19 Drunk words

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That was the second time I killed someone the first I try not to think about, Paul.
The second the man I threatened and held a knife to and actually put it through him, After Polly found out because Arthur told her, she went ballistic saying how I shouldn't have done business with them and how I should never do anything again and how I should be grounded, but she should know no-one can ground a Shelby it's common knowledge because we don't listen.
I kept getting asked if I was ok from Isiah Matteo and Diego constantly.

"You sure your ok?" Diego asked making me roll my eyes in annoyance
"Yes for the 100th time yes, I'm fine" I said before downing my drink.
"We're only making sure" Isiah said as he placed another drink down in front of me.
"Are yous trying to get me drunk" i said then smirking as they all half smiled.
"I'm not mad keep it going, I said as i downed my other drink, I placed my drink harshly on the table and looked up staring my eyes wide.
"Rory" Isiah said lightly.
I lay my head back on the sofa and turned to him, "I'm ok I just drunk it to fast, I'll be better in a minute"
"Maybe you should take a break" Diego said as I smirked at him then placed my head on Isiah's shoulder.
"Am I the best girlfriend you've ever had?" I asked making Diego Matteo and Isiah snigger.
"Yes" he said lightly
"I knew it, what about you Diego?" I said putting him on the spot but finding humour in it all.
"You've had to much to drink" Diego said as he finished his glass.
"I know I was your best girlfriend anyway no need to tell me" I said as I lightly laughed.
The door opened as Tommy and John entreated the room making my face light up.
"Tommy, John" I said as a smile grew across my face.
"How much has she had?" John asked as he slid in next to me laughing.
"Hardly anything" I said as I saw Isiah trying to discreetly lift up the empty bottle, "he's lying, I would never do that, I said as I placed my hand to the side of my mouth trying to whisper but it becoming loud, stop telling everyone my secrets" I said as I smiled leaning my head against his chest.
"Yeah ok Rory" Tommy said as he lit his cigarette inhaling and releasing.
"Wheres Arthur?"
"Probably in a ditch somewhere drunk" John replied as he poured himself a drink, before he could place the bottle down I stared at him gesturing for him to pour me more, giving him my puppy dog eyes they always worked on him.
He nodded his head slightly and slowly pushed his glass towards me, I leaned forward off Isiah's chest and downed the drink before they could see.
" I saw that Aurora" Tommy said as John sniggered while pouring himself another drink.
"No more your drunk" Isiah said as he pushed the bottles away.
"Why can't I have any more?" I said as I slouched down placing my head dramatically on the table.
"Because we all know you can't hold your drink" he said which made me huff.
"Aunt pol won't be happy your already drunk at two in the afternoon" John said as he lit a cigarette
"She won't know because none of you will tell her, I said as I pointed my finger at all of them, even you Tommy you won't tell her" I said as I tried my best to glare at him.
"What are you doing?" He asked smirking as I tried to move me face to make a some sort of glare.
"Glaring at you"
"Your doing great" he said laughing as he blew out his smoke.
"Don't make fun off me I'm doing great" I said to Tommy as I rolled my eyes, and placed my head on Isiah's shoulder.
"What are you guys doing today" I asked
"Well I will be taking you home soon" Isiah said

"and were going to stay here and drink"John said trying to irritate me.
"Haha very funny John, I said as I sighed and started to slightly move about in my seat, I need the toilet" I said as Diego Matteo and Isiah moved out the seat to let me out.
I shuffled out and stood up straightly wobbling my steps, "don't fall, if you hurt yourself Polly will blame us" John said then smirking as he saw me opening the door trying to get my balance back.
I walked out and the pub was empty again.
I looked back to make sure they didn't see me, I tiptoed over to the bar trying to not fall in the mean time.
I walked behind the bar and turned my back grabbing a bottle firmly in my hands, i swigged then whiskey when I heard the door open, "we're closed" I said as I placed the bottle on the table.
"Even for us?" A familiar voice said.
I looked up my eyes going wider and a smile on my face as I saw my childhood best friend and a boy I thought I would never see again.
"Katie" I said lightly as I tan and stumbled from behind the bar grasping her tightly in my hug.
She let out a deep breath as I hugged her tightly, "I missed you too" she said as I pulled away.
"Rory" the boy next to her said with open arms.
"Caleb" I said lightly as I walked into his huh as he held his arms open for me.
"What are you guys doing here?" I said as I pulled away.
"Well..."Kate said taking a deep breath "we came home to see you and, she said lifting her right hand up revealing the small nifty diamond ring on her finger, with a big smile on her face.
"You guys got engaged?" I said as my smile softened, but I knew I felt happy for them even though he was my childhood love which still meant something for me it's means something for everyone seeing their first love move on.
"Rory" a voice shouted
"Coming, I shouted back as I stared at them, you want to come and sit?"
"Well we're actually going out but we wanted to stop by and come see it all again and hopefully we saw you and we did" she said as he had his arm around her shoulder.
"Yeah it's ok, have fun we will catch up another day" I said as I brought her in for a hug.
I pulled away from the hug and gave Caleb another brief hug.
"How much have you had to drink?" He asked lightly as I pulled away
"I lost count after the second one" I said as I laughed making them smile.
"We should be off then" he said as they linked arms and walked out the door.

