4 you ok

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As my eye lids flickered I could see the sunshine from the window, and feel the breeze on my face.
" aurora" a worried voice called next to me
As I turn my head round I saw polly sitting next to me in worry
"How long have I been out"?
" a few days" she replies
As I sit up I hold the back of my head, "what happened"
"You and your brothers went to the lee family for a horse and you got called a whore and tommy sliced his face and you got pushed back and hit your head"

" ok wait so how did I get back here".
"You can thank a lee boy for that"
" what do you mean"?
" he's downstairs with you brothers, are you able to walk"?
" yes I can walk"
As I walked down the stairs and all faces turned to me, " aurora don't ever scare me like that again" Ada says hugging me.
" you ok" tommy asks
"Yes I'm fine, now who's the lee boy that carried me away?"
Arthur moves from standing in front of him, "you!"
"Get out of my house"
"Aurora what's wrong"
'he's one of the people that jumped Alec"
"Yes that is true but i am sorry"
"Language" polly shouts.
" i mean thanks for carrying me out of there, but can i ask you a question?"
"How's Paul" i say smirking
"He's fine his face is scarred"
"Good you can leave now"
As he walks out the door he turns and nods his cap and walks away.
I slam the door behind him.
"You didn't haven to be so mean" Ada says rolling her eyes.
" he just annoys me"
" he's kinda cute" Ada says smirking at me.
" no he isn't" i go and lay down on the sofa holding the back of My head.
" you ok Rory" Arthur shouts
" yes and I thought i told you to stop calling me that"
He laughs, " I'm still gonna call you it no matter what you say"
"Aunt pol?"
"Can Alec come over"
Tommy's eyes widen, " sure why you not asking for Diego"?
" I think he's busy"
The door knocks.
Polly opens the door with Diego standing there,
I sigh and lay my head back down.
"Aurora i need to talk to you"
"Does it have to be right now?"
"Your not aloud into my room so lets go outside"
I walk out and slam the door behind me.
"Whats up?"
"Have you thought about it?"
"About what" i say acting dumb.
" about me wanting to date you"
" I just woke up after a few days and your already asking me"
" oh come on" he grabs My hand.
"My brothers would kill you and i don't want to your my friend.
I drop his hand and walk inside.
As I walk to the table ada smirks at me and sits down.
"Ok now that's done family dinner" polly announced
My eyes widen as I know i will have to eat in-front of them.
Tommy scoffs, "really"
"Yes really"
"Aurora come sit down"
I walk over and sit on the end of the table, with my  leg bouncing.
As the food gets passed down the table I stare at my food,
"We'll come on eat up" polly says
"You know what pol I don't feel to well i might just go and lie down upstairs".
"Ok go up I'll keep your food warm".
As I push the chair in and walk up the stairs I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"What's up with her?" John asks
" I don't know I think she still don't feeling right after hitting her head".


I wake up with the sun beating on my face, I get up out of bed and put my clothes on and brush my hair.
As I run down the stairs and get stopped by aunt polly.
"Where you going"?
" the garrison, I'm meeting Alec since I forgot to ask him to come over yesterday"
"Ok just be careful oh and Tommy asked me to give you this"
"Really a knife"
I scoff and put it into my pocket


I walk into the snug sitting next to Alec, "where's Diego tonight" I ask sipping my water
"He couldn't come something about a girl or something"
I put down my drink, "oh ye" I let out a sigh, so what you wanna do"?
As he was about to get something out the door of the snug opened with Matteo stepping through.
Alec stands up, "it's all good Alec"
"What do you want?"
" I want to say sorry to Alec and have a drink" he explains
"Ok go ahead"
"I'm sorry me and my friends jumped you it was uncalled for and we were drunk"
"It's Fine whatever".
I gesture for him to sit down next to me.
"What drink do you want?"
"Ooh country boy drinks" I say mockingly
I bang on the window, "Harry  a rum"
"You know what I'll treat myself to one as-well what about you Alec?"
"No I'm gonna stay sober so I can take you home later"
"Harry make that 2 and bring the bottle".

As we spent the night drinking like it was like water we all had to leave.

"You had a bit to much to drink" Matteo says holding onto me.
"I have not" I say slurring
"Matteo laughs
"Where's Alec?" I ask
" he went home I said I would take you".
"Why you being so nice I cut your friend and treated you like shit".
" that's in the past" he says laughing
"Are we almost home?"
"Yes just round the corner"

As we walk through streets of Birmingham in the dark we come upon my house.
"Thanks for walking me home"
"Wont you get into trouble if you come back like this"
"Yes but it's fine"
"You shouldn't be drinking if you had a bad head injury".
"I'm all good" I say stumbling
"I hope to see you again soon aurora" Matteo says nodding his cap and walking away
I walk I got he door trying to tiptoe up the stairs
The living room light turns on, "what time do you call this" Tommy says taking a drag out  his cigarette
"Well I was at the garrison and one thing led to another you know drinking".
"Come and sit"
I stumbled over to the sofa next to Tommy
" I just want you to know I'm sorry"
"What are you sorry about" I say looking at him in the eye
"I pushed you back and made you hit your head"
" I know you didn't mean it you just didn't want to get me hurt but I don't need protecting"
"If you died that day I couldn't forgive myself"
"It's fine" I say grabbing his hand
" I'm going to go upstairs and lie down"
"Goodnight" he says kissing my forehead.

I stumble into my room and lay down on my bed and all I could think about was him...

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