5 a horrible day

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As I hear polly raising her voice downstairs I walk out of my room and walk down and go round the corner.
My jaw dropped as I saw my dad sitting at the table.

"Ah there's my Aurora"
I sat down close to him at the table
"So how you been Rory?"
"Don't call me that" I mumble
"Don't call me that"
The door opened with Tommy walking towards us
"There's my boy"
"Get out"
Polly takes his sandwich and gives it to Aurora.
He takes it back , "she doesn't need that she's put on some weight don't need to add more"
My heart sunk to my feet sitting there
"Get the fuck out" I say
"Aurora!" Shut up Arthur.
I pull out my knife, " what did I just say get your arse up and get out".
"I'll leave when the man of the house tells me to"
I stab the table with my knife close to his fingers
"Did I not say leave was I not clear enough!"
"It's ok Arthur I'm not wanted and Arthur Shelby doesn't stay where he isn't wanted"

I grab my knife and run up the stairs.
"Finn go up with her the now" polly instructed
I slammed my door and sat behind it balling my eyes out but covering my mouth so none could hear like I said you only cry behind closed doors.
A knock echoed through the door

"Who is it" I say wiping my eyes
"It's me Finn"
"What do you want"
" I want to come in"
I Stand up and wipe my eyes and open the door.
" you ok cause I'm ok"
"Your not ok" Finn replies
"Your right" ,come and sit with me Finn said sitting on the bed.

"I hate him how does Arthur look up to him"
" I couldn't tell you" Finn said lying down on my bed
" can we just stay like this for a wee bit"

As I lay there crying next to Finn footsteps were coming up the stairs and stopped right outside.
A knock and John walking in.
" Finn leave just now" John said

I mess up his hair before he leaves, and I lay back down.
John lay next to me with his  head on my pillow "your pillow is very lumpy"
I look up to see him putting his hand in my pillow and pulling out my diary.
"What's this"

"It's my book can i please have it back".
He gives me a weird look " what I like my privacy"
I say putting my book down the side of my bed.

"Don't listen to him he can't say nothing your perfect"
I roll my eyes, " am I tho"
"Yes you are and just forget it he is a bad father and obviously Arthur looks up to him for some reason.

I wipe my eyes and look at him, " he's only here for one thing money and who will give that to him?"

"Arthur" he replies
John kisses my forehead and leaves shutting the door behind him.

After a while I sat in the same position till I didn't...

I walked down the stairs " aunt pol?
I walked out the house and shut the door behind me.

I walk into the garrison to see none was in except form the chatter and laughter coming from the snug.
I walked up and open the door.
"Aurora come and sit" polly said
"You guys didn't tell me yous we're leaving the house"

"Sorry about that but I have a surprise for you" polly said.
"What surprise" Tommy said looking confused
"I want a surprise" John said
Polly moved out of the snug covering my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see someone I haven't saw in a long time.

"Isiah" I ran up and hugged him
"Omg I still can't believe you left me"

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