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He stood outside the door, watching the young boy standing beside the man lying in the white bed through the clear glass windows. It has been an hour but Sunoo hadn't left the bedside, his face showing signs of distress and worry.

Another thirty minutes passed and three people, two men and a woman, rushed over to where Jake was standing.

"Is Mr. Kim inside?" The woman spoke in hurry. "They said room no. 309"

Jake nodded. "Yes, you can go inside. Mr. Kim is asleep right now"

The three bowed and entered the hospital room, the woman going straight to give Sunoo a tight hug before diverting her attention to the old man lying in bed.

Sunoo came out within a few minutes and walked straight out, ignoring Jake who had been waiting for him for the past one hour.

The younger took quick steps and entered the lift, not even bothering to glance at the doctor who was running behind him.

"Sunoo wait!" Jake slid a hand inside before the lift doors could shut completely and slipped inside.

"What?" Sunoo rolled his eyes and punched in the floor number he wanted to visit.

"I just-" Jake licked his dry lips and tried speaking but failed. He just sighed and stood next to the small boy.

Jake observed him and noticed dark circles and eye bags. Sunoo looked thin. His squishy cheeks were gone, instead his facial bones were visible making him look ill. His skin was alarmingly pale and Jake felt horrible. Was it because of the breakup?

The lift dinged at first floor and the doors opened. Sunoo exited, followed by Jake. Sunoo walked to the vending machine and inserted money sufficient for two iced coffees. He handed one to Jake who thanked him and opened the other for himself.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Sunoo sipped on his drink and eyed the older.

"Can we talk somewhere quiet?" Jake asked and Sunoo nodded, following him outside the hospital and to the garden at the back.

The two sat on the metal bench in silence. Jake kept playing with the unopened can in his hand and didn't say anything. He had so much he wanted to ask the younger but he didn't know how to start.

"Sunoo" he mumbled. "Who is Mr. Kim?"

"My grandpa" Sunoo replied.

Jake nodded. "Is he okay now?"

Sunoo hummed. "Better than last night"

Silence fell again but it wasn't for long before Sunoo spoke as he too seemed to have a lot to talk about.

"How is" he looked at Jake who continued playing with the coffee can, trying his best not to make eye contact. "How is Sunghoon?"

Jake's jaw tensed. Comparing Sunghoon to Sunoo, the older was definitely living well. Infact, he was a bit too well for someone who just ended an almost two year old relationship.

"He is fine" Jake said. "Working like always"

Sunoo pressed his lips. "Oh okay."

"How are you?" Jake finally looked up and was met with pretty black orbs.

"I'm fine too" Sunoo smiled but Jake knew he wasn't. Sunoo loved Sunghoon. He would do everything for the older but unfortunately they had to part ways and Sunoo was obviously not ready for that, judging by his appearance. He looked broken.

"I'm sorry" Jake muttered. He feels that everything was his fault. There were definitely personal reasons involved but he thinks that the major reason of them splitting is no one other than himself.

"It's not your fault" Sunoo said. "Please don't blame yourself"

Jake felt tears fill his eyes. Sunghoon is his bestfriend and as much as he likes him, he knew Sunoo liked him just as much and seeing the boy in front of so broken and lifeless was killing him. Jake really liked Sunoo. He was rooting for the younger to be the last lover for his bestfriend but destiny had something else planned.

"I hated you hyung" Sunoo looked up at the sky and said to no one in particular. "I thought he would love me if you weren't there. I resented you so much at one point that I pretended to be sick so that he won't leave me and stay with me. I thought keeping him away from you would help the situation but I guess I was wrong. You were always the one for him"

Jake didn't say anything. He felt extremely bad. He remembers Sunghoon coming to hang out with him even when Sunoo was alone at home.

"I knew you were the one for him from the start yet I tried ignoring that fact and started living in delusion. It's my fault. I broke my heart myself. It wasn't Sunghoon or you. It was me."

Jake felt a tear drop on his cheek and he quickly wiped it away with the back of his hand.

"I loved him you know but he loved you. He has always loved you and I see why. You are amazing hyung. I think you are the best person for him. I really do"

Sunoo looked at Jake and smiled at him. A genuine smile. "I wish you guys the best in life"

The younger got up and dusted his clothes. "Thanks to him I met so many nice people. I'm always going to cherish our time together and I'll try my best to move on and heal. All I ask you is to not blame yourself. It's nobody's fault."

Jake watched the small figure walk away and enter the hospital building again, completely disappearing from view.

Jake sat on the bench for what felt like hours. He kept thinking about what Sunoo has said. He felt bad, yes, but he felt that it was finally time he was honest with his bestfriend and most importantly himself.

Smiling to himself, Jake fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed a familiar number that he had memorized twleve years ago.


I wanna hug Sunoo so bad :(

Also, thanks for 800 reads!

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