14 Betrayal

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" I sat at my desk pulling back the top of my dress to see the stitches and redness of the wound, I collected moisturiser with my fingers and rubbed it around the wound, wincing at very time I touch the wound.
I pulled my dress back up and closed the lid on the moisturiser and sit up from my chair, I pulled open my door and walked down the stairs I got to the bottom stair and took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen where my brothers where talking, "I can come back" I said softly
"No it's fine you can sit" Arthur replied
I pulled out the chair taking a deep breath and pressing the wound with my hand while sitting down.
"How you feeling" Polly said walking into the kitchen
"I'm fine now"
"So it doesn't hurt"

"Of course it hurts"
"Next time don't jump in-front of bullets" she said folding the dish towel.
"Well I did it to save Tommy if I didn't get in the way he could have been dead"

"And you almost died" Tommy said then blowing out smoke.

"I mean it would be for all the right reasons"

"I'm older than you and I have lived my life and you are just starting so it wouldn't be for the right reasons" He says sternly

I ignored his comment and grabbed a slice of toast from the table and bit it dropping crumbs, I grabbed a knife and stabbed it in the jam and sliding it on my toast, I dropped jam on my dress making me grunt in frustration.
"Shit" I say placing my toast down and getting up and walking to the sink.
I look over to see John and Arthur smirking.
"It isn't funny" I say then huffing

I grabbed a cloth and ran it under the cold tap and dabbed it on my dress, I threw the. Cloth in the sink and went back to sit at the table, I grabbed the freshly spreaded toast and bit a piece off, I placed it down on the plate and tried to grab my juice from the middle of the table with my other arm making me drop it everywhere.
"Shit, I'm sorry" I say grabbing a dry cloth dabbing the table hysterically, I looked to Polly as she softly grabbed the cloth from my hand drying the rest of it up.
"I didn't mean to, it's my shoulder it seems to be hurting more everyday"
I looked up to see Polly exchanging a look between my brothers.

"It's fine it was an accident" Polly says finishing drying the table then throwing the cloth in the basket and the side, then moving closer to me on her chair.
"Can I see it"? She asks
I pull back the top of my dress which makes Polly bounce back seeing how red and purple it is.

I looked to see my brothers peering over the table and there faces turning to worry.
"Bloody hell" Rory it looks like it got worse" Ada says coming to a stop in the kitchen.

"It will get better though?" I question looking at all of them blankly I said then pulling my dress back up.

" Yes it will get better... we will just need to keep putting cream on it and change the plasters over regularly" Polly replied plastering a smile on her face.

"What time is it?"

Tommy flips open his watch that was attached to his coat and looks at the time then looks back up. "it is half past twelve" the deep voice said as the cigarette was smoking in his mouth.

"Shit i was supposed to meet Matteo and Isaiah ten minutes ago" i said sliding out my chair and running over to the mirror in the living room, i fix my hair and remove the smudged like pink lipstick that slightly came off my lip i smiled and turned back to my family in the kitchen " buy guys" I said smiling then hastily walking out the door.

"Who's she trying to impress" John asks then laughing
Tommy turned to Polly in a questioning look waiting for her to say something, "well who is she trying to impress"? Tommy questioned

"No-one she is just friends with them nothing to worry about" she replied then turning away fixing the cloths hanging over the counter.

"Hey boys" I said walking towards them smiling as they smirked back at me.
"How you feeling?" Isiah asked
"I'm feeling much better it's just sore" I say then glancing over to Matteo who was just staring, "so what you guys been up to and have you seen Diego I haven't saw him since I was you know shot" I say then turn back to Isiah as he was about to say something.
"Um we haven't seen him" he said then quickly glancing to Matteo who glanced back and then both stared at me hoping I didn't realise something was wrong.
"Guys what's happening" I question in a dull tone
"We don't know like we said we haven't seen him" Isiah replied hoping j wouldn't ask any more questions.

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