8 shelby

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"Aurora wake up"Finn said shaking me

"What is it Finn I'm trying to sleep"

"Wake up"
"Ugh, let me sleep in"

"Come on you've been in bed for days you haven't even walked down stairs yet"

"Ok I'll be down soon" I say sighing

"Ok I'll be back" Finn says before shutting the door behind him

I get up from my bed and walk towards the mirror
Running my hands over my neck, "that's in the past now" I mutter

I walk down the stairs and sit at the empty table staring into space

"You finally got up" Finn said sitting down next to me

"Where is everyone?" I ask confused

"There all out business or something I'm not sure"

"I'm going to go and get changed" I say before walking up the stairs

I put my dress on and fix my hair and walk down the stairs, "Finn i need to go out for a little will you be ok by yourself for a while"

"Yes I'm by myself all the time I'm Fine"

I walked through the street to the stables and grabbed a saddle and prepped my horse, "Rory"
Curly said smiling

"Hey curly can you do a favour if anyone asks you never saw me"

"Rory what do you mean by that where  you going"

I ignored the question a rode away on the horse

I could hear the distant voice calling my name

"So you would like to become a peaky blinders then" Tommy asked Matteo

"Hell yeah but what about the lee family I'm born in tae them"

"Don't worry about them" Tommy said smiling

"Finn where is Aurora she's not in her room"? Polly asked taking a drag

"She told me she was going out for a little bit" he replied


"It was a realise feeling the breeze on my face the smell of fresh air the silence in the sky and being alone"

"Where have you been?" Curly asks as I jump off my horse

"I just went riding"

"What we gonna do with you Rory"

I walked into the garrison and sat at the bar

"Hey Aurora what can I do for you today"? Harry asks pouring drinks

"Do you know where I can find paint"

"Paint"? He questions

By order of the peaky blindersWhere stories live. Discover now