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Sunghoon tossed his phone on the couch and sighed. He had just called Jake and told him to meet him at his place as soon as possible knowing well enough that Jake would drop whatever he was doing and jump all red lights to rush over. He should not have called him but it was too late now. Jake was already pounding on his door.

"Hi" Sunghoon opened and waved cutely.

Jake rushed forwards and started running his hands all over his shoulders and back in an attempt to find any injury.

"You okay?" He breathed and felt Sunghoon's forehead which was thankfully not burning up as he had thought.

Sunghoon shook his head and dragged Jake inside his house which was for some reason messier than usual.

"What's up Sung?" Jake asked him worriedly, only to receive silence as a response from a very red-looking Sunghoon.

"You don't look okay," Jake said. "But you don't seem to have a fever" he mumbled the last part, his doctor senses kicking in.

Sunghoon didn't say anything. He couldn't. Sunoo's words were ringing in his ears and that was making his cheeks turn into tomatoes.

"You were busy, weren't you?" Sunghoon studied Jake's appearance and felt guilty for asking the male to come to visit him on such short notice.

"No, I wasn't." Jake quickly slid his white coat and let it drop off his shoulders, hitting the ground softly. "I was free" he smiled at the taller who refused to make eye contact with him.

"Tell me" Jake made Sunghoon look at him. "Everything okay?"

Sunghoon looked at his dark brown orbs and his insides were suddenly filled with warmth. He had a sudden urge to grab his head and kiss the fuck out of Jake but he resisted. He just broke up; how can he go around kissing random men? Technically Jake isn't a random man and he has already kissed him once but Sunghoon doesn't want to think about anything right now.

Without thinking anything, he got up and scooted to the opposite corner of the couch, almost five feet away to prevent himself from blushing any more in Jake's close proximity. (His couch is that two pieced sofa that forms the L shape)

"What-" Jake was confused but was abruptly cut mid-sentence.

"We broke up" Sunghoon blurted out. "Sunoo broke up with me today"

Jake's mouth fell open. He had not imagined this best friend getting dumped like this out of nowhere.

"Why?" He said, still not buying it. "Weren't you guys crazily in love or something?"

Sunghoon scrunched up his nose and gave Jake a weird look who was waiting for an answer.

"Don't use the L-word" he said. "It's too cringe"

"What do you mean too cringe? You guys loved each other, didn't you? Or was it just in my head?"

Sunghoon shook his head. "I don't think I was."

Jake slowly nodded. He has been noticing his friend's mood whenever Sunoo was around and now that he thinks about it, Sunghoon seemed to have been fed up with their relationship, judging by his actions towards the younger.

"Are you okay?" He asked the taller.

"Yeah, I am. I actually was anticipating this break up" Sunghoon calmly replied.

"What was the reason by the way?"

Sunghoon froze. He doesn't know whether he should tell him that he was most of the reason why Sunoo called off their relationship. Should he just say it was because of differences? No, he is sure Jake won't buy it. What about not finding time? Yeah, that would work.

"You see" Sunghoon scratched the back of his neck and looked away. "We weren't able to spend time together these couple of months because of our busy schedules. So we thought it would be best to part ways"

Jake studied his face closely and Sunghoon crossed his fingers subtly. He was definitely the worst liar ever.

"Okay..." Jake mumbled. "What did he say exactly?"

Sunghoon pretended to think and ended up telling him about how Sunoo got angry because they couldn't go out on dates. He basically told him everything, filtering a few details here and there but Jake seems to have sensed it. He was deep in thought and looked bothered for some reason.

"Anything else?" Jake raised an eyebrow but Sunghoon saw something other than curiosity and worry on his face. He saw guilt.

"I don't think so" He hated lying but if he wanted to protect his friendship, Sunghoon had no choice but to lie.

Jake ruffled his hair and sighed. He looked troubled and for an instant Sunghoon thought he was about to tell him something but Jake just shook his head and stood up.

"Can I shower here? I smell like disinfectant"

Sunghoon grinned because Jake indeed smelled like the hospital waiting area.


Jake felt horrible. He was blaming himself for their break up. Even though it wasn't really his fault because Sunghoon was the one who kissed him but why did he kiss him back? Why did he kiss a man who was already dating somebody? And why did he enjoy it? He knows the answers to all these questions but Jake wants to act otherwise. He wants to pretend as if he didn't see Sunoo standing right outside Sunghoon's bedroom that night. He wants to pretend that he didn't hear the younger run away crying. He wants to pretend that he has zero feelings for his best friend but how? How can he do that? 

As if to answer his biggest question, Jake's phone rang, and seeing the caller ID made him feel even more guilty than he had been feeling earlier.

"Heeseung," he said picking up. "Hi"

"Jakey" the older sounded enthusiastic. "Can we meet tomorrow? Please?"

"Yes, we can" a small smile crept upon his lips. "Do you have something in mind?"

"I have a surprise for you" Heeseung giggled on the other side, earning a chuckle from Jake. "I'll text you the details tomorrow"

"Alright," he smiled. "See you tomorrow"

With that, Jake hung up. He had to slap himself lightly to shake off the giddy feeling. Heeseung cheered him up but he was confused. Inside was the guy he had had a crush on since he was fifteen, and on the other hand, was a guy who was slowly creeping his way into his heart.

He was confused, to say the least. Sunghoon or Heeseung, who should he choose?


Just realized that I spelled Heeseung as Heesung everywhere 😭😭😭
Please ignore this error guys!

Also, this chapter isn't edited, so expect mistakes. 

And ty for 400 reads :)))))

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