13 Its ok let me go

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"Aurora,Aurora stop day-dreaming" she snapped her fingers
I shook my head and looked up to Tommy who was waiting for me to listen, "Today is the day"
"Tommy what day" Polly said confused
"You will know" he said before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

"What just happened"? I question then place my head on the table

"So you and Diego"? Polly said smiling
I bring my head up and look at her, "what about it there's nothing going on" I insisted

"I'm not stupid you don't think I haven't seen you guys kissing"
" please don't tell Tommy he will skin him alive and you know what John and Arthur are like" I plead

"Ok I won't tell them but you will have too" Polly said smiling.

"So what do you think will happen if Auroras Brothers catch you and her kissing or something they will kill you" Isiah said to Diego

"They won't kill me if they don't know about it" he said before downing his glass.

The garrison doors swung open and Tommy hastily walked over to the bar and put his hand on Isiah and Diego's shoulder, " we're doing it today boys" he said before taking Isiah's drink off the table and downing it.


"I better go get ready if we're doing it today" I said before pushing in my chair.
"Um we, the women are not participating in this one" Polly said
"Really, why not"

"Because this is not yours or my fight we will sit back and watch"
"This is bullshit" I say stomping up the stairs.

I open my wardrobe and pull out a light pink dress, I slide it on over my head and pat the skirt down, I stood at the mirror brushing my long hair.
I placed down the brush and walked downstairs to see my brothers and the rest of their gang.

"Where you going?" Polly asks stopping me in my tracks
"Aurora, Where are you going?"

"London" I reply grabbing my coat of the sofa.
"Your not going to London"
"That was a joke I'm going to the garrison" I reply smirking
I slam the door behind me taking in a deep breath before I set off.

"We don't have the lee boys they went away" Tommy says worryingly
"And Kimber knows we're going after him"
"What have you done Tommy" Polly says.

I grab a bottle of whiskey from behind the counter and pour some into my cup.
I hear the garrison doors swing open with lots of chatter, i down my drink and refill of with my whiskey.
I look up to see Tommy behind the bar serving drinks.

"don't be pissed at Polly shes just doing what she thinks is best for you" Tommy said

"Well she needs to stay out of my way"
"You gonna pay for that empty bottle" Arthur shouts
"No, don't I get a free discount or summit you know your my brother and I couldn't give a fuck" I said then smirking.
I jumped out of my seat and walked behind the bar and reached up to the top shelf and was about to get some rum when someone came running in shouting billy Kimber is  outside with his men.
I drop the glass on the floor, I look up at Tommy as he grabs his gun, hat and jacket.
"Aurora you stay in here" Arthur shouts

A few minutes goes by and it all went quiet until I heard Ada shouting, I grab my knife and run out the door.
"You can all try kill each-other or you can walk away from this" Ada said walking out form in-front of them.

"Your right only one of us has to die" Kimber says
I run towards tommy as the gun was triggered I flew in-front of them then fell on the floor into a heap.
Tommy looked down in empathy then looked up and pulled his gun out and pointed it to kimber's head a pulled the trigger.

"John help her" Arthur shouted
The world went blank.

"Put her on the table" Polly said in tears
"Why did you take the bullet for me" Tommy shouted
"I couldn't let my own brother die" I replied
"And I believe the word you looking for is thank you" i said breathlessly then smiling.

Polly unbuckled the top of my dress leaving me in my bra, she stared at the gun wound, " I don't know if we're gonna be able to get it out" she says her voice breaking

"It's ok you can let me go, I guess it wasn't meant to be" I said looking at my family surrounding me.

"Help her pol" Arthur shouted
She grabbed tong like tweezers trying to pry out the bullet.

"This is going to hurt a bit" Tommy said placing a whiskey based cloth on my wound.

"I guess it just wasn't meant to be" I said
The door opens to the garrison with Isiah running over, "hold on for me we're gonna help you" he said shakily
"I shake my head" my time is over I guess all the things that had happened to me were a sign"

"Wait" Polly shouted
She pulled out the bullet and held it up in the air the. Threw it on the table.
"I'm not dying" I said letting a tear slid down my face
"Not today Rory" Arthur said taking a deep breath.

"Couldn't you have just left it in" I whisper
"What did you say" Isaiah said taking a step back
"Couldn't you have just left it in" I said louder

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