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Nostalgia is the heart's way of reminding you of something you once loved. Or someone who once was your everything. It travels in many forms; a song, a scent or as photographs, but no matter how it comes to you, nostalgia will always have the same bitter-sweet taste. It is an indefinable emotion- almost like happiness, a lot like sadness with a hint of longing thrown in for good measure. It is like the briefest moment of time travel. In that single instant, you experience all the memories, sentiments and feelings you once held for something in your past-like an emotional echo.

The tears sting his eyes when the melody played. He used to play the same song on his piano with his lover who is laughing with somebody else. The words that they both once sang to each other feel empty and meaningless now. The songs that he shared with him on that dark night haunt him in his sleep. He asks himself, where did it all go wrong? Was it his flaws that made him fall out of love or was love never there to begin with? Everything is in the past now and instead of letting the echo of his lover's voice fade away, he keeps repeating it in his head, only to drive himself crazy.

His tall figure and his ethereal smile is right there. The person he loves is right in front of him but why does it feel so far? He can see his handsome face glisten with happiness then why does it hurt him? The answer is simple. Because the reason behind his eyes crinkling isn't him. It's somebody else.

Sunoo got up from the velvet couch and walked away. Away from all the guests who seemed to be enjoying themselves tonight. His escape was interrupted a couple times but he managed to slip out of sight. Today was a special day. It was his friend's wedding day and as much as Sunoo wanted to skip, he couldn't becuase Jungwon was very excited for him to attend and how can Sunoo say no to him? Infact, he had even decided his outfit last month but after everything with Sunghoon, his heart didn't feel like doing anything. What's pathetic is that even today, he missed him and seeing Sunghoon smiling with his new boyfriend pained Sunoo.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the second floor balcony expecting to be hit by a gust of wind. Instead, he was met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes that looked extremely familiar.

The guy was tall. Very tall actually. He was wearing a dark grey suit with a white shirt that hugged his chest. For a second Sunoo felt small in front of him because he didn't look as fancy as this guy but that soon disappeared when the man, or rather a young boy, smiled at him and extended his arm for Sunoo to shake who stood rooted to his spot, staring at the stranger.

"We meet again" he spoke and his deep voice sent chills down Sunoo's back.

Sunoo tilted his neck a bit, trying to remember where he had seen him before but when no name came to his mind, he hesitantly took his hand and shook twice. Maybe he was related to one of the investors who worked with him.

"I should say its destiny" The boy mumbled before turning around and facing the Han river that was flowing a few meters away from the venue.

Sunoo thought about leaving him alone but something was telling him to stay. The two stood there in silence, feeling the breeze caress their faces and letting their hair sway with the wind.

"The moon is pretty tonight" The boy spoke, shattering the comfortable silence that had wrapped itself around them.

Sunoo craned his neck to look at the moon and indeed it was pretty.

"It's a full moon" the guy turned to look at him and spoke. "They say if you make a wish under the full moon, it will definitely come true"

Sunoo scoffed. "You believe in these things?"

The boy nodded. "I do"

"Go on then" Sunoo said. "Make a wish"

The boy smiled and closed his eyes, mumbling words that Sunoo couldn't make out.

"Done" the guy grinned.

"What did you wish for?" Sunoo asked curiously.

"I cannot tell you that" The boy shook his head. "It's a secret"

Sunoo laughed. "You are a kid"

"I'm not" the boy frowned. "I'm 23"

Something in Sunoo's mind clicked. It's as if he has heard the exact same sentence somewhere but he couldn't point out where.

"Can I ask you something?" The boy spoke again.

"Yeah" Sunoo replied.

"Do you believe in destiny?"

Sunoo thought for a while. If the same question was asked to him a month ago, he would have said yes. But now he has no answer.

"I'm not sure." He admitted.

The guy hummed. "I think destiny exists"

"Why?" Sunoo asked.

"Who knew we would meet again" The boy muttered and looked away.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hear you" Sunoo said but he only received a smile in return.

"I wished that you would heal and move on" The boy whispered into the night, catching Sunoo off guard. "I hope you find the one for yourself"

Sunoo froze. In his mind, he knew exactly who this guy is. He remembers having a similar conversation not long ago but where?

"You" he squinted his eyes and studied the boy in front of him. He has definitely met him somewhere.

"I'll take my leave" The guy smiled at him once and started walking out of the balcony but before he could get out of sight, Sunoo recalled everything. Everything that happened that night.

"Nishimura Riki" he called out, stopping the boy from leaving.

They stared at each other for a minute before Sunoo's lips formed the biggest smile. "It was nice to meet you again"


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Kim Sunoo

Nishimura Riki

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Nishimura Riki

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