10 cross my heart & hope to die

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"Rory" a familiar voice said
My eyes opening sharply and looking about
"What happened"
"You went to see Alec and..." Polly said before stopping
"Oh yeah I was going to see Alec and" I say before comping to an abrupt stop
"He's not" I say as my voice breaking
"He is" Polly said back
"Your lying he can't be dead"
"We're not lying" Tommy said sitting across from me
"Your lying he wouldn't be dead"
"I wish we were lying" Ada said walking towards me
" Matteo ,Isiah and Diego are taking him to the garrison for a goodbye for all of us" Arthur said fiddling his cap in-between his fingers
   "Ye ok whatever I'll come" I say sniffling
"We're leaving now would you want to come with us now or go later" Tommy said before walking towards the door
"I'll be along soon"

As I watched my brothers leave the house I turned to face the blank wall my mind everywhere not thinking anything through all the blurred voices I look up to the wall "20 minutes" i mutter
I get up from the chair with Polly and Ada staring at me
"Where you going" Polly asks
"The garrison"
"Ok we're coming" Ada said while grabbing her coat

They both walked silently beside me as we walked to the garrison I push open the doors and walk towards the snug I stare down at his still body letting tears fall from my eyes I grab a bottle of whiskey and raise it in the air "Vivamus, moriendum est." I say bluntly "let us live, since we must die" I say in English.

I swigged the bottle of whiskey and walked out the snug sitting down at the bar holding my head up with my hands.

"can I get you anything else Aurora" Harry asked cleaning a glass.

I look up at him and wipe my face "whiskey and vodka, bring me the bottles, come on to fuck Harry hurry up" I say getting impatient

"Here you go" he says giving me the bottle

"you know what just go home early night" I say putting on a fake smile

"thanks Aurora" he says before walking out the door

i shake my head and sit at at table, I take the corks off the bottles and grab a glass and pour whiskey and vodka in the same cup, "Here take it easy Aurora" Tommy said standing in front of me with a concerned look on his face.

"just fuck off!"


"you fucking heard me fuck off I'm mourning my dead bestfriend and all you can say to me is take it easy"

"Aurora maybe it's time you went home" Tommy says

"I'm not going home, i say then walking into the snug, "where's the body, where's his body"

"Scudboat and Curly took him away" Polly said before giving me a look

I sit down in the snug my head leaning on the wall hearing everyone talking but it all going in one ear and out the other.

"were gonna get a drink, want one" Polly said looking at me

"no I'm good but thanks though" I say before she leaves

I look down on the floor and glance quickly back to see a envelope on the floor, i walk towards it and pick it up and turn it around to see my name written on it, "you have got to be shitting me", I walk out the snug holding the letter in my hand "what is this Polly" I say walking towards her holding the envelope tightly in my hands.

"I-uh it's mine" she stuttered

"oh really, to Aurora Shelby" I spoke loudly all eyes turned to me

"Did you not give her it yet" Isiah spoke to aloud.

"Who's this from" before she said anything I opened the envelope and unfolded the letter in it.

"wait-aurora" Polly spoke, I fell to the chair reading the letter with all sad faces staring at me.

"If your reading this I am dead".... Since tomorrow is only borrowed time that is not promised to any of

us, keep these words, deep in your heart, so you never have to question

who you are to me. You've seen me through every season of my life

and you are still here, weathering every storm alongside me as though

it's our storm. We've had some bad ones, haven't we? Look at us,

feeling our way through the dark, wearing our hearts like the only

compass we know, and always finding the light no matter what.

You are my no matter what. I cross my heart when I say: you are my

pinky promise, my secret keeper, my endless laughter, sister of my soul.

You are proof that not all promises break, not everyone leaves, and

forever is possible. You are my four leaf clover, my saving grace, the

one shoulder that never got tired of holding me. You are the steel spine

of me, the fearless queen, the wings that never let me fall. You, with

your thousands of memes, your dark humor, and every inappropriate

joke you've used to make me laugh. We've laughed until we cried and

cried until we laughed and I swear, I have all of that laughter bottled up

deep in my soul. I save it for a rainy day. I save it for the dark. I save it to

save me and it always works. You are my lucky charm, my favorite song,

he better part of me. You are my biggest fan, always cheering the loudest,

giving a standing ovation even when I'm losing. You are my hope when

I thought I lost it, my spirt when I crushed it, my heart when I broke it.

Thank you for always seeing me, getting me, hearing me, knowing me.

Beautiful friend, it never went unnoticed. I see you. I get you. I hear you.

I love you. You save me and I am forever thankful for knowing you.

got you forever. it wasn't you who made me unhappy it was me the thought of having no one but I had you forever. Cross my heart and hope to die.

I placed down the letter and sat my head leaning on the wall letting tears fall from my eyes, "lets get you home" Arthur said kneeling in front of me

I got up and walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and walked out the door.

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