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Heeseung was excited. Very excited actually. He had spent the entire last week planning this date even if it meant ditching work here and there. His plan was simple. He would take Jake out on a food trip in Gwangjang where he had already made a list of shops he thought he would like, then bring him back to his office to play the new video game he told him he wanted to try out, then in the middle of it; Heeseung is going to confess, and if everything goes well, they will go watch the sunset together. That was his grand plan. He was positive that Jake would like it because, for a few days, he has been talking about trying out new cuisines as the younger was interested in expanding his pallete and Heeseung knew just what to do.

All he had to do now was wait till it was 3 pm and Jake to show up outside his office building. Heeseung skipped to his chamber, already feeling giddy inside. He liked the boy, he really did. Jake made him feel happy, he made him feel appreciated, and that's all Heeseung wants from his partner.

"You have a visitor, Sir" his secretary Jisu approached him to hand him the file that had all the information about this visitor. "He says he is here to discuss a business deal with you."

Heeseung took the file and let it sit on his desk, not bothering to open it. He was busy thinking about the date he would soon be going on and nodded for Jisu to let the visitor in.

Jisu bowed and walked out, closing the door behind her, only for it to open again shortly after.

"Morning" a deep voice that clearly belonged to a man spoke up. "Good morning Mr. CEO"

As soon as Heeseung heard this voice, he froze. He looked up from his phone and locked eyes with a very familiar face that had a smirk plastered on his lips. Just like always.

"You look happy today" the man chuckled and pulled out a chair to sit on. "Scored a chick or what?"

Heeseung's grip on his phone tightened, making his knuckles go white. He watched the man make himself comfortable and grin at him.

"Why are you here?" Heeseung said after a solid two minutes, his voice shaking a bit.

The man fixed his tie before speaking up. "As your secretary may have told you, I'm here for business" he smiled and after a short pause, he spoke again. "And also because I wanted to see my baby. Can I still call you that?"

Heeseung paled. He hated how the word baby rolled off of the tongue of this man and he had to do everything in his power to stop himself from punching him in the gut.

"That's my proposal." He pointed a long finger at the brown folder that was resting on the black glass desk. "My husband and I think it would be a good idea for our companies to collaborate."

Heesung's hands shook while opening the file and he mentally smacked himself in the head. If only he had gone through the papers two minutes ago, he would have not let him enter but there he is, sitting across from his ex-boyfriend who did him dirty in the past.

Choi Beomgyu, the man in front of him, sat there smiling like usual. "So what do you think?"

Heeseung wanted to throw the file at his face and call security to throw him out but he couldn't. All the anger that was pent up inside of him for the last six years made him numb.

"Hee? You okay?" Beomgyu asked.

"Don't call me that" Heesueng said through gritted teeth. "And I have no interest in your stupid collab plan. Get out of here."

Beomgyu looked at him for a second and burst out in laughter. "Are you still mad at me?" He fake pouted.

Heeseung had it enough. He slammed his fists on the table, startling the other. "Don't you get it? I don't want to do anything that involves you."

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