15 Stained collar

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I woke up and felt the light breeze of wind brushing across my face , I heard the light grunting as someone was climbing up my window.
I shut my eyes pretending to sleep I heard them walk towards me and sit at the bottom of my bed, I pretended to wake up again I sat up and yawned.
"Isiah what are you doing here?" I ask softly
"I'm here to see you"
"How very kind of you, and what for?"
"I wanted to talk about last night"
"Oh, I'm what's the matter I question as I saw Matteo jumping through my window.
"Matteo what are you doing here and you guys know I have a front door right".

"I came to see you" he says as he sat on my chair across from my bed.
"Apparently so has Isiah" I say then flicking the covers of of me, I climbed out of my bed and stretched, I need to make my bed you need to get off
it" I said smiling at Isiah
"What will you give me if I do" he said smirking
"Nothing if you don't get off" I said pulling at his arm
He smirked and pushed himself of the bed and placing himself right in-front of me our lips almost touching my chest pressed against his, I smiled and moved around him and bent across my bed to tuck it in the sides.
"Um I need to get changed" I said staring at both of them blankly.
"You want us to leave"? Matteo asked
"No of course not but can yous turn around"
They both smirked at me and turned facing the window, I pulled open my drawers and grabbed a bra and my underwear, I placed them on my bed then I walked beside them and opened my closet, I picked out a simple light pink dress, I stood behind the boys and slid on my clothes and folded my nightgown and placed it on the end of my bed.

"You guys can turn around now" I said then smiling at them as there eyes trailed down my body and back up to my face.
I sat at my table and grabbed my hairbrush brushing through my ginger locks slowly, "you guys wanting to do anything today" I said looking round at them through my mirror.
"Whatever you want" Matteo said as they both sat on my bed.
I smiled and opened my drawer and picked out a light pink lipstick and placed some on my lips, I smacked my lips together then wiped away the excess on the side.

I pushed in my chair and and sat on my bed in the middle of them my head pressed against the wall, "so" I say trying to break the silence
I look around to Isiah who was staring at my features then my eyes, I smirked and leaned in towards him kissing his soft lips he snakes his hands on the sides of my face a hand in my hair and one of my cheek as our youngest danced, I pulled away as I turned to Matteo who was waiting he leaned in a placed his soft light pink lips on mine, I felt a warm breath on my neck as he was leaving trails of kisses down my neck, I let out a soft moan in Matteo's mouth, he pulled away and dug his head into my neck leaving kisses on the other side.
I didn't know what to do so I grabbed both of there legs softly as they were trailing kisses up my neck and down, I moved away from there kisses, I turned to the side and pushed my lips against Matteo's trailing kisses down his mouth to his neck leaving s pink lip stain on his collar, Isiah snaked his hand around my chin and faced me to him, I harshly kissed his mouth leaving him trails of kisses down to his neck leaving a pink stain on his collar, "what time is it?" Matteo asked breathlessly as he lifted his lips from my neck.
Isiah pulled his lips from my mouth and pulled his watch out his pocket "shit we were supposed to meet your brothers 15 minutes ago" he said jumping of the bed, i lay my head on the wall watching them put on their coats.
"I'll see you guys later" I said smiling
Matteo climbed out the window waiting for Isiah at the bottom.
He climbed over to me and kissed me on the lips I grabbed on to his face then pulled away. "You need to go and see my brothers"
He smirked and climbed out my window, I heard him jumping on the gravel and waking away.

I sat at my table staring in the mirror removing my smudged lipstick, I sighed and reapplied it slowly making sure to make no mistakes, I stood up and placed on my shoes.

I walked down the stairs to see Polly and Ada greeting me with a smile. "Afternoon" I said sitting down at the table.

"You we're in your bed for a while" Ada said then sipping on her tea smirking in the cup.
"Ok I can sleep in"
"Oh um aurora before you leave give our kind regards to Isiah and Matteo please" Polly said then smiling.

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