11 I love you guys

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A few weeks went by as if nothing happened, and I decided to give Diego a chance my brothers my sister or aunt pol don't know, the only people who know are Isiah and Matteo. I can tell they aren't happy about my decision but its really not up to them and it gives me something to take my mind off Alec, and he did apologize.

I shut my diary and hid it down the back of my desk, I got up from my chair and walked down the stairs and look through the double doors to the betting den to see it full loads of loud voices trying to place a bet and people arguing about money, I walked towards the arguing men "Do we have a problem here" I spoke aloud.

"no Miss Shelby" they both pleaded

"Didn't think so, place your bets calmly or get the fuck out ok" I say before walking past them all and into the office where my brothers and Aunt pol were sitting, "Hey what's the matter with you all"? I ask

"oh its nothing" Polly says trying not to act suspicious

"I'm as much as part of this family as any of you all are so tell me what's going on or ill find it out myself and ill be really pissed if I heard it from someone else. Like ill smash your cars lets say that so is anyone gonna tell me or do I have to go out and start smashing some cars" I say blankly

tommy, Arthur and john let out a laugh, "ok if you really wanna know your idiotic brother punched above his weight and fixed a race without the permission of Billy Kimber" Polly said darting her eyes angrily at him.

"Tommy are you really that stupid you crossed Billy Kimber"

"Right I don't need you both telling me I did wrong because I didn't I know what I'm doing I have a plan".

"Tommy against the whole bloody world is that what's happening" Polly says angrily

"I'm going out I'm meeting Diego, Isiah and Matteo at the garrison" i say before standing up and leaving.

"She's been spending a lot of time with Diego" Arthur says watching me walk away.


I walk into the garrison and walk towards the snug, i pushed through the door and slid in the chair waiting for everyone to come.

I peer my head-up as I heard the garrison door open, and then the snug door opened with Tommy Arthur and john walk in, "I thought your friends were coming" John said while sliding in the chair
"Um yeah they're probably on there way" i say before peering out the snug door before it closed.

I poured my brothers drinks and sat back down as we heard cars approaching, "coppers" John asked

"No" Tommy replied as he knew who was about to walk through that door.

A very confident man walked in with two men by his side holding guns, "has anyone seen someone with the name Shelby?" He questions but no reply
"Ok then" he said before he pulled out a gun and shot in the air.
"Let me ask again has anyone seen a man with the name Shelby" he questions

"Where you guys going, you can't go out there" i question before my brothers open the door with tommy in front staring the man down, "Everybody go home" Tommy raised his voice to make everyone who was hiding behind chairs leave a few seconds went by and no-one was here.

"Have a seat Mr Kimber" Tommy insisted as he sat across from him.

I sat in the snug tapping my fingers on the table, "fuck it" I said before getting up and walking out of the snug.
As they all turned to me tommy told me to go back in the room.
"No let her stay" Mr Kimber said.
I pull a chair and sit beside my overly confident brothers.

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