we're on and off like last time? What if he finds someone else like Diego?.
I  would be the last one left since Matteo has got with Rachel, Diego had cheated on me with Lindsay, and what if Isiah does the same?.
I  shouldn't be doubting it, or anything.

"Rory! Are you listening?"polly said waving her hand in front of my face.
I focused my eyes again moving my face away from her hand, "I'm listening".
"Ada is going to come around with Karl"
"He is so cute it makes me want one" I said then smirking seeing Polly give me a disagreeing look.

"But look, I said then running over to the sofa and grabbing a cushion pushing it under my dress placing it on my stomach, I would look pretty cute as a baby mum" I said then lightly arching my back holding my stomach laughing.
"No babies" she said as I rubbed my stomach and giggling
"Who got you knocked up" Arthur asked as he walked in with Tommy, Matteo, Diego and Isiah.
"No one" I said then smirking turning around and taking the pillow from under my dress and placing it back on the sofa.
"We were talking about Ada's Karl and I said I was look pretty good pregnant" I said trying to get a reaction from my brothers.
"There will be no kids" Polly said pointing to Isiah then to me.
"Don't worry I'll wait till next year" I said giggling then sitting down.
"No, you can wait till your 20 or 21 that's a good age" polly said drinking her tea.

"Or she could have none at all" Tommy said as he inhaled his cigarette looking between us all.
I placed my hand on top of Isiah's thigh under the table.
He lightly moved in his seat then placed his hand on top of mine.
"So where's my menace of brothers" I asked looking to Arthur then tommy.
"Well Finn boy is with John at his house" Arthur replied as he drank out his glass.
"We need to start heading off boys" Arthur said as they placed there caps on.
"Can I come, Polly is boring me" I said as I smirked then lightly laugh.
"Ada is coming later"
"Yes later Polly I'll be back before then"
"Tommy?" Polly asked then tommy turned back to me.
"Please tommy just this once" I said practically on the edge of my seat.
"Yes you can come"
"Thanks Tommy" I said as I got out of my seat.
"Go get your coat" Polly instructed as i was about to leave.
"Ok fine!" I said as I jogged up the stairs.
I grabbed my coat, I walked over to my drawer in my desk and pulled out my knife, I slid it in my pocket along with a match box and a packet of cigarettes.

I closed my room door behind me a put on my coat as I jogged down the stairs.
"Where we going tommy?" I asked as I closed the door behind me and walked in between my brothers.
"We are going to the boxing ring, to collect some money" Arthur said as he placed his arm around  my shoulder.

We stopped outside the boxing club as I took a deep breath.

"You coming?" Isiah questioned as very one went in except for me and him.
"Yeah just need a minute" I said taking a calm breath then patting down my dress and linking his arm with mine and walking in.

"You owe us money we own this club" Arthur shouted for all to hear.
"Arthur what's wrong?" I questioned as I stood in the middle of Tommy and Arthur.

"They owe us £10 for rent"
"Well I ain't giving it to you even if you kill me"
"For crying out loud, I said quietly then taking a few steps forward and sighing. "How about you make a deal with me". I said then turning to Tommy who had a small smile crossed on his face.

"Ok pretty lady" he said as he pulled a chair and sat down in-front of a small circle wooden table.
I took a seat opposite him, I turned around and saw Isiah standing behind me and Diego and Matteo at either side of him, "so you 3 rent out this place right?"
"Yes" he said then smirking as he looked me up and down.
"Ok how about we make a deal on rent?, that's sound fair?"
They nodded their head as I heard Arthur talking to Tommy behind me.

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