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The place was huge. Jake felt as if he was standing in the middle of the mall which was at least eight stories high.

"So" Heesung nudged his side. "What do you think?" 

People were running from one corner to another, with laptops and tablets in their hands, balancing drinks and food along the way. Most of them were dressed in casual clothes which confused Jake because isn't this supposed to be an office?

"It's very unique" He commented, eyes moving around, trying to capture everything.

"Today is a Friday so not many employees are busy," Heesung said and led Jake inside. "Come, I'll show you my office"

Jake followed the older in the elevator where he was met with multiple unfamiliar faces that were greeting Heesung.

Even the elevators amazed him. Glass capsule lifts inside an office? Maybe it's because he has never been inside a proper working place ever in his life but he surely never imagined a company looking this cool and expensive.

"Here it is" Heesung pointed at a black door at the end of an empty corridor that had his name carved into the metal.

"After you" Heesung bowed, earning a smile from Jake.

As soon as he stepped inside, Jake's jaw dropped. He had to blink multiple times to make sure that he wasn't dreaming because the sight in front of him was something straight out of a kid's fantasy room.

"You like it?" Heesung asked.

Jake nodded and walked over to a bean bag and very slowly sat down.

"I'm confused" Jake finally spoke up. "What exactly is your job?"

"I am a programmer" Heesung smiled, sitting beside him. "I make games majorly"

Jake nodded, his eyes not leaving the bizarre decorations in the room.

"Are programmers allowed to have arcades inside their office?"

Heesung laughed out loud because of how genuinely curious Jake sounded.

"Some are," he said, still chuckling.

"Wow," Jake exclaimed.

"I also have a candy machine" Heesung got up and extended a hand for Jake to take. "Lemme give you a tour"

Jake nodded and followed Heesung inside another adjoining room. He was amazed to see an actual arcade beside his work desk that had three monitors placed side by side and a fricking vending machine that had a hundred options, including fresh cotton candy. Don't ask him how it's possible. He is just as confused as you are.

"And this is where I chill" Heesung pushed open a third room which was a bit smaller compared to the other two.

Jake gasped when he saw the gigantic screen and a literal bed. "A bed?"

"Yeah, I don't go back home most of the time," Heesung said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"That's cool" Jake walked in and sat on the surprisingly fluffy bed that was facing the TV hanging on the opposite wall.

"You find all this weird right?" Heesung sat beside him.

"Yes. Very weird actually" Jake admitted.

"Our company wants all the employees to have the best and the most fun environment because we think this way, they will be able to work better and produce good results," Heesung explained. "We even have a water slide attached to the pool"

Jake was impressed and shocked. He would love to ditch his job and join here.

"Wait. You said our company" Jake looked at Heesung suspiciously. "You are the owner, aren't you?"

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