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"The cake is a symbol of a happy married life that the couple would enjoy from this day forward. Let us wish them a life full of love and joy." The host smiled and gestured for the newlyweds to come forwards. "So, Yang Jungwon and Park Jongseong, I invite you to slice into this beautiful cake and exchange it among yourselves!

Claps and cheers reverberated the hall. Everybody screamed in joy when Jay picked up the big knife that had a pretty pink ribbon tied around the hilt and cut the vanilla and strawberry cake with Jungwon, ending the ceremony with feeding each other a massive piece.

After everyone had had food and drinks, it was now time for the ball. As the custom, Jay and Jungwon opened the dance, allowing others to join them soon. A very slow song was playing and although Jay is more of a hip hop person, he had practiced day and night for two weeks straight to master this minuet.

Jake was watching the guests have the best time of their lives with their partners and smiled. He didn't come with a date. More like, he had no time to ask anyone to accompany him to today's event because of how busy he had been the last couple of days.

He wasn't much of a dancer but Jake really wanted to hit the dance floor, now that his favorite ballad was playing.

"Hello Sir" a voice that sounded sweet yet electrifying, called out to Jake from behind who was busy drinking his wine.

"Oh" upon turning, Jake found himself standing in front of a very tall and handsome man, wearing what looked like an expensive suit tailor made to fit the man's body perfectly.

"Hi Sunghoon" Jake smiled brightly. He was waiting for him to show up all day long.

Sunghoon put one hand behind his back and bowed. "Will you honor me with your hand for a waltz, handsome sir?" He extended his arm to a very stunned Jake.

"S-sure" he muttered loud enough for Sunghoon to hear and took his warm hand.

"After you" Sunghoon held Jake by the back of his waist and guided him to the dance floor where everyone was busy amongst themselves, including the grooms.

The two men held each other tightly and waited for one of them to start because apparently,  neither of the two were skilled.

"I'm not really good at this" Jake said, trying to lead the dance and copied whatever Jay was doing with his hands such as clasping the other's shoulder and wrist.

"You have the power to sway me as you please." Sunghoon grinned and slid a hand around Jake's waist and held him closer.

"Can I say something?" He grinned and Jake nodded.

"Of the very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly at your service. And I couldn't help but get drawn to your beauty" Sunghoon smiled proudly.

Jake tilted his head trying to understand why Sunghoon was suddenly talking as if belonged to the Victorian era.

"Ravishingly sauve" the taller whispered in Jake's ear, making him almost lose his balance.

"What's up with you" Jake whispered-yelled at Sunghoon who just chuckled in return. "Why are you talking like this?"

Sunghoon twirled Jake and pulled him closer to him, their noses almost touching. "An angel is like you, and you are like an angel. How about we runaway?" He winked at a frozen Jake. "A rendezvous maybe?"

Jake almost forgot how to breathe. Their close proximity was making him go unconscious and he had to give his all to nod ever so slightly.

Sunghoon intertwined their fingers and tugged Jake away from the ballroom. "I know a place"

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