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Jake relaxed in the leather-covered seat of Sunghoon's Audi when he felt the wind ruffle his hair gently. The sunroof was open and a light breeze was filling up the car with a few sun rays illuminating the two boys' faces. It was Sunghoon's idea to make a quick stop at McDonald's instead of taking Jake directly home because the entire ride the boy's stomach kept rumbling and his mood was definitely cranky, which only happens when he is hungry.

"Why would you dip fries in milkshake?" Sunghoon scrunched up his nose and pointed at the now pink fires in Jake's hand. "That's disgusting"

"It's not," Jake said, stuffing his mouth with his favorite snack. "You should try it"

"No way I'm mixing potato and milk" Sunghoon shook his head.

"But you are eating potatoes and drinking milk aren't you?" Jake raised an eyebrow.

"But I'm eating separately and that's a different thing" Sunghoon took a sip of his oreo mcflurrie.

"It's all getting mixed inside your stomach," Jake smirked. "All the cheese, potatoes, meat, and your milkshake are collected inside your body that turns into a big ball of greyish looking matter-"

Sunghoon took a nugget and shoved it inside Jake's mouth. "Do not talk biology when we are eating"

Jake smiled and munched on the fried piece of chicken and took a sip of his strawberry milkshake. His favorite menu.

"Do you have any plans for today?" Sunghoon asked, wiping his hands on the napkin.

"Nope," Jake finished the last of his drink and collected all the trash that he put inside the plastic bag for throwing it later. "I have no plans"

"So" Sunghoon pressed the gas and started the car. "Do you wanna come over?"

Jake watched Sunghoon drive smoothly despite the traffic and he has to admit, Sunghoon looked really hot. His shirt sleeves folded upto his elbow and the tiny necklace peeking out from his collar, and his hair that was neatly styled revealing just the right amount of forehead made him look hotter than any kdrama actor out there.

"What do you say?" Sunghoon glanced at Jake who nodded his head.

"Only if we watch Vincenzo," he said, suppressing a smile.



"The fact that you have watched this drama almost a hundred times and still get excited really says something." Sunghoon had tuned himself out and was now watching Jake who was glued to the screen.

"Says what?" Jake looked at him for a split second before focusing back on the scene in front of him.

"That you are obsessed" Sunghoon chuckled. He got up from the couch and walked away to the kitchen, leaving Jake alone in the living room.

Jake continued watching his drama but he was suddenly out of it because all of his senses were focused on the male who was previously sitting next to him. He got up and followed him to the kitchen where he saw Sunghoon sitting there on one of the tall chairs with a beer bottle in his hand and mindlessly scrolling through his phone.

"You can't drink beer right now. It's 2 pm" Jake shook his head and sat down next to him.

"I didn't know there was a specific time for happy hour" Sunghoon snickered and took another sip of his drink.

Jake sighed and took the bottle out of his friend's hand, placing it away on the kitchen counter. "You gotta take it easy man. I know you recently broke up but you are damaging your liver this way which should be the last thing you wanna do"

Sunghoon watched Jake get up and fill him a glass of cold water. "Drink this"

He obliged. "It's not because of the break up" he spoke up.


"You were busy and I got bored so I thought why not have a drink" Sunghoon smiled.

Jake ran a hand through his hair and looked away. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You can go back to your drama and I promise you that I won't touch any alcohol" Sunghoon patted his shoulder.

Jake shook his head. "I'm bored too. Let's do something fun."

Sunghoon's ears lit up. "Like what?"

"Do you want to make cookies?" Jake's eyes sparkled when he saw Sunghoon hop out of the chair and enthusiastically started pulling out ingredients from the shelves.

The thing about Sunghoon is, that he is an excellent chef. He can cook fifteen different types of cuisines and more than fifty different desserts. He is the man you want to have as your husband and if Jake was being honest, he would agree with his whole heart.

Watching Sunghoon whip cream and eggs was always fascinating to him. Whether they were kids or grown men, Sunghoon had always been the one in charge of cooking along with Jay, but when it was just the two of them, he would go am extra mile to make something new and delicious for Jake.

"Twenty minutes and they will be done" Sunghoon set the timer and washed his hands. "I made chocolate-flavored ones"

Jake's favorite. He smiled and followed Sunghoon back to the living room. The two sat down but Jake suddenly noticed something.

"Why are you sitting there?" Jake asked Sunghoon who was sitting at one corner of the couch, all the way from where the older sat.

"No reason" he played with the hem of his shirt.

Jake found this odd. Sunghoon doesn't really have a problem with skinship and he would always, no matter how many people were present, find a spot right next to Jake. What troubled him was that Sunghoon had been maintaining his distance for a couple of days now, and that annoyed Jake.

"Tell me Sung" Jake got up and scooted as close to him as possible. "Why are you sitting away from me?"

Seeing Jake's blank face up close lowkey intimidated Sunghoon. He shifted his gaze to the floor but failed because Jake's chest was blocking his view.

"No reason" he repeated. "I just like this spot"

Jake nodded and backed off but he didn't go back to his old spot. He kept sitting right next to Sunghoon, his thigh rubbing against his. For a few minutes, the two sat in silence but soon Sunghoon's leg started shaking and Jake was quick to notice.

"Are you alright?" He put his hand on his thigh and tried to calm him down.

Sunghoon didn't say anything. He kept staring at the place Jake's hand was lying so comfortably on his leg as if it was supposed to be there.

"You want to know why don't you?" Sunghoon cleared his throat and finally looked at Jake whose eyes were full of worry.

"Know what?" Jake questioned.

"Why I'm trying to sit as far as possible from you," Sunghoon said and Jake nodded.

"Well," he took a deep breath and brought his hand close to Jake's face. "Because whenever I'm close to you, I wanna do something to you."

"Do what?" Jake's eyes traveled to Sunghoon's hands and he gulped. He was sweating.

"Something that best friends should not do" Sunghoon cupped Jake's face gently and leaned in.

"What if I want you to do it?" Jake muttered softly.

"Are you sure?" Sunghoon raised an eyebrow.


Jake's eyes closed instantly when he felt Sunghoon close the distance between them. He could feel the warm breath of the taller and soon, he felt his chapped lips caress his own.

What was supposed to be a simple peck, turned into a heated make-out session. Jake was panting under the person who is supposed to be his best friend. He was getting marked by the person he least expected but most wanted. From this moment on, their relationship changed, and Jake wasn't sure if it was for the good or should it have been left the way it was because, after today, there is no going back.


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