2 shes done that before

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" Aurora,aurora"
"What,what" i say turning around squinting my eyes at the light.
"Come on get dressed were gonna be Late to pick up your brothers from the docks" polly says while scavenging through her closet.
"What are you doing in my closet" i asked.

"Looking for an outfit for you to wear".
" i have an outfit ready on my seat"

"Ok hurry up and get ready", polly says shutting the door.
I wipe my eyes and get up out of bed and stand at my mirror.
" ugh why do i look like that". , i continue to pull at my stomach arms and legs to show myself i went over the limit .
" ok i just have to wear this" i mutter.
I finish getting ready and look back at the mirror, " this is the best its gonna get"


"John boy do you think our sisters and brother have changed since the last time we saw them", Arthur says smiling then drinking it a flask.

"Well i don't know about Finn he's probably still playing with action figures" he says laughing, "but definitely aurora and Ada" john says smirking.

"Aurora did you get something to eat before we left",
Ada ask whispering in my ear.
"I- wait a minute why is everyone so concerned and yes i did i had a ham sandwich".
"Come on girls pick up the pace i see there boat", polly says rushing towards the dock.

I sit down waiting for the boat to come to the dock staring at the ocean.
I look over to see a group off boys about my age staring at me.
" can i help you" i say walking towards them,
The group of boys laugh while one of them stands in front of me, "I'm Matteo"
I put my hand out and shake his, " I'm Aurora, aurora Shelby", i say proudly.
" Shelby" he stutters.
I blow him a kiss and walk away, as i could hear the group of boys distant laughs i look down and walk towards polly not looking to see if i was going to bump into anyone.

" oh I'm sorry i wasn't looking' i look up to see tommy looking down at me.
" tommy" i stutter " aurora"
As a tear leaves my eyes he wipes it away and pulls me closer hugging me and left a kiss on the temple of my head,

I look up at him, " i missed you" i whisper".
' i missed you to" he says looking  down at me.

"Aurora" Arthur shouts with his arms wide open .
I run up to him and hug him tightly.
"Don't i get a hug?" John says smiling with a tooth pick in his mouth.

I let go of Arthur and walk up to john going in for a hug , he kisses the temple of my head and hugs me.

" is the garrison still open" Arthur asks.
"Yes it is still open" i say looking at him smirking.


We all enter the garrison with heads held high, the room erupts with cheer.
"Welcome back boys" harry said from behind the bar, "ill get you all your drinks
We all enter the snug and sit down on the chairs.
" so what have we missed" Arthur ask looking about the room.
"Aunt pol anything happen when we were away" Arthur asks her.
" no that i can recall"
"Aurora you got a boyfriend?" Arthur asks me on the spot.
" no i have a few friends Diego and Alec."
"She wont have a boyfriend or we will throw them in the cut" tommy says piercing his blue eyes into her.
" ok well I'm going to go and get a drink"
I walk out the snug leaving the door open behind me, " hey harry just a water please"
" sure ill be back just going to grab some ice"
I sat there tapping my fingers on the bar table, i felt hands on my shoulder, i turn round and punch them in the face, "shit omg Diego you ok'
"For fuck sakes" polly says getting up and leaving the snug.
"Pol where you going" tommy asks following her out closely followed but Arthur and john.
Everyone's eyes staring at aurora "what the fuck are yous all staring at, get the fuck out leave" i yell and a few minutes later the pub was empty.
" shit Diego in so sorry"
"Is this Diego" Arthur says giving him a death stare.
" for gods sake at ease that's my friend'
I grab the ice out my cup and put it in a cloth and put it on his nose.
" hold that there". I tell him,
"What happened"tommy asked not taking his eyes of Diego.
"That's like twice now she's punched her friends in the face" polly says
"Why did you punch them in the face aurora?' Tommy asks.
" Diego put his hand on my shoulder to let me know he was there i thought t was a weirdo and punched him"
" see tommy she can protect herself against anyone" Arthur said.
"Aurora take Diego back to ours" polly said
" for an hour" tommy says pointing at Aurora.
"Ok ok lets go"
We enter my home and sit on the sofa.
" where's Alec?"
" he's out doing something he wont be longs he's gonna be round here soon i asked him to meet me here"
" oh ok wait there I'm going to get some water would you like anything?"
" um yes a glass of water if it isn't a trouble"
I walk over to the sofa with our glasses of water and sit down and him him the glass.
" hey aurora'
" i don't know how to put this i like you"
I choke on my water and look over at him, "um wow i don't know what to say" i put down my water on the table.
" Diego i love you but not like that you have been my friend since i can remember but i cant and what about Alec we couldn't and I'm not looking to date anyone at the moment".
The door flung open with Alec running gasping for air.
I jump up "Alec what the hell happened" i say putting my hands on his shoulders
" i got jumped by a group of boys at the docks i was there because i dropped something earlier I walked over and asked them if they've seen something like it, i think they were drunk" he says blood dripping down his face.
" we don't have any whiskey ill go get some to disinfect it wait there with Diego".
I run into the garrison " harry a bottle of whiskey now" i say panting with blood on my hands.
I walk into the snug waiting for the bottle of whiskey with my hands all bloody, "what the hell happened aurora' polly asks
" my friend got jumped I'm getting some whiskey to help him and disinfect the wound"
Tommy laughs " there's another friend and there both boys how convenient" .
" were all coming home anyway" polly says grabbing johns arm.
" easy pol" john says.
" ok lets go

I push the front door open and walk towards Alec, " here drink this"
Alec takes the bottle and swigs it.
"Polly get me a cloth please" polly grabs a cloth and dips it in the whiskey and places it on the side of Alec's face.
" don't be a baby" polly said to Alec as he was moving about and wincing.
"After this they leave" tommy said taking a drag out of his cigarette.
I kept looking over towards Diego to see if i made him upset about earlier.
" your done" polly says to Alec.
" ok lets go Alec" Diego said trying to hurry out the the door.
" i'll walk yous out"
I shut the door behind me and grab Alec's arm, "Who did this to you?"
" i don't know there names but one of the boys had a cut on here noes and had dark brown hair.
My eyes widen as i remember who that person was. " aurora you ok?" Diego asks
" ye its all good you guys just get home safe".
I walk back in the house and walk towards the table where everyone was sitting, " do you know who did it" polly asks
" its all good i know what I'm gonna do'
Polly raises an eyebrow
" what you gonna do?" Tommy asks with a grin on his face"

"I'm going to go to bd and deal with it all tomorrow"
"Your not gonna do Anything" polly shouts as i run up the stairs.
"That girl doesn't listen to anything that i say"

I sit on my desk and grab my journal, " today was a total disaster except from when my brothers came home, i think i met someone but it was only once and I think he hurt my friend so forget about him, and Diego i like him but i just cant dat him I'm. Not ready and  my brothers would kill him.        
And I'm not pretty enough for him if i cant find myself pretty then he probably wont find me pretty.

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