12 Morning drinker

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I woke up in the dead of night with weight on my legs, I rubbed my eyes and looked down to my feet to see John sleeping at the bottom of my bed, I let a smile come across my face then I turned to the chair to see Arthur sleeping on the chair then I turned to the side of my bed and Tommy wasn't there, I turned back round and was about to go back to sleep when I heard footsteps coming back into my room and sitting back on the floor next to me since I knew he was there I went back to sleep.
I was tossing and turning I couldn't sleep and all I could picture was Paul the picture of his face Imbedded in my mind, "please leave me alone" I said moving about my bed "no please stop" I said before I woke up panting, I looked about my room and my brothers weren't there i got out of my bed and walked downstairs rubbing my eyes i walked into the kitchen and poured myself some whiskey and sat down at the kitchen table i heard the doors open from the betting den with polly walking proudly towards the kitchen. "Really morning drinking?" She said before sitting across from me.
"It clears the mind you know" i said smiling before i finished my drink.
"Why you always drinking your only 16 remember"
"If everyone else in this house drinks then i will to" i said placing my glass down.
"Well i can't stop you"
"Your right you cant but i need to go and get ready because I'm gonna go out"
I pushed in my chair and walked up the stairs to my room and pushed open the door to see Matteo Isiah and Diego sitting in my room.
"Jesus guys what the hell are you doing in here" i said before shutting my door
"We wanted to see you" Diego says walking up to me staring at my lips then my eyes.
I walk past him and sit on my chair opposite my bed where they sat.
"What are you guys wanting because I'm kinda busy today?"
"What are you doing today then? Oh wait let me guess riding your horse and going to a field together drunk by yourself and coming home angry and drunk"Isiah said then smirking
"You know me so well and i hate it" i said then smirking
"We will come with you" Diego said
"Fine but don't bug me or I'll kick your asses and you know I will
"You only kick our asses cause we let you" Matteo said mockingly.
I didn't tell them I was leaving I was just wanting to be alone again but when I got to my usual spot they were already there.

"Oh for fuck sake" I mutter before walking towards them
"We knew you weren't going to tell us when you were leaving so we decided to come here"
"Ok" u said walking towards them, then sitting down on the grass.
Diego moved closer to me and stared at me about to say something.

"I brought some whiskey I say pulling it behind my back", stopping Diego from saying anything.

He spoke quietly to me, "can I talk to you?"
I nodded and walked away from everyone else.
"What's up" I question

"The thing is, do you even want to be in this relationship because you don't seem like you do"
"I do I do but I just don't want my brothers to find out because they would probably kill you to be fair"

He grabbed my hands and came closer and placed his soft red tinted lips on mine once again but this time I wanted it to happen, I pulled away after a few seconds smiling then walking back to my friends.

Isiah grinned then looked to Matteo who was looking down to the ground, "you ok mate" Isiah asked

"Yes just a little bit tired" he replied then looked to me
I look at him then looked at Diego who sat next to me

As the night went on I was the only one who was drinking the most, they were sipping like lady's at a tea part but when the night was over they all walked me home and made sure I was ok.
"Thanks for walking me home but I got it from here" I said before opening my door and look back at them watching me walk in, I shut the door quietly and hurried up the stairs and shut the door behind me I got changed out of my clothes into my night gown and jumped into my bed.

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