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"What can I say," the man smirked, "I just love him a lot."

He walked over to the group of people standing together,laughing and drinking some sort of expensive alcohol, his leather shoes echoing on coming in contact with the marble floor.

As he strutted, all heads turned towards him, his silver hair and jet-black suit catching everyone's eyes.

He smiled, knowing the effect he had on people. Making sure the buttons on his cuffs were secured, he made his way to the group and halted some distance away.

He turned to look at the two women who were trailing behind him, wearing pretty gowns, and pointed at a brunette standing in the middle of the group.

"Him," he said. "That's the man I love."

"I see." One of the women spoke up, squinting a little. "He is cute."

"And looks well brought up," the older of the two added, smirking at her brother. "You have great taste, baby bro."

Riki chuckled. "Of course."

He waved goodbye to Sana and Mina, his older sisters, and coughed twice, catching the attention of the men who were busy talking about something.

"Kim Sunoo," he cleared his throat. "May I steal you for a moment."

The brunette looked from behind a taller man, and his eyes instantly lit up. "Of course you can."

Sunoo, the heir of the biggest chain of restaurants after his brother, half ran, half jogged towards his boyfriend, grinning cutely.

"Hi," he said, extending his hand for the other to hold.

"Hi," Riki said, intertwining their fingers tightly.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" The taller asked, eyeing Sunoo's friends who were looking in their direction.

Sunoo nodded, dragging Riki outside the grand hall, murmuring apologies as they made their way to one of the secluded balconies.

"So?" Sunoo gazed at the moon shining brightly in the night sky.

Riki ran a hand through his perfectly gelled hair, not caring that he just ruined his hair stylist's hour long hard work.

He stared at Sunoo's side profile, contemplating where to begin.

"Stop staring at me," Sunoo said, looking at the distressed man in front of him. "Is everything okay?"

Riki nodded. His brain seemed to have shut off. Before he could think properly, he blurted out, "Happy birthday!"

Sunoo started laughing, his hands clutching his stomach. "You said that already."

Riki nervously giggled. "Yeah, I did."

Sunoo cupped his cheeks and stroked his jaw with his thumb, Riki instantly melting into his touch.

"What is it?"

Riki took a deep breath and nodded. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."

Sunoo's heart stopped, his smile faltered, his hands dropped by his side, and his knees almost collapsed. Did he hear it right?

Riki shook his head and grabbed Sunoo's hands, placing them back on his cheeks while holding them tightly in place. "Let me finish." He said hurriedly, seeing tears roll down Sunoo's face.

"I meant, I don't want to be your boyfriend because I love you, Kim Sunoo. I love you so much that when you call me your boyfriend, it hurts for some reason." Riki said, his eyes fixed on the shorter man's face.

"I don't want to be your boyfriend because I want to be your husband." He said, almost shouting. "I love you so much, but I want our love to be legal. I want everyone to know that I love you and that I am yours and nobody else's!"

Riki removed one of Sunoo's hands from his face and placed it on his heart. "This beats for you. And only you, Kim Sunoo."

With that, Riki pulled out a black velvet box from his pocket and opened it to reveal the prettiest emerald ring.

He sat on his one knee and hiccuped. "Will you accept my proposal and be mine for the rest of your life?"

Sunoo didn't have to think. He nodded his head, which made his tears fly everywhere, but he didn't care. He crouched down and hugged his boyfriend tightly. No, not his boyfriend. Riki was now his fiance.

"You idiot," he said, wiping his face with his sleeve. "You gave me a heart attack."

Riki chuckled. "I'm sorry."

Sunoo sniffled. "Don't do this ever again."

Riki smiled and slipped a hand across his waist. "Kim Sunoo, I love you. And I will never leave your side. I promise."

He said, sliding the bright green ring on his lover's finger.

Sunoo grabbed the taller by his tie and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. "And I love you, Nishimura Riki."

Sometimes, love comes unexpectedly. Met four years ago in a bar when Sunoo was sobbing over his long forgotten past, this stranger helped him realize his worth. It was fate that bought them together that night where they met again, and love blossomed.

How beautiful it is, love. When he was least expecting it, when he wasn't even looking in that direction, it happened. Ever so slowly, gently, and all at once. Even in the softest corners of his heart, Nishimura Riki is in all of them. Now, and forever.


Because Sunki deserved a happy ending!

Thank you for reading BESTIES!!! I love all of you guys sooo much<3

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Thank you for reading BESTIES!!! I love all of you guys sooo much<3

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