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"Hey intern, are you done with your rounds?"

"Doctor, can you please check up on the patient in room 202?"

"You need to sort out these records by the end of this day intern"

"You are so young. Did you start early?"

"My daughter is a makeup artist. Would you be interested by any chance?"

"Stop resting and come learn how to do a bypass surgery"

"Sim Jaeyun why am I getting complaints from the staff? We need to have a talk"

Jake threw the sandwich wrapper in the nearby dustbin and sat on a stone bench under the old apple tree and let out a sigh. Today was such a hectic day for him. Being an intern is extremely stressful, especially in the medical field but what can he do? That's what he chose, didn't he?

He closed his eyes and rubbed his right temple. Days like these really make him want to quit. If Jake was being honest, then he would say that it's not the actual work that tires him out. It's the stupid errands he gets asked to run and the old ladies trying to set him up with their daughters.

"I'm gay" he blurted out to no one in particular. "Leave me alone"

Jake had his eyes closed so he didn't see the figure approach him and stand in front of him, crushing the dried leaves softly by the soles of his expensive-looking shoes.

"Hi Gay. I'm Heesung." The figure spoke. "Why do you want to be left alone?"

Jake's eyes fluttered open to land on a fairly tall man with big eyes who was looking down at him, a tiny smile resting on his face.

"Oh- did I say it out loud?"

The man named Heesung chuckled. "Yeah you did"

"Sorry. I didn't mean to" Jake scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly. He must have looked so stupid, mumbling about his sexuality like this.

"Can I sit here?" The taller pointed at the space beside Jake who nodded and scooted away, making as much space for the newcomer as possible.

"I'm Jake. Jake Sim" he introduced himself.

"I'm Lee Heesung" the taller male smiled.

The two sat in silence, not bothering to speak any longer but it was the comfortable kind of silence.

Jake turned his head a little only to find the man staring at him. He visibly tensed but relaxed when the man smiled brightly at him again.

"So you are a doctor here" Heesung stated and glanced at his white coat and the ID card that was hanging around his neck.

"An intern to be correct. I still have a lot to learn"

Heesung hummed. Silence fell once again. In a distance he could see old patients sitting in groups and eating fruits, some youngsters were getting their physical rehab done, nurses chatting away under the cool shades of trees, and a group of kids playing near the swings. It was peaceful.

"What do you do for a living?" Jake spoke up.

"I'm a programmer," Heesung said. "I make games to be specific"

"Wow" Jake's eyes widened. "You must be a pro gamer in your school days"

Heesung let out a laugh and shook his head. "Nope. I am very bad at games"

"Really? You give me the vibes of a teenager who would spend his entire allowance in internet cafes"

"I spent my days holed up in the library. They called me round glasses."

It was now Jake's turn to laugh. "You were a nerd I see"

"Says you huh" Heesung chuckled.

The two chatted for a bit and Jake found out that recently Heesung had a minor accident that left his wrist injured and that was the reason behind his visit to the hospital today.

"You guys really do an amazing job at fixing people," Heesung said and flexed his wrist. "It feels like nothing ever happened to me"

Jake shook his head and grabbed his hand, massaging the joints gently. "Don't move your hand like this. It's still sore"

He rubbed his thumb in a clockwise direction to soothe the muscles which according to him were definitely throbbing under the skin.

"You should do some rotating exercises once in a while," he said examining Heesung's wrist and fingers. "It will ease out the tension and would prevent injury"

He looked up and locked eyes with the big doe eyes of the taller who was watching him work silently.

They held the eye contact for a bit longer than necessary before Jake shifted his gaze, making the older look away as well.

"You are good" Heesung cleared his throat.

"I try" Jake smiled.

"I think I should head back in. My break is almost over." Jake stood up and dusted his pants. "It was nice meeting you"

He bowed and turned to walk away before a hand held him back.

"Wait" Heesung took out his phone and extended it towards him. "If you don't mind, can I get your number?"

Jake hesitated for a second before he remembered his friend Jay telling him not to shy away from making new friends and possibly new relationships. Maybe Jay was right and it was Jake's fault why he was still single, so he just smiled and took the phone out of Heesung's hand and punched in his number.

"There you go" he handed him his phone and waved cutely.

"I'll call you," Heesung said and walked the opposite way, giggling.

Jake grinned and went back to his work. He was excited to see where this newfound friendship would take him.



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