6... the birthday to never forget

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As I walk down the stairs still in my Pyjamas mascara smudged and hair messy, I sat down at the table holding my head so my hands.

"Happy birthday" Polly says walking through to the kitchen.
No response left my mouth I didn't want a birthday not This year.

"Happy birthday" Finn says rushing through with a card.
I open the card and looked inside the envelope to see a necklace. "Aw Finn it's perfect" I say pulling him in for a hug

"Happy birthday" ada says standing beside me
"Why's everyone telling me happy birthday?"

"Because it's your 16th and that's a important age, and what is up with you?"

"Nothing I'm just not feeling a birthday not this year"

Polly scoffs and sits down "Tommy and your brothers are coming round soon"

"You hungry?"
"No I'm not feeling hungry nor feeling a birthday"
I say getting up and walking up the stairs going back into my bed


As my brothers walk through the front door closely followed by Alec,Diego,Matteo and Isiah

"Where the birthday girl"? Arthur asked
"She's up in her bed she's not feeling a birthday" Ada replies sipping her tea

"What's up with her?" Tommy asks
"I wish I could tell you but I don't know myself" Polly says folding the dish towels

"Where you going" Polly asks
"We're going up the stairs" John replied

As I lay under the covers hiding my face with tears leaving my eyes I felt hands grab the duvet and pull them over.
I had curled into a ball hiding my face.

"Aurora" Tommy says
I look over to see my brothers standing by my bed

"Uh hey what's up"
"We heard you down want a birthday" Arthur said holding the bars at the end of the bed
"I'm not really feeling it this year"

"You don't want the gift we got you then?" Tommy said waiting for a reaction
" what's the gift though" I ask perking up
"You have to come and see it yourself"
Tommy said
"Oh and your friends are waiting for you downstairs" John says
"What I can't go down looking like this" I say trying to fix my hair
"Oh well" I say following them down the stairs

As I see my friends they all snicker
"Haha very funny I know I look bad"
"No you look fine" Isiah said
"Where's yous going"? Finn says
"We're going to give her, birthday present"
Tommy said

"We will be back soon" I said smirking

As we stopped my eyes were covered by johns hand as he removed his hand a big beautiful white horse stood there in-front of me, "you got me a horse"
I say walking towards it

"Do you like her?" Tommy said clapping her
"Yes I love her thank you guys so much"
"What's her name?" I say with excitement of my face

"Whatever you want" Arthur said

"Hmm, storm"
Tommy let's out a laugh, "storm it is"
"You can ride her after you get changed and fix yourself you look like you had a rough night last night"
I sigh, and walk back to the house with Tommy and my brothers on my side

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