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"Yo, Sunghoon my man" 

A well-dressed Jay walked through the wooden doors with his fiancé and greeted his friend.

"Sup bro" Sunghoon high-fived him. "Hi, Jungwon. How have you been?"

Jungwon, a small boy with light brown hair and a very pretty smile bowed politely. "I'm great. Thanks for inviting me."

Sunghoon cooed at the younger male before letting them in and guiding the couple to the living room where two people were already sitting.

"Jake Sim" Jay extended a hand towards the shorter male and gave him a stern expression.

"Jay Park" Jake shook his hand twice and nodded.

"Can we stop this already? I'm tired of you guys playing pretend games" Sunghoon rolled his eyes and made himself comfortable beside Jungwon on the couch.

Jake and Jay looked at each other once and burst out laughing. They love playing games. Be it sports or video games or their pretend games, Jake and Jay are obsessed.
For a week or so, the two have been living as if they are two professional detectives in the 90s whenever they are around each other. Talking in the old dialect, throwing stern looks at each other, and even talking about made-up conspiracies. Sunghoon was fed up with these two kids trapped in the bodies of two grown men. (Ps- My cousin and I play pretend all the time and it's so fun)

"Jungwon" Jay called out to his fiancé and pointed at Sunoo, "meet Sunoo. He is the same age as you"

Jungwon's eyes sparkled and he smiled at Sunoo who almost pinched his cheeks.

The two hit it off instantly, having a lot of things in common, especially their love for dogs. Jungwon fished out his phone and started showing his new friend pictures of his dog staying with his parents back home.

"So" Jay looked at the younger boys giggling together, not paying any attention to anyone in the room, "did they just drop us?"

Sunghoon laughed and pulled his friends to sit beside him on the couch. They had a lot to catch up on even when they met just a week ago, the three can never run out of updates.

"I have tea" Jake very proudly said, catching their attention.

"Spill" Sunghoon encouraged him.

"I think" Jake looked at the two of them with a glint in his eyes "that I may be getting out of my single phase"

Pin drop silence. Jake could hear his friends breathe and the distant talking of the younger boys. "Guys?"

Jay looked at Sunghoon before fixing his gaze on Jake who was confused as to why his friends weren't relating to such a crucial piece of information.

"You" Jay pointed a crooked finger at him, "and single belong in one sentence"

Sunghoon nodded, "yeah, he is right"

Jake let out a shaky laugh and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm serious"

"I'm not buying this" Jay said and picked up a diet coke from the table and sipped on the cool drink.

"I'm not lying." Jake looked at Sunghoon, "I really have a good feeling about this one."

Sunghoon looked at his best friend and smiled. "You think so?"

"Yes!" Jake's eyes lit up. "I really think that he is the one"

Sunghoon ruffled his dark brown hair and patted his head. "I believe you"

He listened to Jake trying to convince Jay and tell him how he had been on a couple of dates already with his dream man for the rest of the night. He tried his best not to let himself slip but it was getting harder each second as the vodka he was drinking was finally starting to kick in.

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