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"Jaeyun-ah"  Sunoo gasped when he heard his boyfriend mumble a not so foreign name.

It was early morning when Sunoo realized that he was alone in bed with no signs of his boyfriend beside him. Thinking that the older might have left to get himself a cup of water, Sunoo got up and sleepily walked down the stairs to the kitchen only to find it deserted. Because it's not Sunoo's house, he hesitated a bit but decided to explore the huge house and try and find his boyfriend.

He checked on both floors, he knocked on each door but there was no sign of the older. Before he could turn around, a very faint noise of glass cluttering caught his attention. He strained his ears and realized that the sound was coming from the far end of the corridor where there was nothing but a balcony he had never seen.

Holding his breath, he tiptoed towards the source of sound that kept growing and halted right outside the door, where he could hear faint whispers. He creaked open the door very slowly and poked his head in to find his already drunk boyfriend unscrewing a brand new wine bottle.

Sunoo shook his head and pushed the door wide open and started walking towards the older. "Hoonie what-"

"Jaeyun-ah" he stopped in his tracks and a gasp left his lips which he quickly covered with his hands.

He waited for Sunghoon to turn but he didn't. All he did was mumble this particular name over and over again. He was crying and smiling.

Sunoo has never seen his boyfriend cry like this and his heart ached but before he could rush forwards and wrap the older in his embrace, the same name left Sunghoon's lips for the fifth time, making the smaller halt once again.

He stood there for what felt like hours, trying to hold back tears. Flashbacks of the past few days started playing in front of his eyes like a movie. Days where Sunghoon had chosen to hang out with his best friend Jaeyun over him, days where he went to bed feeling unworthy because his boyfriend didn't want to see him, days when he observed the older distancing himself were rolling like some kind of a film.

Not thinking anything, Sunoo shut the door and bolted down the stairs, straight to Sunghoon's bedroom and slipped his clothes back on, bolted straight out of the house, and drove his car back to his apartment.


"You okay?" Sunoo felt a tap on his shoulder and shook his head, trying to forget about last night's events.

"Yeah" he mumbled. "Why?"

"You kinda zoned out" Sunghoon replied. He looked worried.

"I'm fine" Sunoo smiled.

"Here" Sunghoon placed a plate of hot sizzling samgyeopsal he had grilled and cut into bite-sized pieces. "It's done"

Sunoo picked up a piece of reddish-brown meat and put it in his mouth only for him to jump in his seat because of how hot it was.

"Careful" Sunghoon chuckled and handed him a glass of water, helping his boyfriend get rid of the burns.


Today was a special day. It was their 500th day anniversary and Sunoo had asked for a day's leave to celebrate it with the older. It was his idea to go glamping and enjoy barbecue under the sky. At first, he thought his plan wasn't fancy enough considering the fact that Sunghoon is someone who prefers expensive restaurants and resorts over a tent in the open fields, Sunoo was relieved to see his boyfriend enjoying himself. He even cooked the meat they had bought along with them.

"You have something on your face" Sunghoon took a napkin and wiped Sunoo's lips who blushed under his touch.

After eating and drinking till they dropped and after Sunghoon had cleared the table and collected all the trash, they decided to move inside the tent as it was getting colder

Sunoo is rich. Filthy rich like his boyfriend. He could have easily booked a cottage for tonight but instead, he decided to get themselves a little cozy tent with a fluffy mattress and cute decorations.

"I thought this was a nice place. I hope you are okay with it" Sunoo mumbled. The thing is, he had recently watched a drama where the leads spent their anniversary in a somewhat similar glamping area and since that day, he had been meaning to do something of the kind with his boyfriend.

"I like it" Sunghoon plopped himself on the small white couch and opened his arms. "Cuddles?"

Sunoo blushed and trotted towards him, sitting on his lap.

"I got something for you" Sunghoon fished out a small box from his trouser pocket and handed it to Sunoo who gasped in shock. He was almost certain that Sunghoon had forgotten about their anniversary but no, here he was with a present that Sunoo had totally not expected.

"Wait, this is-" he undid the ribbon and opened the dark blue box to reveal a silver and pink bracelet.

"Happy 500 days" Sunghoon whispered in his ear and softly kissed his cheek. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" Sunoo yelped. "It's beautiful" he leaned down and kissed his boyfriend. "Thanks, Hoonie"

Sunghoon smiled and pulled the younger towards him and locked their lips in a passionate kiss, making Sunoo completely forget about last night's events.

Maybe he was wrong, he thought. Sunghoon was drunk like hell and maybe he misheard what he was saying last night. Sunoo came to the conclusion that it was nothing but a misunderstanding on his part. How can he doubt his boyfriend's love for him when here he was with him, kissing him like crazy. Yeah, Sunoo should probably stop overthinking things too much. Jake was his best friend and he was his boyfriend. Clearly Sunghoon loved him more.

"I love you" Sunoo mumbled in the kiss, earning a giggle from Sunghoon in return before they resumed their kissing session.

But why did Sunghoon not tell him that he loved him too? Did he not hear him? Or is it because there is no love?

No, this can't be true. Right?



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The glamping spot~

100 reads already?! Wow thanks guys!

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