I stood in the same spot placing my hands over my face letting out a frustrated groan.
"Rory?" My name got shouted again
"Coming" I said as I swiftly walked back into the room.
"Who were you talking to?" Tommy asked as the boys stood up letting me in the seat.
"Um Kate and Caleb came by" I said getting a smile from Diego and Isiah
"How is Caleb he got uglier?" Diego asked getting a light laugh from me.
"Um well they are engaged"
I took a pause in my words and got a cigarette and lit it shaking the lit match.
"How is Kate?" Isiah asked
"She's good" I said blankly

The thing is Isiah dated Kate not to long ago and for him to ask about her is annoying, even though Caleb and Kate are engaged and I have no right to be annoyed I still am.

"Didn't you and Kate date?" Diego said as if we didn't already know that.
"Yes we did" he replied as I saw him glance back at me from the corner of my eye.

I thought to myself if I was over-reacting, but now I keep thinking i am.
Why would I be mad that he dated Kate a while ago and I dated Caleb a while ago.
I felt Isiah squeeze my hand under the table, I looked down then back up at him and gave him a reassuring look.
I heard Thomas clear his throat which made me look towards him as he looked back at me then Isiah, as i smirked at him and took a breath.

"Do you know what I want to do?"
"What do you want to do Rory?" Tommy questioned as he saw my smile.
"I want to ride" I said slurring
"I want-I want" I said before leaning my head on the back of the sofa closing my eyes.

"Rory" Tommy said
"Rory" Isiah said as he lightly shook my shoulders.
I opened my eyes seeing Isiah and my friends worried faces, "what happened to yous" I said lightly laughing.
"You scared us" Diego said
"Why, because I fell asleep"
"Because you weren't waking up"
"I just want too close my eyes for a bit that's all"
"You can wait till you go home" John said as he placed his arm around my shoulder.
" I want to go home" I said as I sat up straight and tried so hard from not face planting on the table.
"Let's take you home then" Matteo said as him Diego and Isiah stood up.
"No, I need you boys to do something for me" Tommy said
I turned to tommy and pointed, "don't get his face messed up" I said which made them laugh.
"Rory wait outside we'll be out in a minute" Tommy said which annoyed me because I don't think I can do business anymore.
"Ok" I said as I stood up grabbing the walls for help and walking out the private area and standing at the bar.

It felt like an eternity I was waiting outside the room, as I was just about to dose off to sleep on the floor they all walked out.
Isiah lightly laughed as he saw my on the floor, he reached out his hands and pulled me up. "You need to go home and sleep and I will meet you later" he said as he let go off my hands and him Diego and Matteo walked out the pub.

"Can we go home" I said to my brothers as Arthur walked towards me and let me put his weight on him.
"If you make me fall over with you" he said as we hobbled down the road.
I looked up and saw Katie and another girl, I let go of Arthur and tan up to her and squeezed her tightly "Katie" I said as she tightly hugged me back.
"You got more drunk and I only saw you an hour ago" she said as she lightly laughed.
"What are you doing right now you busy" she asked
I turned to tommy who was shaking his head, "yes I'm getting put to bed" I said then pulled her in for another hug, "meet me outside my bedroom window at 10" I whispered.
I saw her nod her head lightly as she smiled at my brothers then Back at me.
"Well hopefully I'll see you tomorrow" she said as she smiled and walked away with the girl.
"You know Polly won't be happy if she sees you in that state" Arthur said.

Hey y'all! Sorry it took me such a log time to post this chapter I had no motivation to write but hopefully I will try to be more active🫶

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